How would you have written the plot for LoK Season 1? What would you have changed? Would you change Amon's origin...

How would you have written the plot for LoK Season 1? What would you have changed? Would you change Amon's origin? Expand the benders vs. nonbenders conflict? Make Korra more intelligent?

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The fan speculation turned out to be more interesting.

Everyone was expecting some story of the spirits, possibly Koh, actually giving Amon powers to specifically stop the avatar or at least make humans weaker.

When he turned out to be a waterbender faking it people did not like it.

Also the last episode could have been its own season. One where Korra only had airbending had to go travel the world and relearn the other bending skills from masters all over again mirroring Wan's story.

I'd drop the bloodbending twist, amount the bending-robbing to nothing more than very advanced chi blocking. Don't develop Amon too much, he's not important in this story. What's more important is what Amon represents, the suppressed uprising. Focous on how technology has allowed non-benders to level the playing field with benders, and focus on the non-violent resolutions needed fix it.

Make Korra less retarded.

No romance.

Less probending

Make the equalist a threat without nerfing the benders.

No stupid plastic surgery and make-up.

No probending.

I would have written the script in a way that Korra's abs get expressly mentioned once each episode, forcing the animators to actually draw them.

I thought yakone getting surgery was kinda stupid.

Have the characters talk about the issues.
Benders causing problems is not the same thing as saying that bending caused those problems.

Unalaq, Zaheer, and Kuvira were all bad news completely independent of their ability to bend. Zaheer was a convicted terrorist before airbending. Zhao, Azula, and Long Feng as well. The Fire Nation backstory with Sozin also shows that their prosperity and technology led them to take over.

I'd keep Amon being a conman since the issue of equality in the Avatarverse was a flimsy issue. And I'd have the characters cast down Amon's self-serving demagogue shenanigans. But AtLA already handled this issue that season 1 of LoK tried in one episode: the one where Sokka trains with Piandao.

>frequently incites riots and mobilizes a small army capable of capturing Tenzin, who we later establish is actually sort of a badass

Amon's a little above conman, his revolution gets off to a really strong start before Korra reveals him.

I genuinely believe there's nothing wrong with Amon's backstory, I actually really like the idea of a bender who thinks his powers are unjust and starts his campaign against bending by depowering criminals. Like the first people he de-bends are a crime leader and the piece of shit waterbender who cheated his way to the championship.

I would change it by showing more of Amon when he isn't being Amon. His eleventh hour reveal and subsequent boat murder does leave us with a really inconsistent idea about what his ultimate goal was. A little no-mask Amon raving about how disgusted he is at the idea of subjugation by benders would've gone a long way towards making him more interesting.

Amon isn't a waterbender. His ability to take away people's bending stems from somewhere else; maybe an extreme technique from the fighting style Ty Lee invented. Also his true origins are never revealed, he remains a mystery and therefore stays intimidating or at times even frightening.

Asami is actually a spy for her father/the equalists and only pretended to be Korra's friend to get close to her. Maybe she has a redemption arc or maybe she remains a villain, either is cool.

Korra moves past her arrogant and selfish nature and learns to listen to her teachers (Tenzin etc.) in order to defeat Amon and the equalists. This kind of happened in the show except it took 3.5 seasons.

Also mech fights are boring.

When Korra is chasing the gangsters in the first ep, Asami sees the chase and gives impromptu help, only to later find out she helped the Avatar bust crooks.
The two form a friendship from there.
Asami introduces Korra to Mako and Bolin, who's bending team is sponsored by Future Industries.
Make Asami a chiblocking equalist who turns against them part way through the season.
Combine Amon and Tarlokk into one character.
No romance in the first season at least. Mako and Bolin are bros with Korra.

>What would you have changed
Set it 800 years later so the enormous technological timeskip wasn't ridiculous and we'd have zero cameos from ATLA

Created a character arc for Korra that would be nonrepeatable throughout subsequent seasons

Avoided any storyline whose conclusion depended on breaking the Avatar Cycle

No romantic subplots for Korra, or at the very most only foreshadowing for a later season

Bring in Varrick instead of waiting for S2 because he was one of the greatest antagonists/foils/friends

Actually follow through on Bolin being a ladies' man and not a clueless butt-monkey

Give Asami something to do besides suffer (and if that means shoving Varrick back to S2 so be it)

Use Amon's actual backstory as his motive instead of disguising it and lose the entire mask thing. Alter the story to explain that bloodbending in males is the result of dark sorcery and not an automatically heritable mutation. See for a good possibility here.

Avoid any callback to the original team. Have Korra call on other previous avatars who aren't Aang unless and until a situation arises that justifies it.

Make Tenzin the deuteragonist the way Zuko was: someone with more reservations about sharing air-bending with Korra. Let Jinora secretly train her but be more childlike and less perfect as a bender, and leave holes in Korra's training that ultimately Tenzin has to fill.

Follow through on pro bending in subsequent seasons because it was a good idea.

Make the whole equalist movement something complex enough that we see both sides of the issue instead of treating the public as idiots blindly following Amon.

It should have been written with the awareness of the possibility of subsequent seasons even though Bryke were told this was a one-off.

I'd have more emphasis on Pabu and polarbeardog. They should be main characters.

They should also talk.


It would be the same but korra has to sacrifice herself at the end and we get a new avatar

>Set it 800 years later so the enormous technological timeskip wasn't ridiculous
I don't think the technology gap was so bad.

People forget that they had blimps, submarines, jet skis, battleships, giant drills, and fucking tanks that could climb up sheer cliff faces back in ATLA.

The giant robot was dumb, but pretty much every other invention didn't really strain disbelief too much.

