>people lost at sea
>"all that water and you can't drink any of it"
People lost at sea
You can drink ocean water, it's just that the extra salt makes you have to drink more of it to be hydrated
>someone starts drinking it anyway
>and your other gun
lol nigga just build a fresnel lens and distil it with sunlight lmao
>characters lost in the desert
>"now we need to ration the water in our canteens"
>comic relief starts using his water for something that isn't drinking
Is this even true? I need to know.
>characters lost in the desert
>dying of thirst
>one sees a mirage of an oasis
>starts trying to drink the sand
>*laugh track*
hell yeah
basically this except it's a vicious cycle ending in death
Yes, it's called osmosis
>people lost in a house party in 2011
>"How do I know you're a party rocker?"
>"You don't"
>You can drink ocean water, it's just that...
it'll destroy your kidneys.
it's true that you cannot/should not drink salt water but you can significantly prolong your life if you are stuck at sea with no drinkable water by mixing salt water with urine (i think it was something like 2/3 cup salt water mixed with 1/3 cup of urine)
should prolong your life for about 2 weeks, increasing the chances of rescue
t. Skeletons on the Zahara's discussion on drinking salt water and piss to stay alive
im sexy and i know it
>people stranded on snowy mountain
>"all that snow and you can't eat any of it"
Isn't fresh now perfectly edible and hydrates you like water? It's only really old snow that's full of parasites and stuff.
What about those of us who didnt abandon ship with a measuring cup strapped to us?
Just spit out the salt, dumbfuck.
just eyeball it?
unless you mean you dont have a drinking vessel of any description with you. In which case you're on a shitty life boat and you're fucked
Too much could give frostbite on the inside of your throat, which won't be good if your in a survival situation. Best to melt it first.
>melt it first
sure buddy let me primitive tech some fire up here in the mountains
this is fucking hilarious!
funfact: you can from drink the baltic sea
speak english vlad
>character dies of heat exhaustion
>"W-we have to eat him to live, we have no food"
>*both characters cry as they eat their dead friend*
>*laugh track*
Why not make a greenhouse and capture the condensation from the saltwater?
Shit nigga just put it in a water bottle in your jacket
it has a low enough salt density that it hydrates you instead of dehydrates
Why not build a plane and fly home?
Because the flight plan I filed with the agency lists me, Les Straud, Bear Grylls here, but only one of you.
why can't they just fly the eagle the water to the mountains?
As if Les would ever come within 1000 feet of Bear
You guys are all idiots. you are confusing two myths and combining them in to bull shit. Really makes you think.
Snow is perfectly safe to eat/drink, problem is, If you are in a situation that you have to eat snow to stay alive then hypothermia is a factor and eating snow will lower your core temp and kill you faster. you will want to melt it. It is perfectly safe to drink
It's amazing how distorted and shitty quotes and advice get without context.
really really actually made me think.
>It is perfectly safe to drink
depending on how old it is, of course
could be all kinds of nasty shit in there if it's not fresh snow
you're better off boiling all water you drink if you're in a survival situation (provided you have the means to boil water)
too late i'm already in hypothermia. thanks a lot asshole
Don't listen to this guy, he's full of shit. I drank a bunch of snow and I died
>all of those posts said it was safe to drink, but melt it first
You're both wrong, it's safe to drink, but you have to melt it first
why would you even bring up old snow? and Ice in your freezer is weeks old.
just retarded.
yes you should boil all water if possible, but there are exceptions,
bamboo/plant filtered water, and ICE/SNOW!
>and Ice in your freezer is weeks old.
your freezer isn't subjected to the elements and wildlife and all kinds of microorganisms/bacteria that can fuck your shit up
did you really not understand that that's why old snow can be unsafe to consume?
> ok guys this is the last bit of water we have left
> Half of it flows past their mouth while drinking
I can't even begin to tell you how absolutely retarded you sound.
