All the President's Men (1976)

About to marathon this. What should I expect?

What do you mean marathon? It's a Fucking film dumbass

You'll probably hate it. Not a single explosion or quip.

Get with the memes, gramps

A very well-researched film about something that had only just happened. I don't know, I've never watched it, it hasn't interested me.

A great movie.

Nixon liked to get pegged by trannies.

No, I'm perfectly happy with 2013 memes. Real human bean

Excellent movie and pretty relevant.

Hi Hillary.

>not being a big enough guy to move beyond memes when discussing truekino


Why do you think I care about explosions and quips?

Why is it relevant?


people used to be able to smoke in elevators

literally the shitest ending scene i have ever scene. So fucking lazy

Great movie. Not really historically accurate, but often quoted by journalists instead of the real history.

In light of the antics that LBJ pulled and got away with, and then what we know now about later Presidents after Nixon and what THEY got away with, it's hard to take the burglary or cover-up as a serious scandal in itself. Basically, he was an unpopular President and his opponents managed to gin up a scandal sufficient to get his party to back away and him to surrender. Nixon's personality and his party's lack of unity, combined with the rise of the baby-boomer New Left, had more to do with his resignation. Deep Throat for example turned out to be an FBI guy with a personal gripe.

The classic quote from this movie "follow the money", is a great example. In reality, there was no financial element so there was no money to follow. No money was stolen, no bribes were made, everyone was openly on salary. But reporters born after Watergate who saw this movie but don't know the history often think that that was a real line.

Don't let me talk it down too much. It's brilliantly written and performed. A great piece of "inspired by" that, like JFK or Braveheart, shouldn't be mistaken for what really happened.

Summer detected.

I'm about to marathon your comment, what do I think?

I thought it was great. My only problem is that I'm european and didn't learn this stuff in school. So when the scandal is about to blow wide open the movie stops because Americans probably know what happens next. I don't really, I just know the words "Watergate" and "Nixon resigning".

I think what's happening with Trump makes me completely reconsider Nixon. I wasn't alive in the 70s, so I have no idea how I would have felt, but most boomers I know like my parents couldn't stand Nixon and basically take the narrative at face value. Considering all the parallels happening now, I'm wondering if Trump is going to resign / be impeached simply because there are so many deep state and deep politicians against him.

For some reason I really like Dustin Hoffman, pretty consistently good actor.

Good movie but really illustrates how journalism has deteriorated in the internet age.