what could he have possibly meant by this?


Other urls found in this thread:



He won't be smiling once his old ass gets raped in jail.


He means "thank you for your support, fans".

The voices sound pretty white to me, too.

Blacks are worse than the English or Scots for envying others' success.


Holy shit, you know inside his head he was thinking how ironic this scene was

I'm not familiar with prison rape mentality. Is it an accomplishment to be the one who rapes Bill Cosby, or a faux pas?


This will become a modern classic.

wtf cosby is guilty now

>rub your dick and vagina with bbq sauce



all i can say is stay strong black jurors

>implying the niggers won't protect him and worship him as the Messiah

Why is this man so based, tee vee? My sides.

this, even president obama bowed to him

Isn't there a statute of limitations on this shit? How can the women prove anything?

she can't, that's why the jury can't make up their mind.

They can't. The aim was to get money, but what will happen is he'll be found not guilty, but condemned in "the court of public opinion", and that will be all the successful African-Americans warned that they don't get to stop towing white Marxists' party line. I usually say "niggers", not African-Americans, but if anyone deserves to be called an African-American, it was Bill Cosby. They're going to gradually rewrite history until people think Malcolm X was a success and MLK a failure, and it's all part of keeping 21st century niggers on the Democrat plantation.

I can't believe a couple of roasties are trying to ruin this poor mans career. he literally did nothing wrong.

>its a Sup Forums has to choose between hating women and hating blacks episode



this, he'll be adored. half those inmates grew up watching cosby and shiet.

>implying he won't get off

There's 2 niggers on the jury. Cosby is walking away from this a free man.

>That pretty thick girl up front

Daddy like.


He'll get off because the jury just want to get home to their families.
If they find him guilty, that's even more time they have to spend on this.
The judge practically yelling at them to have a verdict ALWAYS makes a jury swing to not guilty out of spite.

Isn't there some law that you can't send a guy over 75 or something to jail?


> if anyone deserves to be called an African-American, it was Bill Cosby.

but he didn't want that!

I never understood why he, being such a huge star at the time, would have to drug women to have sex with them.

Add to that that it must be insanely boring to have sex with basically unconscious women.

Why did he do it bros?

That was actually pretty creepy. Everyone went silent after.

Bill Cosby is based as hell, which is why (((they))) have tried to destroy him.

It's particularly awful that they waited until he was old so he wouldnt be able to defend himself and they could claim anything he said was him going senile.


He didn't do it.
(((They))) are bringing him down.

>it's a Sup Forums is stuck defending a black rapist because muh false accusations while claiming massive gang rapes by refugees are totally real because horny women said so episode

Wow, even more based than I thought!

Even if he did it I'll always support him. When a female Attorney General was audacious enough to say that she'll defend every victim even the liars if for nothing else to ensure the actual victims always feels comfortable enough to prosecute the ones who rape them, I knew then that a bitch can lie, fuck you up, and the fucking law will still side with her. Bill Cosby is now and forever more My hero.

tl;dr eat shit, bitch!

>When a female Attorney General was audacious enough to say that she'll defend every victim even the liars if for nothing else to ensure the actual victims always feels comfortable enough to prosecute the ones who rape them

Source? Did she really say that? That's quite crazy

He even notes that calling your kid Mohammed is an affectation. Incredible insight.

>muh false equivalency fallacy

really the best you could do faggot?

how blind is he anyway?

i wanna see what he sees

>wh-why would you highlight my hypocrisy, faggot?
Geez, is the banter too much for you, sissy?

>calling your kid x is an affectation
Do show me the objective value of naming your kid Callum, dude.

>500 sexual assaults in one night is the same as some women going after a rich guy 30 years after the fact for money

mate you're a fucking idiot, don't ever reply to me again with that weak shit.

I've read it. It exist. Where, you'll have to google it. She literally said because prosecuting liars frighten victims to remain silent. No evidence of this they gave us,because according to them they have to protect the supposed victims. But they don't prosecute liars. Guy, a black guy, was in jail for years and it came out it was all a lie. White guy, same thing. And each time the 'victim' suffers no ill because of her lie.

sexual assaults in one night
And where are you getting this number? From women's claims? lmao

Listen and Believe, am I right, sister? :^)

>a massive conspiracy can take place over night throughout multiple cities

you're trying wayyyy too hard, it's kind of weird talking to some newfag try to fumble his way through his first bait.

>I've read it. It exist. Can't show you right now, the government might be onto me.

Don't defend what ought to be exterminated, your lies have fallen on deaf ears for years.