According to Bear Grills, you can put it in your ass and be okay.
i'm being trolled, aren't i?
on the off chance you're genuine and didn't find out yourself that old snow can be dangerous through google, feel free to peruse:
>characters lost in the desert
>they walk during the day and camp through the night
>character about to die(a horrible death most likely
>makes a smug expression followed by a witty remark
>getd saved at the last second
fun protip fact: you can prolong your survival by digesting salt water through your anus
the salt wont be absorbed and will stay in your rectum and you can shit out the crystals later
makes for a good wedding ring if you make it out alive
Are you gonna make me lose my mind?
you can't be serious?
toxic exhaust particles????
absolute liberal prop dude!
and god damnit I hate arguing with psuedo scientists.
just take an actually bio class or micro class please!!!!! PLEASE!!!!
>characters wandering desert for days
>about to die
>they fall to the sand and give up, saying their goodbyes to each other through cracked lips
>aerial shot
>rain starts pouring down
Don't listen to this guy, he's wrong. It's safe to drink, but you have to melt it first.
Up in here. Up in here.
fuck off retard, stop spreading misinformation
you melt it first but then you can drink it
no bro, they did this on mythbusters
they shoved tampons up the dudes ass soaked in salt water. It was a god tier ep. can't believe you missed it
Fucking idiots. It's safe to consume, but you have to melt it first. Take an actually bio class or micro class please!!!! PLEASE!!!!
>characters wandering desert for days
>sees oasis
>run and dive into the water
>crash on sand, it was only a mirage
What do you care when you could chug semen?
Condensation from salt water is still salty.
It's actually quite difficult to desalinate seawater.
why are you guys so salty
>Takes a high school biology class
>Thinks he's an expert at survival
I'm telling you, melt it, and it's safe to drink.
>character receives CPR
>isn't a vegetable or hooked to a machine for the rest of his life
You don't need to be a musician to be a party rocker.
oh how i miss this meme
Fucking idiots, it is safe to eat but you have to melt it first
Put your popcorn in it.
Salt your popcorn while keeping yourself hydrated with the water.
semen actually has lots of protein in it user. thats what I heard when I was 12 and thought that peeing in a girls ass got her pregnant.
but semen is like LOADed with protein, I mean its the best snack in a survival situation,
it has no similarity to mucus or lymph that essentially is nutritionally valueless
>character gets heavy object smashed over his head
>gets up and continues to fight
no nigga you brain dead
>people lost at sea
Fucking genius!!!!!!!
You just dont get it do you?
You dense motherfucker first you have to MELT it and only THEN it becomes safe to drink!
Take a global warming class ffs
based partyposter
Hey man, just have a good time
It fucking kills me that some people don't know this
s-so if I and some cute young girl found ourselves on a life raft with no food and water I'd actually be saving her life if I facefucked her against her will?
>characters throat is slit
>dies instantly
shit user!
That is why there is so much rape among the refugees. they got it in there heads that they are saving women by mouth raping them.
You can't blame them, they literally think they are saving all those underage girls lives
how do mammals such as blue whales stay hydrated?
they drink melted snow
What? How is that possible, how can water in gaseous form hold sodium ions?
They can efficiently excrete sodium.
they drink water through their anus
They drink the sea water, but they have opaf kidneys to deal with it.
That doesn't work unless it's melted first, then it's fit for human consumption.
best post itt
Are you sure that's right? Are you sure they don't melt it first, so it's safe?
how many times are you going to samefag?
You're all idiots. Of course seawater is safe to eat, you just have to melt it first.
This really made me think
>people lost at sea
>someone quotes the ancient mariner
>get abandoned by fellow hikers after spraining my ankle
>25 miles from nearest telephone reception
>left with boiled stream water
>it tastes god awful and is murky green and brown
>decide to wait 7 hours
>just before giving in hikers find me and give me Gatorade
>able to hold out another 7 hours and fend off animals until helicopter rescue arrives
yeah fuck that, mad props to people who have gotten in far worse situations than mine and survived
You say that like you haven't sat on your neck and pissed in your own mouth before
I'll fucking kill all 3 if you if I ever get stuck in the mountains and die from dehydration. fuck you
lol why didn't you just call for help on your phone?
you have to melt it first before you can safely use it
Who will play him in the inevitable bio pic?
Based meltposter
Zach Galifilianabanakis