My expectations were pretty bottom of the barrel with this one but holy shit was it worse than I ever imagined

My expectations were pretty bottom of the barrel with this one but holy shit was it worse than I ever imagined.

The thing that baffles me most is how they got more things wrong in basic movie making than they did using the Power Rangers franchise. What the fuck were they thinking?

I thought it was a decent flick, but the actual action was kinda shit. As a Power Rangers fan it made me happy though.

>kid in the 90s
>now a mature adult who only watches mature kino made for mature people such as myself
>watch a Power fucking Rangers movie

They could never meet our expectations

>Implying you could get anyone competent to waste their time working on this shit

This is the shit that got me the most.

>Kim: "I think im the reason we cant morph. i havent really been honest. I punched ty flemming in the face because he told everyonhe Im the meanest person he ever met... and he was right."

>Jason: "That can't be true" *shows photo* "wow, you tok that picture?"

>Kim: "No amanda clarke took that picture of herself, but then she shared it with me. privatley. she trusted me."

>Jason: "And you sent that pic to ty?"

>Kim "With a text that said is this the girl you wanna bring home to your mom?"

>Jason: "Oh"

>Kim: "I didn't realise how mean it was till I saw her face."

>Jason: "Kim, there's literally thousands of photo going around school"

>Kim: "I don't care about them, I care about this. I did this. I had to sit in the office with amanda's father and watch as they showed hi mthat photo of his daughter. in his eyes for the first time I could see who I'd become... y'know so I lied... I blamed evveryone else. I wanted to die."

I write for Cahiers du Cinéma and enjoyed several seasons of PR during the twitch marathon.
Sentai is not a problem by itself.

This was nuts to me. This is supposed to be one of our heroes?

>your hero can be a wacky black autist but they can't be a teenaged girl who made one bad call

>intentionally doing something vicious to one of her friends
>one bad call

too much pink energy

We"ll have to replace her with a better girl.


They really misunderstood the "with attitude" part of the group

Then she drops a putty on that girl's car and says "That's what you get!" during the climax.

Once a cunt, always a cunt.

the action was really weak

I didn't even get this whole scenario

What didn't work for me, and probably cause by that point in the movie I had clocked out and just wanted it to end, was if they weren't morphing because they hadn't opened up to the whole group, why does Kimberly only telling Jason this shit mean they can all now morph?

I forgot about that.

Her refusing to tell her story to the group made her even more unlikable. Also laughed at le edgy hair cutting scene in the bathroom. I hated that street shitting bitch.

>never forget

>mature adult who only watches mature kino made for mature people such as myself

pretentious, insecure and emotionally-stunted idiot detected

>I think im the reason we cant morph. i havent really been honest.
>my powers depend on muh feelings

Jesus Etch Eye Jay Christ
I hate that they're girlifying everything in super-hero movies and shows.

>how do you do fellow kids.jpg