ITT: films you regretfully do not understand the hype for
ITT: films you regretfully do not understand the hype for
The Mist
Upstream Color
Blue Velvet
Fucking pic related. I know it's a Sup Forums darling but my god it's remarkably okay
ooh look at me, I don't enjoy good films
Like, yeah, I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't call it one of the greatest films ever made.
Didn't like it at all. Usually when I dislike a "classic" I can at least see why other people like it, but this one really didn't have any qualities whatsoever.
Aw I actually really like Casablanca. I will admit that I didn't think it was anything special on my first viewing, but it really did grow on me on my next couple. I would understand if someone didn't enjoy it though
Ozu used those two actors so much I can't figure out what movie it is just from the screenshot. Since you're obviously a huge pleb and haven't watched 20 Ozu movies like I have, that has to be either Tokyo Story or Late Spring.
it's just because all asians look the same.
Literally no substance: the film
Upstream color was good but the mood made me soo sleepy.
It had been years since the last Mad Max movie had been released so fans were excited to see the crazed australian cop return to the big screen. Helps that it was action kino and had no cgi, only practical effects
Lol. It's Late Spring.
>Japanese family dynamics
>What is marriage, if you really think about it?
so that makes it a masterpiece?
it had a bunch of cgi, it was just fairly subtle
Who says its a masterpiece? I recently rewatched it and noticed it has some glaring flaws. The flashbacks Max has are out of place and go nowhere. They never explained who or what the swamp people were. The satellite implied civilization was still going on somewhere else and max becomes a secondary character in his own movie.
It's good and impressive that it doesn't feel painful to watch for how long it is but the payoff is awful and feels like it's making fun of you for investing all your time into it.
The internet
The internet also says Deadpool and Guardians of the galaxy were good movies. What does the internet know
to me it felt like everything I hate about arthouse flicks
*the internet including most of Sup Forums. I think all of the Mad Max series is pretty lame so maybe that's my problem
Most people like it because it was a straightforward action flick. It had little plot to get in the way and the action scenes looked great. For a summer blockbuster it's pretty good
Hard to pick any other film as PTA's worst though.
Any of the cohen brother's pieces of crap, besides true grit
Also twin peaks
Not regretfully though. This movie is so fucking bad (good effects for the last sequence though)
>Vince Vaughn as a drill sergeant
God I hated that movie.
Haha people are so afraid to say anything bad about Chinatown
As one of those losers who likes pretty much every Ghibli movie, I get aggressively angry every time I see this movie praised
don't feel bad man, twin peaks is fucking bogus. but not liking any coens except true grit is pretty goddamn weird
I don't care if it is a meme at this point; the fact that Rogue One got love from Star Wars fans is a low point in film reception history
My nigga
Coen Brothers are overrated as fuck
True Grit and O Brother are good though
I felt the same about Fish Tank.
nigger u straight up gay
I am so sorry that you two feel this way. Have you seen Blood Simple? Barton Fink? The early ones?
I'll take heavy-handed, on-the-nose films for $800, Alex
Seven Samurai
this, a 2 hour long car chase is not that engaging
If someone tells you how much they REALLY enjoyed pic related, you know you're dealing with a compulsive redditor
Don't forget that the director is old as dirt and was still doing his own thing even though it's worthless, only the second Mad Max film is any good and that was a total fluke, and that he announced a black-and-white release for no fucking reason to tickle the nutsacks of fanboys.
I feel like this movie has one idea that it just drags out too long.
That or there's some prerequisite philosophy that you need to have studied to really get anything out of this shitbag film.
I don't know I think Blue velvet is one of Lynch's best, understandable though friend.
