Dooku is a dumbass

>who is sheev?

>quits the Jedi because the Jedi are complicit in helping the corrupt Senate
>joins forces with the guy who is corrupting the Senate

I think Duke Countu might have been senile

Dooku was a Sith, not a petty politician using the Dark Side to gain personal power. He knew that Sheev needed an apprentice stronger than himself to bring the Sith Grand Plan to fruition and a true Sith would never put the plan in jeopardy for such a small reason as to save his own life. If he had to die to destroy the Jedi and create the Empire, so be it.

Such a completely unnecessary character.
Blatant excuse to (poorly) use Christopher Lee.
Had the PERFECT apprentice in TPM, and completely wasted him in the dumbest way possible.
He knew later how bad he fucked up when he resurrected him in TCW cartoon.

Makashi > Ataru

What a load of bullshit

>There was never any corruption in the Senate before Sheev came along
Palpatine knew the only way to fix the problem was to have absolute, unbridled control.
Making things to exactly suit your liking & killing anyone who irks you once you attain it is just a fringe benefit.

You know Sith Lords are always looking to replace their apprentice with another more powerful one, right?

If Dooku was serious about the Sith cause then what fucking reason would he have to say this?
Furthermore, what reason would Anakin have to believe him?

Reddit letter media please leave

But as we see in the cartoon, the Dookster set up his own version of the senate
One "free of corruption".

It wasn't democracy that he didn't like. It was the corruption of it

Though to be fair, he did ask Obi Wan to join him and kill Sheev

Lucas unironically created Dooku because he scrapped "Darth Jar Jar" after TPM and had to come up with another villain at the last minute

Yeah; I was talking about Lucas fucking up with Maul.

Not true
Lucas created Dooku at the last minute because of Lee getting involved
He created the character for the actor.
Hence "Count" Dooku

So Lee just came to Lucas and said "I want a role in your movies"? That sounds like bullshit

>"Darth Jar Jar"
A rare moment of logical self censoring during the PT; that shit would've outright murdered the series.

That's literally what Dooku tells Obi-Wan in Episode 2.

>implying sith dont kill each other all the time
>implying theyre not constantly at each other's throats

Maulbabbies and their edgy character I swear, Dooku was the leader of the separatists, he is actually important to the galaxy and a target for the republic and the Jedi. Maul was a mediocre sith assassin that Sheev had as a transitory apprentice.

No, it's Lucas being the unfocused dreamer that he always is and went like "Hmmm is Dracula available?"
And then when Lee said yes, he spent and afternoon writing a character for him

remember this being a rumor like 10 years ago, but its started to be stated as fact no adays.

Reddit got a hold of it

Actually Jar Jar's actor pretty much confirmed it on Twitter

He was the best fucking Sith in the PT, because he had little to no shittily written dialogue to trip over.
The latter 2 would've been infinitely improved with Grievous/Dooku/Much of Sheev's dialogue cut in favor of Maul's silence.

Actors don't write their characters man

>Dooku and Grevious literally didn't know about Sheev's plans
>Sheev's plan hindged on those two and a million other factors going precisely without any fault

Dooku knew about order 66, the empire and the death star

my powers have dubs since the last time we met, count

Everyone is a dumbass in the prequels

Lucas mentally masturbating himself for his genius, by spelling out where he was going to have the character go to the actor playing it during production of PM, is completely within his seeming headspace for the time.

Fair point

And how is Anakin supposed to know who Sheev is?

>a sith would sacrifice himself
Wrong, nearly all Sith are basically egoists

Palpatine is his best non-jedi friend

What proof? Did Dooku even know?

They wouldn't betray each other to the Jedi

He made him a Count because he played Sauraman in the Lord of the Flies? Makes sense.

What did Dooku think the end game was there?

>kill the Jedi
>escape with Grievous (who doesn't know Sheev is Sidious)
>hold Sheev/Sidious hostage
>the Republic collapses
>Dookster kills Sheev and leads remaking the Republic the way he wants

It was a fucking JOKE made seconds after EP.1 came out. A joke god dammit!

This part is confusing. Dooku was actually fighting both sides of the war. Sheev only needed Dooku to make the clone army. Once Sheev had that Dooku was expendable. Dooku actually lasted way longer than Sheev expected. Sheev overestimated the Jedi in that regards. Sheev actually had to PERSONALLY assist in Dooku's assassination. So Dooku wasn't a pushover or retarded. He was just super betrayed after he basically solo'd the universe.

of course they would, stop this nonsense

Yeah, but only a Count because he used to play Dracula a lot in old B movies.

I sensed a lot of butthurt on Lucas's end towards Jackson & LOTR. When they were still doing preproduction on it, Lucas had Jackson out to the ranch to show him how they did super simplistic "previz" animatics & shit of shots they intended to do; Jackson took that idea to the Nth degree & used the technique to OCD over & perfect every shot, making the whole thing several times over that way & ending up using it far more effectively than Lucas's lazy ass phoning it in.
Wish he'd been a hundredth as OCD about the Hobbit...

Wrong! Backstabbing is part of the Master apprentice relationship. Dooku was legit surprised when Sheev started goading Anakin... so shocked that all he could was pray Anakin would spare him or risk runing the entire plan. Had he had more time to way his options he might have done it, but his instincts told him to be quiet and that did not pay off in the long run.

Palp is just that good at manipulating people.

The prequels feel like a franchise movie like the Avengers.

