We're reaching Hamill-levels of UNJUSTING

We're reaching Hamill-levels of UNJUSTING

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Guess how long til he's fat again.

how much loose skin do you think he has?

He's hot.

his body still has weird proportions but his face legitimately looks good

pretty impressive

When you have money you get it surgically removed. Its almost impressive to stay fat if youre rich honestly

>girls on twitter calling him sexy now

Okay, but where's Brad Pitt?

Is he doing this fore a role? That's pretty impressive.

Is this what happens when French people bully you too hard?

Someone tweet this to that French whore just to rub her face in it.

His whole schtick is being the fat funny guy sidekick

It will be difficult for him to fit into a new type of role but I hope he manages it to spite that frenchie

How do you go from this

why do you fags always claim that Hamill unjusted? He was never that JUST to begin with, he lost some pounds and grew a beard... nothing hard to do.
Same for Jonah Hill, except that he was really overweight.

Heartthrob male lead in a romcom when?

We are never going to see the wacky Kino antics of Jared and Jonah going to Subway, so he might as well just drop stoner comedy for good, go full Chris Pratt, and become a sex God.

I'd like to see his jawline without that beard

Hey, dude looks pretty handsome without 20 extra pounds on his face and the jewfro. Nice frame too, he'd look great if he started lifting.


>out of my way French fucking shits!

Proof that bullying works.

>veins pomping out of his forearm and bicep

holy shit, kino arms.


The french qt that mocked him mercilessly really got the best of him

now he's unfat, unfunny and unjusted

People accept him because he's perfectly suited to playing the nerdy and greasy Jew stereotype, does he think anyone wants to see Jonah Hill play a Chad? Does he think women are going to be "Let's see the new Jonah Hill movie, he's such a beefcake"?

She won't care, Jonah already revealed himself as a beta that can't handle the bantz


he looks good but not hollywood good tier and now he can't play fat roles

he's fucked either way but at least his life is way better than mine will ever be

I remember reading somewhere he's determined to get a male lead role that doesn't rely on fat jokes.

>heart tattoo

watch out ladies!

no shit he wants the fat jokes to stop.

August 2017

fatty is always a fatty

fat jonah is inevitable.

Did all of you screencap my post about him offing himself in the next three years? Here's another chance

People don't see movies because of the actors anymore, silly. Unless you're elder god tier like Tom Cruise or Kevin Spacey.

Is it 3 years starting now or 3 years from the original post

>still a manlet


Chris Pratt's whole schtick was being the fat retarded manbaby.
Look where he's now.



i would watch this gay porno. jonah would make a great bottom.

He should stay unJUSTed, it's disgusting watching his weight yoyo. Better yet cast him in a movie where he actually gets unJUSTed on screen.

we're all gunna make it bros

Let's kick it up a notch and say two years maximum, starting now.

Solid progress. He now has to shrink his head or grow his shoulders to look more proportional


Jesus Christ, Shaq has big feet

for you ___________________ __________________________________________

To this

stop posting shoops


Chris Pratt went from a fat manbaby to a good looking, buff dude. Jonah went from ugly obese comic relief, to slightly overweight- average looking dude

Millionare actor who can afford cocaine, personal trainer, professional chef and nutritionist loses weight.

Shocked i am!

That's just gross. I know you were looking for THICC replies but she's just fucking fat and also ugly

he should get that loose skin cut off and hop on steroids and get jacked

the skinnyfat look doesnt suit him

Can I have a quick rundown on what happened to him with french people?

Plus all the time in the world. I'll never understand why people hype up "Hollywood miracle bodies!" If you're in Hollywood and don't look like a walking God, you're a fucking lazy piece of shit

damn hes looking really good. good for him

This isn't exactly true. Theatre directors and film directors, in other words, not businessmen, usually have no idea what kind of characters it is they're casting. Beyond it being a part of the process, they use auditions to figure out what it is they want out of a performance. With a strong audition an actor of any physical type can get the director to come around.
Jonah Hill is also in demand. With his fame, he doesn't have to work to find roles. Sure, he can't be an action hero or a Nicholas Sparks lead or some shit like that, but someone of his caliber probably doesn't care for those roles. Philip Seymore Hoffman for example was an eclectic actor and he was a fatso.
t. Professional actor

YOU stop posting shops

Even if he was 6'4 he'd still look tiny next to shaq

>He will soon get fat again just to tease people who can't lose weight
What's his endgame?

Don't forget Leo

Are you jewish too and have nepotism working for you also?

how much flabby skin do you think he has under his shirt?

also it's too late, he probably has stretchmarks everywhere and that shit just doesn't go away

But Hoffman was several orders of magnitude more capable than like, 90% of Hollywood.

That website is surprisingly accurate

Google lists Grant Gustin as 6'2 but when I met him he was barely taller than me(I'm 5'10.5). Why do actors lie about their height?

Tfw full of stretch marks

It doesn't make any sense, I was skinny even before I had a growth spurt

>Why do actors lie about their height?
insecure actors worried about their money/self worth

with his money he'll probably get it all pulled tight

he's done this before and went right back to obese didn't he?

bound to happen again. i wonder how that works when you get all the excess skin removed

if he get surgery and has it pulled...would that mean he would rupture if he blew up to fat jonah again?

Getting rid of large amounts of weight is fairly easy, but getting it back is 10000x easier.

9:10 if you're fat, you'll always be fat and there's no hope to get rid of it for ever.

Honestly famalam any actor that graduates from a good MFA program is of Hoffman's caliber too. What sets good actors apart is their imagination, not their technique. My argument is that he could be successful and artistically fulfilled without having to do Hollywood at all.

Shaq could probably rape his ass in broad daylight and there's nothing no one could do to stop him

Well, he IS a very big guy...

It was for a role

Shouldn't take more than two average dudes to take Shaq down desu

1 Mike Tyson could do it with relative ease


lol does he even have a career anymore?

how is hamil not JUST?

Big Show can stop Shaq and save Jonah's chocolate covered star of david fish.

lost weight, grew a beard, got a non-voice acting role etc

can't be fucked finding the picture

What's the matter with his right leg? He looks like a pirate or ostrich.
Are the thighs the places where he stores all the low hanging skin so he needs bigger pants?

>Big Show weight: 383lbs
That can't possibly be healthy

chris pratt was never close to the fat levels of jonah hill, pratt was like overweight hill was obese

being 7ft tall aint healthy in general

>still has a huge floppy double chin
>lose skin, lose skin everywhere
>uber manlet


It's the healthiest he's ever been senpai

Jonah is so fat he needed a bigger box for his yearbook photo.

>how much loose skin do you think he has?
since you can see his nips in this pic and they're damn near his elbow it must be fucking horrifying under that shirt.

>When you're so short they even add the quarter inch to your height

All that can be repaired.
He went through major weight loss twice without losing his Norwood 0 hairline. He's in his 30s, rich and can afford to get surgery AND he has his hair. Hair is much more important than weight.

I'd literally rather stay fat.

Chris was a proper fucking hill billy wasnt he?


Still a jew.

Still is. Check his feeds for when he posts something personal. He's pretty dumb and rightwing for hollywood stnadards

That shit must have hit him hard

he's such a faggot

Go home, weather girl.