Heard you was talking shit, white boy

>heard you was talking shit, white boy

Dude, where's my flag?

Didn't sam hyde cuck this dude?


Fuck off shia I'm one of you


i look alot like him

He should take a shower

shia le bouf unironically is my favourite celebrity

is he will not divide us ever going to return?


you do realize that Shia LaBouf is Jewish too?

He's made being unlikable into an art form.

Shia is bad ass man.

You're the boy in this scenario.

tired off these mothafuckin cracka ass white boys

no shit

yeah let me just rip that stupid metal out of your eyebrow

He converted to christianity

>cucked out of new york
>cucked out of new mexico
>cucked out of tennessee
>cucked out of liverpool
>cucked out of sweden
just give up fuckboi

I converted to being black, then. Where is my spot in Yale?

I wouldn't fuck with him.

He converted to christianity.

Ah, a crypto-jew then

what the hell happened to your first pist, friend?

im not white tho cracka. check your privlege.

Can I get a fast recap on Season 5 Cabin Fever?

>don't you dare talk to me you disgusting kike