>>a massive conspiracy can take place over night throughout multiple cities
>he's still pushing horny women's claims as the truth
Sorry, dude, you set yourself up to this standard, all women are lying cunts except when they're not because muh refugees.

We favor whites, we want death to Muslims and other dross. This is Sup Forums.

>Don't defend what ought to be exterminated
I'm sorry your parents named you Keith, but that doesn't mean they deserve to be shot.

Just kidding, they do.

wtf I fucking love Bill Cosby even more

No, we're not pro-white genocide here, you will have to go back to that site you belong to and prefer, named reddit.

mlk wanted socialism too you retard

I could give two shits whether you believe me or not. It exist, I saw it, I followed the link I was on Sup Forums raging for weeks. Your problem is you're a lazy cunt and you want me to do all the heavy lifting while you sit at home and play with your cat. Bill Cosby's a national treasure and no moody subversive good goy's gonna tell me otherwise.

>I could give two shits whether you believe me or not.
Don't get me wrong, I totally believe you're delusional enough to insist it's real. You could at least whip up something on Photoshop, though.

Yeah, it's right next to the law that says cops gotta tell you they're cops if you ask.

I meant at what he was trying to achieve. MLK persuaded the whites, Malcolm X confronted and vilified them, and when he discovered his error, was murdered by blacks. The way they're trying to change history, being at all likeable to white people will mean "selling out", when it's the only way to achieve anything.

>it's a racist guy totally knows more about what MLK wanted to achieve than MLK himself episode
I fucking love cringekino.


I made this SAME THREAD and only got two (you)'s
No respect

I haven't seen anyone literally do nothing wrong this much since Adolph Hitler

You're one of those people who believes good governance is obeying the will of the people.
Still, google is your friend. I will not make your life easier. Or go to Sup Forums and make up a thread about it. Some one's bound to have every facet of it, they're kinda fanatical about these type of things.

I have not been following this argument at all but I just want you to know Malcolm X dying had nothing to do with black vs white and everything to do with the Nation of Islam being a borderline cult.

op here, I saw your thread earlier and noted that you had done two things wrong

first, the image you used wasn't eye-catching, and second, you asked "who was in the wrong here?" instead of "what did he mean by this?"

just these small details are the difference between a successful thread and a slide thread

>tfw think he's a scumbag but loving the trolling he keeps pulling out during this
I wish the trial were open to the media more like the Zimmerman one

Not that guy but I'm trying to find anything though google but im having a hard time of it
>we all know (((they))) already buried it

yeah you got me. upon seeing your thread "what did he mean by this" was the better meme opener
you deserve it man proud of you

Don't you get paid leave during jury duty?
I've never done it but it seems pretty comfy (might be just out of laziness though).

It was to do with nigger hatred and failure. MLK was murdered by them ultimately too, but he lived longer and is appreciated.

Why was it called "the Cosby" show if their last name was Huxtable and his first name was Cliff?

Depends on your job. I worked at a Del Taco and they said I could have 3 unpaid days for jury duty. After that if I didn't show up to work they would fire me, and they did.

t. Ahmed

You're not MLK are you? Nothing I'm saying is contradicting the record or his public statements. What he was trying to achieve was clear, and he succeeded. Malcolm X failed twice, first as a racist agitator, secondly as a reformed advocate of peace and brotherhood.

Don't go into marketing loser.

wait is this true? once I hit 75 I'm free to do whatever the fuck I want with no consequences like it's The Purge 365 days a year except only for me?

>brb asking Sup Forums

Nice double quouting me, Biclops

you can have half my (you)s if you want

Why was one of their daughters whiter than the others?

good luck kicking shit grandpa

haven't you realized by now majority of people are hypocrites?

Because the actors were not, in reality, Bill Cosby's children.

It's funny because he raped those women in real life!

hell yeah I used to fear growing old but now I welcome it



Yeah sure thing they weren't

That should be illegal tbqh

america land of the free lol

it is. they just know that 95% of wagelets are too dumb and timid to do anything about it. most managers are pretty good at deducing that.

How many women came forward so far? I'm willing to bet a lot are lying but could they all be?

The statute of limitations has run its course for most of the alleged rapes, but this rape was supposedly in 2004, which is still within the time frame of the statute of limitations (which is 12 years in PA for sexual assault cases, and Cosby was charged in 2015). The DA decided to press charges against Cosby for this 2004 incident after all the other rape allegations started piling up and some of the testimony from the 2005 civil suit became public in 2015.

More than 40.

60+ women have come forward claiming Cosby raped them.