Could a crossover work?
Could a crossover work?
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everything can work. just write it and it will come.
They're fucking superheroes, of course it could crossover.
>someone who flies so fast he can turn back time
>against someone whose special power is steroids and a shield that he likes to throw around as if it is disposable
Oh you mean not a Marvel X vs.Y capeshit type film, but a joint-universe co-op kind of thing? Sure.
Why would Cap fight Superman? The best DC comparable for him to fight would be Deathstroke, or I guess if they wanted the money from him fighting Batman they could write some contrived bullshit that makes Bruce an even match.
Man, with prep time he can take cap
A DC vs Marvel crossover already happened.
And it was Captain America vs Batman. Superman fought Thor I think. I don't remember.
I'm so sick of this meme.
DC powerlevel too high.
Only Hulk and Thor could even compete. Maybe Dr. Strange if he could react fast enough, but it's unlikely.
Wonder Woman could probably take all of the Avengers 1 or 2 crew.
It already happened. Guess who won?
how about a crossover where the public starts to resent and turn on them for their sappy idealistic outlook on everything while the average person's life is still terrible
You mean whoever is the one writing it decides who wins. If they're a Cap fanboy he wins, if they're a Batman fanboy he wins.
Power levels, prep time, abilities mean shit. Its the writer that has the power.
>You mean whoever is the one writing it decides who wins. If they're a Cap fanboy he wins, if they're a Batman fanboy he wins.
Wouldn't the popularity of the character depend as well?
>done countless times in the comics
>asks if it would work
Yeah but the problem is 90% of Batman's victories are the other character absolutely jobbing because 'Hurr, Muhh Preptime!' and 'Batmanz gots ta win!'.
Yes. Thats why Batman is in the justice league in the first place. If Scott Pilgrim or Archie Andrews were part of DC they'd be on the JL too.
Supes and Cap are the best characters in their respective universes, but it would never happen because of all the legal bullshit. Hell, that's what partially started the DC universe series.
>but it would never happen because of all the legal bullshit
Its already happened. Many times.
but the studios own the rights now, they all want their own universe and arent going to share profits
>batman hurting tony
>2 xmen to take green arrow
>wolverine can't beat joker
DC fanboyism too strong
and they literally had a "what if captain america was superman (or viceversa)" thing
>supes and cap are the best characters
I don't know if you misspelled "most boring" or "worst"
the kids of today should defend themselves against the 90s
That doesn't change the fact that Marvel vs DC has already been done many times.
but you will never see it in hollywood
Sentry is Superman tier faggot
This used to happen reasonably regularly but I think they were never very good
Plus I don't think there's been one in a while because some Marvel higher up got really mouthy about DC a few years ago and it kind of soured relations
Who cares? Hollywood hasn't been good for 50 years.
>DC powerlevel too high.
>All of DC's most popular characters are street-level vigilantes while Marvel's are all power fantasy for babies
What did he mean by this?
In terms of story sure.
A far as who has the rights to which character, no. We can't even see the X-men with the Avengers because these studios are so fucking dense.
Right now no, Marvel powers are incredibly nerfed, while DC powers are nerfed too, they are still leagues ahead of Marvel, hell even Fox shows more powerful beings than Marvel.
>what if
No idiot, it's Amalgam. It's a comic universe made out of those fusion images.
I feel like it's going to remain that way until Thanos has a more active role in the cinematic universe.
Theres so much wrong with this post I have difficulty believing its genuine
>Wolverine and Batman
That's the one that doesn't made sense to me, besides they were probably the most famous and popular characters of each company (Inb4 Spiderman fans, remember this was the 90s when X-Men sales and merchandises peaked, X-Men #1 (1991) is the best selling comic book of all times)
But Batman + Moon Knight or Batman + Iron Man would make much more sense
>Outran Flash
>Knocked out Diana with on punch
>Utterly defeated, using only martial arts, two full powered kryptonians who were laughing at nukes in the previous panel
>Survived, without gadgets, reentring the athmosphere and falling at mach 10
>Survived being punch by a very angry god through an entire city full of reinforced concrete walls
>Fantastic Four
>Dr. Strange
>Iron Man
Shall I go on?
>Power fantasy for babies
>Batman in the thumbnail
It's that and the fact Sabertooth+Joker makes Hyena
Well Captain America would have to work on his resting bitch face, and also learn to murder more people.
Superman and Wonder Woman are leagues more popular than at least half that list and the justice league contains Flash, a character who can outrun both time and the concept of death.
Superman fought hulk you casual piece of shit
He's also has a questionable grasp on reality and spawns an evil version of himself
Well part of that list contains the Fantastic Four and as we've seen they translate pretty terribly into film.
Christ Cavill is attractive.
Jake Wyler looks like a goon next to him, and he's handsome as fuck too
You're not arguing correctly. Wonder Woman and Superman may be more popular than anyone on that list, but the low-level DC heroes are more popular them they are.
I can't think of a single non-powered popular Marvel character (other than Iron Man, who, before 2008 was less well known in the cultural zeitgeist than the Black Sabbath song)