All boards are unifying for a joint operation. Sup Forums is invited to join. We are going to war against the hillshills. We are taking on Correct The Record.
>Correct The Record Elrod, Adrienne | Communications Director - HRC Texas Communications Director 07-08 Ritzman, Sam | Research Director Strider, Burn | Senior Adviser Wright, Isaac | Daily Operations Director Cohen, Elizabeth| Treasurer Morgan, Michelle| Assistant Treasurer Elizabeth Shappell Communications Director Elizabeth Price | Deputy Communications Director Ritzman, Sam | Research Director Strider, Burn | Senior Adviser Executive Vice President American Bridge 21st Century Wright, Isaac | Daily Operations Director Cohen, Elizabeth| Treasurer Morgan, Michelle| Assistant Treasurer Susie Tompkins Buell | Fundraiser Connor Shaw | Special Projects Benjamin Williams | Research Associate Ryan R. Migeed | Digital Writer Camden Weber | Assistant Press Secretary Amanda Taylor | Karpay Digital Team Lead John Newman | Digital Strategy Manager Daniel Wssel | Press Secretary
Elrod, Adrienne | Strategic Communications Director for HRC (previous CommsDirector for CtR) >Correct The Record Elrod, Adrienne | Communications Director - HRC Texas Communications Director 07-08 Ritzman, Sam | Research Director Strider, Burn | Senior Adviser Wright, Isaac | Daily Operations Director Cohen, Elizabeth| Treasurer Morgan, Michelle| Assistant Treasurer Elizabeth Shappell Communications Director Elizabeth Price | Deputy Communications Director Ritzman, Sam | Research Director Strider, Burn | Senior Adviser Executive Vice President American Bridge 21st Century Wright, Isaac | Daily Operations Director Cohen, Elizabeth| Treasurer Morgan, Michelle| Assistant Treasurer Susie Tompkins Buell | Fundraiser Connor Shaw | Special Projects
many on the Sup Forums thread are finding the connections these names have with other entities.
A big thing we need is deeper dox on those named. #'s, email, addys, political donation history etc.
Isaac White
kek wills it, clearly.
phase 2 will be infiltration. Once we get deeper info, we will embed patriots into their network
Sebastian Lopez
Leo Sanchez
is that you kgb agent vendetta
Dominic Moore
Gabriel Russell
Have a bump
Jason Rodriguez
kek will kill your enemies.
all he needs is an address
Julian Morris
bump for intrest
Wyatt Hill
Bump for lets burn these faggots houses down tonight
Anthony Torres
What are we supposed to do to the?
Carter Roberts
Thread with info is this way.
Isaac Mitchell
Reporting in. Will fuck their shit up.
Nathaniel Hughes
*do to them
Are we just doxing them and than laughing about how good of hackers we are? What's the endgame?
Jayden James
In the ghostbin t9k7j, why are some names in (((echo))), while such names as Rebecca, Benjamin, Morgan, Adam Talbot some (((forgot))) to mark...?! (for other people, one would need to see face to recognize...)
Christopher Hughes
they're jews
Kayden Butler
> they're jews
most are, but only some are marked so... (I've just meant, that the marking is incomplete, it almost seems that 2-3 exceptions in that firm are jewish, while I'd bet it would show to be opposite, that 2-3 exceptions will not be such... -- firm, specializing in lying and deception...)
So you finally found me Sup Forums, now you have to come and get me. You think wrestling me down will be easy do you? Well it wont be. I'll kick, scream and bite you everywhere on your body while you pin me down. W- what's that? You want to spank me, do you? Well do your worst!
Someone throw some skypbux my way and give me their numbers and I'll fuck with the cunts all day
Dominic Gomez
Let's send a bunch of Jill Stein memes to spam their Twitter. The heat will fall on someone else.
Andrew Stewart
Have any other ideas fuckface? Who knows what you will uncover, at the very least you will annoy these endless fucking shills
Jaxson Myers
here, have a whole lotta info on one of em. do it for the keks
Wyatt Gray
/Not your privjet army
Fucking vodka niggers.
Brody Myers
We could trace their money.
Jack Turner
Bumped because this will be a lot of fun
Oliver Green
Send them this. Let's say anonymous is backing Jill Stein.
John Moore
We could go for their families
Eli Harris
I'd prefer pizza deliveries and framing the green party.
Adam Russell
Damn, for people working for a propaganda machine, they don't take internet anonymity seriously at all, do they? One could positively ruin some lives with all the info they share.
Joseph Wilson
Dylan Brooks
>Drumpfkins think they can actually top Correct The Record
Gavin Roberts
We won't quit.
Elijah Martin
Is that Chink Uggo wearing a wig?
Gavin Walker
You can't punch a puddle enough times to stop it from seeping into a crack.
These are people with no lives. The undead of the internet. They will not stop. They only infect those that they interact with and create more undead. Whose sole purpose is to enact whatever their goal is. Because they have nothing else to do.
Jordan Adams
Time to erect the kekord
Ryan Walker
never underestimate the free time of a NEET
Andrew Williams
Don't respond to CTR shill threads
Flood Reddit news sections with Hillary corruption posts
That's how you win bros
Asher Gomez
Reposting from the Sup Forums thread ...
