ITT: greatest pleb filters in television and film history

ITT: greatest pleb filters in television and film history

starting off with an easy one

Other urls found in this thread:

prehistoric scene in 2001

true detective s2



the all time goat assblaster of plebs

I like how it's utterly undisputed fact that most filmmakers that made movies from threads like this would regret or cringe at pretentious and inconceivable elements that they made earlier in their careers yet shitposters defends it for the sake of looking patrician.

I'm sure the Coens really regret how NCFOM turned out



2 Fast 2 Furious

fuck this meme is becoming a buzzword now. Stop using it inappropriately. A "pleb filter" is a scene that happens early in the film or series that will make a normalfag stop watching. A whole movie can't be a filter. What is it filtering to? fucking redditors ruining words again like always.

youre a fucking retard

meant for so we're both fucking retards

It's also used to describe something that is generally disliked by most plebs, so asking about it is a good way to determine their taste.

fuck i love this movie -- what about it makes it a pleb filter though?


Better Call Saul


You can add the whole of season 3 too. I have not a single clue about how he's allowed to make this shit. It's a miracle.


Fuck you. That movie is amazing.


You don't understand this thread, do you?

That's why it's a pleb filter. It's a great movie, but plebs will NEVER EVER get it

Whoops, thought you were implying plebs like these films.

plebs don't understand it, they only see the action

A plebfilter is also a movie that is accessible but that some people dislike, outing them as a pleb. Generally highly rated movies that have some quality that a movie pleb wont like.

NCFOM, 2001: A Space Oddysey and There Will Be Blood are good examples.

Personally, Synecdoche, New York is my pleb filter. If someone doesnt appreciate it or a movie that is easier to watch, then they are a pleb imo.

This it was pure kino but not pleb compatible

These guys know what's up.

Breaking Bad vs. Better Call Saul.
Plebs prefer Breaking Bad.

Synecdoche is not *that* accesible, tho. This coming from a great fan of that movie.

it was a reverse pleb filter. bravo, youve outed yourself

Every fucking pleb was railing against it when it was airing. Every capeshit-loving critic was trashing it.


>A "pleb filter" is a scene that happens early in the film or series that will make a normalfag stop watching.
this, except for "early"
Solaris' highway scene is the first thing that comes to mind

t. pleb in denial

The secret to keeping the plebs preoccupied is giving them super hero of fantasy/sci fi to chew on. Us Patricians turn to widely acclaimed films like Sight & Sound's list. We even went a step further and got the plebs into the mindset not to watch these great movies with the introduction of the term "avant-teen".

That makes it a terrible pleb filter you shit, plebs love it because they love the action, nothing has been filtered you fucking shit, a pleb filter would be hated by plebs not loved, how could you have misunderstood such a basic concept you SHIT

You're meant to say this but not reveal which one is meant to be pleb and which patrician, that's the whole bit


Death of the author
I don't give a fuck what the Coens think about what I think about what they made

t. people who can't say why it was so good

it was pretty decent, but not a pleb filter. plebs and patricians alike didnt like it. pleb filters have to be things that plebs dont like because they dont get them, not because they happen to not like them




I guess I blew it.

I just didn't really like the off putting and depressing tone Synecdoche gave.


>I got filtered
No shit


Its still a pretty middlebrow film. Being a fan of it doesn't make you a god of opinions.

good pick


>He said from behind his mesh filter, trying to keep the tears in his eyes out of his voice


This film.

It was pretty mediocre though

This goes for most Eisenstein films. The amount of people I saw flicking through their smart phones when we watched this in film school sickened me to my core.

it was fun for the first couple episodes, but come on

I always get confused are these from Man of Steel, BvS, or the Watchmen?

>Dat match cut
Absolutely Diamonds

Doesn't mean that those parts aren't filler. Its obvious he is stretching the series out a bit.

That's why it's a plebe filter. If you like it you're a plebe.

The CGI and 3D was objectively groundbreaking

so are your opinions.

>need to make a character "inactive" so he isn't a plot problem but doesn't want to kill him
>makes them retarded

Bravo Lynch

Its fun as fuck just for the verhoven ultraviolence and ironic as fuck tone. Like robocop, its a perfect movie you can enjoy on so many levels.


t. plebians


what the fuck meant for

>Ignore authorial intent in favor of the autistic headcannon of someone who doesnt get it
>Wonders why every movie is abot some gay overrated hyped up boring pretentious hipster trash
Congratulations, you played yourself.

That doesn't make it good user. It had a lot of problems

What pretentious and inconceivable elements of NCFOM are you referring to?

Chigurh getting away

No one makes up autistic headcanon for No Country For Old Men though. The authorial intent is pretty fucking obvious to anyone with half a brain.

this is great. i wish the new season could have been more like the film. the noirish soundtrack and the visuals were fantastic, the new season has none of that.
the new season doesn't have anything that comes close to the genius of the pink room scene

none of the pseudo-patricians on here will admit it but lynch lost it...

What exactly is pretentious and inconceivable about that? It's totally in line with the central themes.

is that tom green

They wouldn't give a single fuck. Strong, driven, creative people are like that; they don't let anything change their minds. They make their shit and that is that.

>it's utterly undisputed fact
No it isn't. You just made this up on the spot

>kills like 10 people including a cop over the span of like 3 days in the same area
>numerous people know his face, identity, and contact information
>"lmao he got away because he represents fate and fate is impartial as to who lives and dies"
Completely ruined any sense of immersion in the name of pretentious pseudophilosophy

>Film school

Spot the trust fund failure.

you have no idea what words mean do you

Not an argument.

10/10 user. I'm impressed.

Neither is calling the central themes of a movie pretentious.


Wanted to watch this in my local kinoplex, but it lasts almost 3 fuken hours. Maybe now it's the time.

>the entire point of this character that's reinforced from the very beginning of the film broke my immersion
The film does not need to pander to your autistic expectations of absolute realism. That's on you

The master
>both of them are dead now ;(

Don't read Blood Meridian, you will absolutely hate the Judge.

You think that guy reads?

I don't read pretentious shit. I read what is actually relevant to us right now. Game of Thrones being one. The Dune trilogy being another.

False, the Judge is clearly either supernatural or a figment of the Kid's mind and is the embodiment of evil. Which is completely fine.

Chigurh is never portrayed as either of those. Representing something like Chigurh is not the same as literally being something like the Judge.


>discarding logical and consistent storytelling is completely fine as long as it represents something

>consistent storytelling
Chigurh getting away with murder is consistent throughout the entire fucking movie
Unlikely events aren't illogical. You're retarded.

Being able to escape and that was supernatural though so I don't see the difference. They were both characters with plot armor in order to drive some kind of message.