Uncle won the Palm d'Or a few years ago
i know, why dont u like it i love it
I like Lynch but hate that Blue Velvet gets all of the love. Thanks for being kind though friend
I would love to know why anyone loved it. I read a buttload of reviews and everyone praised it for purely esoteric reasons. I just didn't think the slow build up and (in my opinion) random shots added up to anything of genuine substance
I feel you man, I think it's just because of how accessible it is compared to the rest of his work. That and Dennis Hopper is just so good in it, I preferred Mulholland Drive desu. And no problem, why argue when we can discuss kino?
To be fair, I also went in to Twin Peaks expecting to love it, but thought it was overdone and schmaltzy. Hopper's dialogue is so cringey and forced to me, idk. No argument, just don't like it I suppose.
>One of the best horror films ever
Haven't watched twin peaks so can't really say but Idk I just stumbled on blue velvet so it was a good surprise for me. I think it depends on what you compare it to, in any other film I'd probably agree but with the tone that film sets I think it's perfect.
just a shit film
This film is pure genius in its visuals. Beautiful really. If you're not used to the new wave movies in the first place this is a bad starting point to get into.
oops forgot pic
i haven't read any reviews on it, but i was under the impression that it didn't sit well with most critics, i don't see it being well received overall
i understand that you didn't like the static images and asl, and i think slow cinema is not easy, and weerasethakul is slow to the extreme
but to me those static images make the film almost like an essay film, but the director removes the narration
i also found it was quite hypnotic, i think it's 2 hours and a half and at no point did i feel bored
i dont think there's any buildup to anything in the film (maybe you mean before his death?)
it's not a new wave film though
Is it...dare I say it...overrated?
No, man.
Been a classic rock nerd for like twenty years and I hated this movie
Yes. It had the music and cinematography, but the story... I fell off about halfway in.
can't believe I got memed into watching this nonsense
Nice. Never got the love for this one
The entire fucking series or any MCU for that matter.
>Seven Samurai
Interesting... it's one of my favorite movies of all time. I find it gripping and fascinating. Although of course, not perfect. Any particular reason you don't like it?
Now this is definitely a pleb opinion. Seven Samurai is GOAT.
What satellite?
this film is widely considered a masterpiece for a reason senpai
Double suicide when?
what reason? don't quote other people
Mixed feelings about this one. Some really good parts but other parts are just meh.
It's so obvious. Hara didn't wear kimono in Tokyo story
>genuinely hilarious dialogue (sorry that it was over-memed, that's not the film's fault)
>non-linear scenes that actually make you pay attention instead of being an attempt at mystery
>several great characters that are acted well
I think you self identity as a Gib fan is blocking you
Try to open up
It was all right, but I cant understand the amount of praise it gets though I suspect some praise it with their dicks.
I honestly feel sorry for you.
2001: A Space Oddessy.
Cannot stand that movie.
Eyes Wide Shut is God tier though.
>watched Fury Road and all he got out of it was a 2 hour car chase
>doesn't like fucking Seven Samurai either
massive fucking pleb
It's an extremely well made film for a first time director.
Fury Road literally is just a two hour car chase, regardless of how much back story is thrown in with it.
Casablanca is one of those movies I think you have to be older to really 'get.' It's all about heartbreak and regret and being mature enough to do the right thing despite those feelings. I remember my dad loved and I watched it when I was young and didn't get it at all. Later in my 30s it totally clicked with me.
What's up with her pinky toe?
You're right. It's not that great.
>Vince Vaughn as a drill sergeant
He was good.
Its just well filmed and an emotional story. not for people who want to see action scenes naturally.
Pic related and Reservoir Dogs are to me legitimatelly bad movies.
I'm not the other guy but I also don't get the big fuzz about Seven Samurai, I mean I liked it but it seemed like just a very old cheesy action movie. What's so special about it?
I came here to post this. Thought it was awful.
the lagoon sequence was too much
I recall not liking ET, though don't recall why.
Hiroshima is better and is less style over substance
nice man, nice
All these pleb opinions in one post...
This is hot garbage holy shit. I mean, if you're autistic and just want to look at mildly pretty pictures then maaaaaaaaaaybe I can understand.