Like, 2 is suppose to be a pilot, and 3 is suppose to be the end. It feels like they were made for the Clone Wars show. Even the cartoon had some additions that made more sense than watching the movies.


Oh by the way, I think the cartoon implied that he didn't know Palpatine was Sidious.

Hello, RLM

count doodoo was being force bamboozled tho.

Yes, no one thought the prequels were stupid before the Plinkett review.
I was actually in progress of writing my thesis on how Jar Jar Binks is the greatest character of modern cinema but I had to scrap it when I saw it.


I could see this; if it all was preplanned, but it sadly wasn't.
He needed multiple seasons of an animated series for better writers to try & fix all the plot holes in his scripts.

>sure champ,whatever you say
>chops head off

I mean. Count Dooku seem to have a lot of potential for a main villain in something. It did not work at all for the 3rd movie.

The opening to the 3rd movie even feels like a saturday morning cartoon. Everyone is having fun, but its suppose to complete the end for the darker 2nd movie. Even the deleted scenes play off like this. But not even the actual show and cartoon had that light of a tone.

Sidious probably would have killed him on the spot anyway.

>Darth Maul was constantly tortured and degraded so he'd be more pissed off, as this is apparently the only way for a sith to get stronger.
>constant back stabbing
>you are pressured to kill your master constantly as that's the only way to move up on the ladder, or to just get stronger.
>only upside is you can get laid, but even that is up in the air as the sith master can just blueball him intentionally for aforementioned reasons.

Sith is not worth the power set whatsoever.

Just go Jedi that keeps affairs secret and if caught, just accept whatever exodus from the jedi academy and move on.

>Lucas breaks the rule of two in the same movie he introduces it
hurr durr

Gotta move that plastic; totally dark/unchildish Star Wars movies won't help make the toy sales quotas.
Getting comp'd with the merch rights from the original cut his creative balls off.

Sad to watch the making of extras or listen to commentary for ROTS; everyone involved is trying to express how dark & serious their inner fanboys want/wanted it to be, without taking it out on Lucas or showing how frustrated they really are.

Grey/Dark Jedi > Benedictine Monk Jedi

TCW and Rebels made Lucas look like an idiot because they used Darth Maul in an absolutely perfect way.

>Sith is not worth the power set whatsoever
someones never force choked an entire platoon into lava before

>they used Darth Maul in an absolutely perfect way.


Lucas worked on the Clone Wars. He was also the consultant on a lot of the other stuff too.

I also never put into a power suit that was specifically designed to annoy and torture me after losing all my limbs in a duel with a Jedi.

I'm perfectly fine with this outcome.

Rebels is fucking incredible.

Rebels may be what ultimately happened with his idea for a live action SW show, that he was talking about not long before he sold to the mouse; but I'm pretty sure they tossed most everything he'd done besides bare bones concepts. They definitely threw those new trilogy scripts right in the trash.

They gave him non shitty dialogue, and a lot of character depth. Not over or underused.
Definitely worth the watch, Rebels especially is worth it overall.

>I also never put into a power suit that was specifically designed to annoy and torture me after losing all my limbs in a duel with a Jedi.
that's because you aren't an edgy enough faggot. To some people that is fucking hot. Those people are Sith.

Fucking kek.

>Builds his fucking Sithtress of Solitude on the same lava planet

>that is fucking hot

are the helicopter lightsabers a recurring thing, or just a one off. I've never seen the show, but every webm I've seen of it makes it look like shit.

The Inquisitors use the spinning sabers throughout season 1 and 2 but you only see them fly with them in that one episode.

It's really hit or miss honestly. If you liked TCW it's a must watch just because of the returning characters. If you didn't like it it's not worth it because it's definitely not as good.

If you HAVEN'T seen TCW definitely watch that first because season 3-6 are maybe the best thing ever produced in the Star Wars universe.

Did anyone know Sheev's name at all? They all called him Palpatine.


If Vader stuck around for 20 years, why couldn't Maul be the only Sith apprentice for just 10? He'd die at the beginning of ROTS, same as Dooku did.

Dooku told Obi-Wan in Ep2 that Sidious is in the senate. Why not tell Anakin who exactly he is, especially if it could save his life?
I doubt Anakin would be smart enough to believe him, though.

Sheev probably had a lot of contingencies. Yeah, it possible to just chalk it up to bad writing, but it better fits the character and makes the movies more sensical if Palpatine was basically running a Xanatos gambit.

Reminder that Dooku tried to usurp Sheev twice, once with OWK in Clones and with his old apprentice in that Jango Fett PS2 game that might not be canon anymore.

But the first one stands. He didn't see this betrayal coming and was a fucking retard not to protest his execution considering the information he had. Seriously, Sheev and Anakin debate this for like two minutes while he kneels there silently.

reminder that they both lost to kenobi

actually its more like Xanatos speed chess. All of Sheev's plans were ruined by the Jedi early on.

obi wan had the high ground, because he always has the high ground from his perspective.

maul had the high ground too

>while he kneels there silently.

This was always awkward to me. Even when I was younger.

Aren't you gonna beg for your life or make up a lie or something? Like fuck man you literally have nothing to lose. You could at least have him say "wait anak-" before getting slaughtered.

maybe sheev forcefucked him into not being able to speak

It's really annoying how "the force" is a catch-all to any plot holes someone might bring up

How would Anakin have taken Dooku prisoner?

by cutting off his hands