This is aesthetically beautiful, but boring as fuck
>could have been an inspiring story about how mankind is rsesponsible about evolving itself by sending the monoliths into the past, with a function of tracking down human progress, and unknowingly making mankind evolve into its current state
>no, it were LE EPIC ALIENS XD!!!
Redddit befor it existed, man
If you can appreciate the beautiful cinematography, special effects, and atmosphere then you don't find it boring.
If mankind evolved itself by sending monoliths into the past, then how did they get evolved enough to gain the ability to do this in the first place?
It's kind of boring in the same sense of why stalker can be boring, despise the well written progression for the character.
It has nothing going except for visuals and sound.
It's slooooooooow.....
Whenever HAL's dialogues popped in i had a massive boner probably due to sensory deprivation.
Figures the untermensch wouldn't understand the underlying themes of transhumanism in this kino
If you found it boring you wouldn't have watched it all the way through in the first place or wanted to, assuming you did that.
>it has nothing but visuals and sound
That's literally what the movie is built around, and they're above and beyond the quality of the kind you see in most movies to compensate for that.
>sensory deprivation
i liked it, but i still don't get it.
I know this is bait but it pisses me off that's the shitty kind of modern thinking that made interstellar so bad.
Yeah 2001 really needs a reboot. The effects haven't aged well and it really needs a more powerful villain. I mean HAL is a super powerful robot right but he doesn't even fire lasers or missiles or anything? WTF was Kubrick thinking? Also cut out all that boring stuff about the big rectangle or whatever, who cares. Just get to the action, no one has time for that.
What is boring about it?
I did sat through its 2 hours length, because i was genuinely curious and baffled. It was a weird feeling of boredom and comfort
Style Over Substance: The Movie, just like Blade Runner.
I didn't watch it till I was almost 30 and found some of the scenes pretty tedious to watch. I had to force myself to note that all the effects were done they way they were because no one had done anything like it before. I liked seeing what was basically the birth of many modern sci-fe effects.
I agree with you op. I barely looked up from Candy Crush the whole time. What even was it about? Boring, next!
There is nothing in the movie that indicates the monoliths have anything to do with aliens.
Literally Kino
it's 2 and a half hours.
>weird feeling of boredom and comfort
So the movie had a unique effect on you.
Agreed with all of you. Much better movie while high.
Definitely needed more action and the soundtrack is really dated
It also really lacks in diversity to be honeet.
Typical Jew movie replacing Jesus Christ with some dumb rectangle. Fucking Hollywood hates traditional values.
>implying the monolith wasn't sent by God
Jesus, thank god you're not a writer because that's cliche as fuck
Cut out the part with the monkeys and all the space travel and all that weird stuff at the end and you MIGHT have a movie worth watching... Kubrick is a hack
>bitches about LE EPIC ALIENS
>somehow LE EPIC TIME TRAVEL is better
It's really just an Interstellar ripoff with a lower budget
Some of the worst CGI I've ever seen.
literally the first time i ever fell asleep during a movie
not joking
still great though
Was it during the moon conference room scene? There's something dozy about that part for me.
Did it work?
Yes! Thanks for asking senpai.