Did you enjoy this fucked up movie, Sup Forums?
Did you enjoy this fucked up movie, Sup Forums?
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It was surprisingly well made on a technical level when compared to bottom of the barrel "fake snuff" flicks like august underground, murder set pieces, tumbling doll of flesh etc. etc. but I doubt I'll ever watch it again. I'd like to see another film from the director tgough but I won't be surprised if nobody wants to work with him now.
>I doubt I'll ever watch it again
Because it'd be too boring or because the thematic is simply too fucked up?
Why not?
It was nice to see something unusual. I really loved the way it showed the family's way of thinking about sex and the way they shared with their kid.
Idk if it's good or bad that I didn't find it repulsive.
I guess the movie is a metaphor, is it about how the government uses you until it doesn't need you anymore?
Any more titles for "fake snuff" films? Sounds like something I'd like to get into
>I guess the movie is a metaphor, is it about how the government uses you until it doesn't need you anymore?
I think so, yeah. I read it's about how the Serbian government treats (or used to) its citizens.
I liked the flick when it came out when I was an edgy Sup Forumstard and watched it a few times. I do remember it being pretty well made, I think it's just a decent thriller but I think I should rewatch it before judging it cause I'm not the same person I was when I saw if the first tie.
>In an interview, Serbian actor and film directorDragan Bjelogrlićcriticized the film: "Shallow and plain wrong — sum up my feelings about this movie. I have a problem withA Serbian Film. Its director in particular. I've got a serious problem with the boy whose father got wealthy during the 1990s — nothing against making money, but I know how money was made in Serbia during the 1990s — and then pays for his son's education abroad and eventually the kid comes back to Serbia to film his view of the country using his dad's money and even calls the whole thing A Serbian Film. To me that's a metaphor for something unacceptable. The second generation comes back to the country and using the money that was robbed from the people of Serbia, smears the very same people by portraying them as the worst scum of the earth. You know, when the first generation of theRockefellersfinishedrobbingAmerica, the second one built museums, galleries, charitable organizations, and financed America. But in Serbia we're seeing every segment of society continually being taken apart and for me this movie is a paradigm of that. I've never met this kid and I really don't want to since that meeting wouldn't be pleasant at all."
I think the film is rather superficial and lacking substance.
After reading how the director considers the film, the attempts to shock seem incredibly ham-fisted and crude.
yes, good comedy.
Why do people even call this shit horror? It's not scary, it's just disgusting and vile.
>Why not
Seemed completely pointless other than being shocking and edgy. And I think when you go as far as A Serbian Film did with what it shows and implies you should have a good reason
No but was an hell of ride.
It surprised me that for how hot many of the women are I was too horrified to think about them in that way. I am generally able to "disconnect" from the context.
Should be renamed to A Jewish Film for accuracy
You don't want me to say it.
Didn't it have a bunch of social commentary on the porn industry and eastern europe? People just dismiss it because omg shock factor.
I don't see the connection to be honest
It's Sup Forums, everything is always the Jews' fault.
This scene made me feel sick desu
Edgy for the sake of being edgy.
He is literally fucking his preteen son. It's not shocking, its just fucking stupid
It was funny doe, you don't enjoy black comedies ? The ridiculous ass tearing noises alone made us lose it
There wasn't even one nigger in this film though
What's going on in this scene again? It's been so long since I watched this
Me too, especially when I realized it was his son and when I saw how he had torn him open to the point his thighs were covered in blood. Dunno, but was the thing which hit me the most of the entire movie.
>edgy for the sake of being edgy
Into the trash it goes
It's the most edgy movie I ever saw. Even more edgy than fedora tipping shit like Religulous.
man is fucking his son, his brother in mask is fucking the man's wife
I dont understand
>but I know how money was made in Serbia during the 1990s
You said it was a black comedy
ba dum tiss
The soundtrack was kino
I wouldn't say I enjoyed it.
I just HAD to see it, just so I knew what the fuss was about.
I laughed most of the way through it due to its absurdity... by the end of it I was pretty much like "what the fuck did I just watch?".
I didn't dislike the film but I've not been in a rush to watch it again since the first time.
country was under embargo, so people transported oil, cigarettes and other shit from romania and bulgaria.
criminal, plain stealing from other richfags, or stealing from country
inflation, for example 1 dollar was 10 dinars, tommorow it was 1 million dinars. so if you were crafty and knew right people you could've became a billionaire
8mm with Nicholas Cage.
I thought it was so extreme that it was kind of funny to be honest
muh Serb were never evil but used by bigger fucks throu the history:the movie
shit movie with a shitier message
>muh Serb were never evil but used by bigger fucks throu the history:the movie
how the fuck did you get that from this movie?
MC is Serbia
director was sad that no Big Serpska happened
I got a boner after the woman appeared and died from self-inflicted vaginal trauma because the horse serum made her extremely horny. What's wrong with me.
Do you also enjoy Guro?
it's ok
I got a boner just watching him raping a little boy, and the shot of his bloody legs
It's not about serbian government, it's bullshit director made up to make his shitty sh(l)ock movie seem like some high art project.
war profiteering and other kind of scumbaggery one does during war.