Hollywood Writers Complain Trump is Making Them Too Depressed to Work
Modern society makes me too depressed to work
Is Roseanne /our girl/?
>Sup Forums spamming starts right after school hours ended
lol get fucked Jews. Daddy is here for 7.5 more years. Deal with it.
>Hollywood Writers
Who give a shit, stop caring what they think
Why are liberals so pathetic
How will your embarrassing tweenage hero worship cope with the inevitable impeachment and indictment?
Fuck off Sup Forums shits, Sup Forums is not your battleground
it's 6pm on the east cost
if anything, people are getting out of their 9-5 jobs then shitposting on a japanese ramen gargling message board
He just got out of school is what he meant
It's why this boards full of other garbage too
This is now a /film/ thread, post them
I watched that for the first time ever a few years ago. Top kino.
Not just writers, suicide is up and birth rates are down everywhere. And since before Trump.
1. It's as late as 6PM
2. It's June 15. Students are on Summer vacation and should be posting all day
The island was a decent movie, the flop was undeserved
I can actually see it
having to write all that shit and be literally be a word smith and live in the spinzone.
what an exhausting job
I imagine their daily lives are very dysfunctional
imagine being so one-dimensional that you think everyone criticising your daddy cares about hillary lol
>America is thriving under Trump
>write a Trump-like dystopia about bankrupt America
Why have liberals chosen to compeltely ignore reality and make up their own?
>b-but muh pol obsession
Found the false flagging Sup Forumstard
It's time to leave Sup Forumsbabies , Sup Forums is a liberal board
false flagging poltard leave
So everyone who talks about the president is Sup Forums?
Just please post in his favorite threads like instead of discussing things actually related to the board
its 11pm here
>vampire diaries
That's like saying the people in the Head-On commercials are Hollywood actors.
According to the redditors here that don't understand off topic threads are common on all boards
Not going to lie, former bloompf supporter here. The man is a racist bigot who will destroy america. 2 scoops was going too far.
>thriving under trump
>muh stock market bolstered solely on margin buys
>all bolstered by the promise of american industry
You do know this is exactly how the Great Depression happened, right?
The only people making money right now are rich people.
>muh jobs
Which are hiring nobody.
Fuck off /poll fuck go back to your containment board.
Bill is so senile lol
>tfw felt bad for her a little but
The absolute state of liberals
>Writers taking any reason they can use not to work
And in other news, water is wet, and the sky is blue.
>all these shitty writers get fired
>bring in new writers that aren't bitches
Trump has the possibility to inadvertently fix Hollywood
Good, maybe quality will rise. If this had happened a while ago, maybe Valkyrie would still be white. All the leftie racists should quit en masse in protest of Trump.
Why won't he get impeached yet? It's been months
Don't worry, it's gonna happen any day now.
SRSLY? We had Nixon and even fucking Reagan as Republican Presidents, but they're being asspained about Trump? The dude's an obnoxious blowhard that has no fucking clue what he's doing, but he pales in comparison to Nixon and Reagan.
I mean for fuck's sake, not even Bush Jr. created this kind of butthurt and he ushered us into TWO overseas conflicts; 1 of which was on bullshit evidence while the other is a fucking quagmire.
There's a whole world outside of the United States.
Trump is the gift that just keeps on giving.
Track s&p500, job growth, gdp. all still going up but clearly flattening out. Republicans keep pointing to records but don't want to discuss how the graph looks because it's fucking bad
the china men own michael bay
cuckservatives and the aut-right are cringey as shit
fuck you leaf theres nothing Trump could do to make you happy
If anything they should be happy. Just make some over the top leader character with a whacky hairdo and everyone will preach about how that's soooo like drumpf omg.
His policies affect virtually no one in Hollywood.
The average Joe, on the other hand, has more to worry about.
>Cringey Hill Pepes made pre-election
Obama was the peak of Hollywood kino.
you fucking big lipped monkey