Previous thread: Rona Munro's episode will only be remembered for the last 5 minutes, not unlike Survival. Fuckin' pottery that is lads.
Previous thread: Rona Munro's episode will only be remembered for the last 5 minutes, not unlike Survival. Fuckin' pottery that is lads.
>Nightmare in Silver
Eldrad must die
>nightmare in silver the best cyberman story
>what is the tenth planet
>what is tomb of the cybermen
YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL ME TO FUCK OFF u stain. just a stain on everything
The Doctor: It's the end, but the moment has been prepared for.
Bill: So he was The Doctor all the time!
Ye it is. Fight me.
I hope Chibnall is very strict and only brings in quality guest writers.
I think Tomb of the Cybermen is the best
Can I tell you to fuck off?
Reminder that Edge is a 15 year old transgender boy
Where is the reported ''what's on tv'' cover of Simm that was leaked?
oi that info is EMBARGOED
Doctor Who? More like Doctor Poo!!
this is all the stream's fault. whomst here remembers when streams were comfy?
He's idealist and professional in his nature so his going full tryhard on his Doctor Who run
Fuck off, Survival is one of the best Doctor Who stories of all time.
Fuck off
ye fuck off cats
CYBES never worked well in new series
They were comfy in 2013.
who /fucoffcats/ here?
They worked in Rise of the Cybermen. After that they were just shite.
i'm interested. has this ever worked for you? have u ever told someone to fuck off and then it happened? please leave a response below and ill get back to you
Reminder that Cats is a 15 year old transgender girl
Stop trying to fit in cats
Reminder that Cats is Adam Orford's 15 year old victim
what did i miss
>Rise of the Cybermen
but the alternate universe was unecessary and kinda spoils for me
so not truly Mondasians
Cats fucked off
Chibnall's incompetence - he thinks State of Decay callbacks are the future?! - is going to be satisfying to behold, considering what a spiteful little virgin he was during the JN-T era.
nothing :(
let's talk about........... Bill
so hot
"Daleks. Do we need 'em?"
>believing the vampires maymay
This is embarrasing even for you /who/
nightmare in kek
>State of Decay
never watched , good?
just went on the stream, i think i know who it is
>That pic from The Doctor Falls
The cyberman has thicc thighs, and it stands similar to Pearl Mackie. Kek, this is going to be hilarious.
She should fuck off just like you
Yes, it's rather good.
I would fucker her
but vampirism is overplayed and cliche?
That's very brave of you
did you mean to post Andrew Buchan?
I'm sorry, but what the actual fuck is this?
christel dee's poundland Tenth Planet cyberman suit
Play a record! Doctor!!
but will Briggs do the singy songy voices
a proper cyberman
kek, the cyberman photo has now been removed from the PR release. accidentally leaked??
Yeah they have the original style voices apparently. This is either gonna be brilliant or really, really bad.
if we keep going, we'll be right eventually
Was Briggs the one who did the voices in Spare Parts?
(Love the word 'imminent'. Whelan is saying a huge leak is imminent. Imminent here meaning however long it takes for some news to happen so he can claim it was released early due to a supposed leak KEK)
A reference to vampires from Time Lord history is, it's a bit of one-off lore best left to ancilliary media. State of Decay is from 1980.
I know the vampire in Zagreus
So do you guys want me to make a trip or not?
Looks like they chickened out on having them have normal hands, which was the creepiest thing about the original Cybes.
Episode 12: The Doctor Trips
proof, they always had gloves
Stop being such an attention whore
Mr Sintix
The very end of Tenth Planet 1.
They were meant to have gloves but the costume folk forgot to give them, so they spray painted the actors hands silver.
Wish they'd give Neil Gaiman another shot at an episode in the future. He seems like he's up for it in any case.
I didn't like Nightmare in Silver, but The Doctor's Wife was an amazing episode. I think Gaiman really shines when doing his own thing, using his own ideas and creations. Telling him to do a Cyberman story ruined Nightmare in Silver.
Seriously, if you replaced the Cybermen in that episode with an original monster from the mind of Gaiman, it would've been so much better. Giant, abandoned fairground planet is such a good setting, but the episode was ruined by forcing the Cybermen in, oh and the child actors.
Jesus you're tiny. yes make a trip an call yourself the manlet terror
dude how did you get in the TARDIS
Also I'm reporting you for being underage
They spray painted the hands silver... for black and white TV... that's so funny lmao
I'm not looking for screenshots to support something I already know, check out the close-up of the Cyberman's hand on the coat at the end of episode one of TTP.
>oh, and cliffhanger from World Enough and Time? Forget it. It's pointless.
That's a glove bro
You can see the veins in it brosef
Because reflective surfaces are undetectable in black-and-white?
I must be honest, though, I never picked up on the reflectiveness, so maybe you're white. Maybe Mr. Ed was a normal horse, too.
Mate, seriously, are you twelve years old?
This is the most futile assertion since people stopped claiming that Jenna Coleman could act.
Yeh you're right, that's obviously a hand on the far right cyberman in this shot too
BBC have been reported have been working hard with their marketing team to find out how to boost ratings with younger audiences and win back viewers that left after the RTD era
Child psychologists have been doing extensive research to figure out what points would resonate the best with child audiences, and multiple focus groups have managed to pinpoint the best working format for Doctor Who
It was found that children and young teens respond best to cgi characters and more a more cartoony presence. BBC execs, also concerned with how well the current branding is received by today's public , as well as making sure the show is relocatable and hip with the 10-15 age margin.
Under Chris Chibnal, Doctor who, with the backing of millions worth of market research, will see the biggest reboot the show has seen since it was revived in 2005. For the first time in over 50 years the Doctor will be played by a cgi character.
I present to you, the thirteenth doctor, and revamped IP... Doctor Poo
Neil's busy with American Gods. I liked both his DW offerings and wouldnt mind a return to the show, but if the rumors are true about Chinball's writer's room that possibility is pretty unlikely. Unfortunately the closest we'll probably get to Gaiman writing for doctor who will be another Marquis De carabas/Neverwhere story. Even more so that I hear they've banned chocolate from the DW set since Neil's last visit.
>posting an image of yourself on Sup Forums
Doctor Poo? More like Doctor Who.
Hey gwuys! Tom hewa! I'm so gwad to have bein offe'd the oppwatunity to be tha docta, and wud like to take tha time to thwank bbc thwee and chris chi'bnal for guving me the woll. I can't wait to go on swo many qwuirky and wandom andventua's wit you wuvly peopwul :P
>The Doctor's Wife was an amazing episode
The Doctor's Wife was heavily rewritten by Steven Moffat.
All jokes aside this dude freaks me out
>but if the rumors are true about Chinball's writer's room
What rumours now? I haven't been keeping up. Does he want to bring in fresh writers and not let other writers who've written episodes for DW in the past do anything?
lol I was puzzled for a sec, I was like "Whats my race got to do with this?" But, yeah, there's literally no way to tell in that first shot at least that there's silver spray paint
Fuck me, the chocolate thing, that brings me back. I remember people getting angry about it and saying it was a forced meme, but /who/ was a meme machine back then.
Fuck Gaiman:
>As long as Peter is Doctor Who, I will write for him.
The original weeping angel