Logan Gomez
Reposting from the Sup Forums thread - 2nd...
Gavin Barnes
Reposting from the Sup Forums thread - 3rd...
Elijah Cox
Reposting from the Sup Forums thread - 4th...
Isaac Reyes
Fuck David Brock
Oliver Wilson
Can you cite this? If true, I mean to spread it around incessantly.
Angel Russell
Reposting from the Sup Forums thread - 5th...
This one is interesting, because yesterday it was here in another thread , but with exchanged face of a merchant and it did not have a meaning...
Alexander Lopez
Joseph Rivera
Adam Wright
Isaiah Torres
Just the claims that (((Shultz))) was campaign co-chair in 2008 and that Kaine was DNC chair and also recommended Shultz.
Jordan Mitchell
Jacob Barnes
its 6 million now
Julian Bennett
Reporting from the removed Sup Forums thread... 7th
> Can you cite this? No, I just happened to save the thread including linked images, and now feel sorry, that it would be lost, because posted on a wrong place...
About Tim Kaine being chair of DNC you may read on his page in Wikipedia... Was Debbie Wasserman co-director of HRC campaign? I do not know, but it should not be that hard to verify...
Oliver Ross
Thomas Reyes
Is Sup Forums really collaborating? I thought they were anti-Trump
Brody Edwards
Reposting from the Sup Forums thread... I've missed the 6th.?
Michael Jones
>Redditors Sure, yeah, it's Reddit's fault.
Brody Kelly
Reposting from the Sup Forums thread... 8th.
Jaxon Brooks
But bruh, I'm lazy
Anthony Bailey
Eli Cruz
Anti slide bump
Nolan Martin
Reposting from the Sup Forums thread... 9th.
Dominic Morris
Jordan Thompson
Reposting from the Sup Forums thread... 10th.
This is last. The other were memes and slander or were not that much interesting...
Jaxson Peterson
The shill is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a newfag, cuck, shitposter, faggot, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a shill and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
anti slide bump
Alexander Harris
Actually, I made the command to document all of the shills and provide the information.
Justin Sanchez
Jose Watson
I support this.
Christian Richardson
What if Sup Forumssters joined en masse? Started redpilling normies while simultaneously stealing money from the Clinton camp?
Grayson Rivera
This is how you Correct the Fucking Record.. Yeehaw!
Flood Reddit with Hillary corruption facts , this election is all about getting Bernie Bros to vote for trump. Tell them if they want to get back at Hillary and the DNC vote trump. 90℅ percent of the internet lurks and doesn't post you need to create the perception that everyone thinks Hillary is a crook that's what nigger correct the record faggots do with these shill threads. They're just there to waste our time and argue with ourselves instead of spreading trump propaganda.
Brayden Garcia
All the more reason to remove them.
Grayson Clark
It's about truth and justice.
Jonathan Rodriguez
Good things happening here.
David Morgan
This is especially intriguing.
Brandon Phillips
the shills are violently shitting their pants and sliding HARD this morning
bump to counter these chumps
Landon Ramirez
Yeah. These people need to be force fed an endless river of shit.
Nathan Mitchell
This thread is much better than all the shit being spammed to bury it.
Lucas Lee
This smells like shit. Observance of meme magic is not a filthy Muhammad-tier killing doctrine.
One big step in defeating CTR on Sup Forums would be to NOT FUCKING REPLY to threads that are clearly propaganda or bait. CTR wants to have as many negative Trump threads on the board, don't fucking bump them. This is not for discussion with us, it's for any stupid normie who hears about "Sup Forums nazi frogs" on MSNBC and comes here, so they see and read all the anti-Trump propaganda and think even here there is only a tiny amount of support for Trump and his racist sexist hate speech etc.
Do not let the board get flooded. Look for neutral or positive threads to discuss stuff. If you see a bait thread with a certain topic you want to discuss and which might be of interest for others, make a neutral or Trump-positive one to discuss and to bait THEM into replying and bumping the positive thread.
That's the first fucking step. Look at the big picture. When I came to Sup Forums today, I had to hide 15 obvious shill/bait threads and wasn't even half through the catalog. This shit can't get on, it's tiring, it's polluting the board and it is playing right into CTR's hands. Use common fucking sense, people.
James Kelly
reporting in
John Powell
They are not only here but everywhere. This is more important than your personal convenience on a chinese cartoon forum. This could be a major step in taking down the (((globalist))) machine
Adam King
>Strider, Burn
This guy has been running on Soros' money his whole career
Jaxson Carter
To clarify a little more: Of course not acknowledging them is a big part in keeping our own neighborhood clean, but something needs to be done. We have to tackle the problem at the source.
Dominic Sanders
so fucking stupid, its COPY PASTA, obvious (You) attention crying or CTR shills.
so fucking dumb
Jack Long
look at these threads
fucking brain dead uselessness
holy shit Sup Forums i'm about to REEEEEEEEEEE
Bentley Cox
The shills are panicking and are desperately trying to slide us
Jacob Hill
Bumping because I decided last night to ramp up my efforts too. Fuck these shills.
Ethan Cruz
Well they shouldn't have fucked with the wrong asshole of the internet then.