>not wanting a wisecracking Rattrap style Pabu and stoic Naga

Cut the romance, trim the pro-bending, which I enjoyed but it could have either taken less time or been used to develop characters better. Amon should have decisively won at the end and not fallen to an 11th hour Bryke asspull.

It should have ended with Korra being robbed of her bending at the end of the penultimate episode. Have the final episode be her confronting Amon and finally learn airbending. She doesn't defeat him but realizes he's not entirely truthful during the fight. It ends with the Equalists essentially winning and Korra being driven out.

Season 2 would be about her journey into the spirit world to regain her bending, or learn them anew. She learns of Wan, and then does a similar thing to learn bending again throughout the season. She has a run-in with Koh, learns of Amon's backstory where he's been granted his powers by the spirits, and in the end is able to come back and defeat Amon finally.

Season 3 is the exact same, maybe tighten the writing and cut out retarded Jinora Jesus. Season 4 I've got no idea since it was so stupid I never even finished.

No romance, less pro-bending (it was a neat idea but way overexposed), make the the characters have actual onscreen chemistry with each other so it feels like they have more of a reason to stick together, explore new locations more and I think I'd just drop the bloodbending aspect in general, it just seems dumb that so many people can bloodbend now and cheapens the whole rare aspect of it, same for metalbending and shooting lightning everywhere. I would have just brought in a new waterbending superpower if Amon had to be a bender and maybe brought a bloodbender as one of the red lotus seen as though the water one seemed to be pretty lame.

>People forget that they had blimps, submarines, jet skis, battleships, giant drills, and fucking tanks that could climb up sheer cliff faces back in ATLA.
All of which was directly powered mechanically (usually) by fire benders. It's sham industrial revolution tech in a sense and ATLA's staff were careful to remind us that things like trams in the Earth Kingdom were still being powered by humans.

Circuitry and electricity (we'll ignore streetlights) are a substantial change and so are self-propelled vehicles (whether they involve some hydrocarbon fuel combustion or batteries). Let that happen organically over more than one lifetime; it did in ours.

> giant robot
For a final season big bad it was passable, but could have been scrapped for something else and preferably less human shaped like a crab.

>It should have ended with Korra being robbed of her bending at the end of the penultimate episode. Have the final episode be her confronting Amon and finally learn airbending. She doesn't defeat him but realizes he's not entirely truthful during the fight. It ends with the Equalists essentially winning and Korra being driven out.
I think OP's still working within the concept that the producers didn't know they were going to have anything more than a 12 ep series.

>less pro-bending (it was a neat idea but way overexposed)
It would have benefited from someone well schooled in sports defining the concept better; as it is it comes across kind of like Quidditch: too easy to win.

You can "change" Korra's plots till the cows come home.

You can scrap the Makorra romance and have Korrasami build up from the start.

It doesn't matter. What damned Korra was bad writing, and you can't teach someone how to write. Even if they follow a flow-chart of the most perfectly paced events, Mike and Bryan would still find a way to fuck it up

It would be substantially harder to write that kind of arc well in less than 18 episodes, preferably 24. You need to invest the audience strongly enough in Korra that we don't just react "bye felicia" at the conclusion.

A bit less pointless teen drama surrounding a love triangle. I get that its a classic way to show the characters emotionally reacting to things we can relate to, but damn did it suck up a lot of the screen time.
Also the humor somehow went from being sarcastic commentary mixed with physical humor to something...less. It was like they were merely following a formula for funny rather than actually BEING funny. beepboop error, subject is supposed to laugh, repeat punchline just in case.

Also clearly not enough space sword.

>It doesn't matter. What damned Korra was bad writing, and you can't teach someone how to write.

You can, but whether the student is capable of integrating the crit into their own work is up to the student as it is in other forms of art.

>It would be substantially harder to write that kind of arc well in less than 18 episodes

Worked for Yue in ATLA's first season and that wasn't even in more than two episodes.

Have Amon and the anti-benders be present for all 4 seasons, with Amon being an anti-hero of sorts for the first 3 seasons, and Kuvira's uprising be the tipping point for his revolution in Season 4.
Basically, move Season 1 to the end.

Have Amon not be a literal who.

I'd probably try to integrate Korras airbending training and probending better, like having each episode teach her a new concept with Tenzin and she later puts that to use in the ring so she gets actual progress with airbending.

Drop the bloodbending reveal, it's boring compared to amon just being a good chi blocker, or even spirit intervention. I would also try to show that non-benders are being descriminated against more clearly. Perhaps build up the rivalry between Tarrlok and Amon more as to sides of the extreme.

I'd have Korra be brash and physicly strong with her bending, being able to take the fight to anyone, but have that result in problems for her so she will have to learn to talk to people instead of just punching.

And finally i think i'd just have Borra and Masami develop as the plot comes along, no teenage drama since it always turns to shit. Maybe even drop the "soulmate" ending.

Also no Avatar state control or spirit bending. Instead have her help people who lost their bending integrate back into society and get their lives back on track. For possible future season, Spiritbending (season 2 could still be about spirits) and Avatar state control (Season 3 maybe) could easily be main plots.

Make the show at least 22 episodes in length so the story isn't rushed or cramped. Allow for side episodes that focus on character development.

The tragedy is that Shamalyam fucked the AtLA movie and Nick executives slashed the money they put into Korra. Point out every problem of the show, but this is the root of all its problems.

Bless your idea...

>but this is the root of all its problems.

The problem is bad writing.
If you're only given so much money then delegate where it's going. Take a hit in art and hire a writer.
Prioritize since the network said you're only getting so many episodes.

Bryke didn't think. They didn't plan. They just threw their ideas at the wall and didn't look into them and ask questions of their work.

>set new Avatar in an era where technology does all the work and politicians do all the international stuff
>bring up some bad guys with plots that could've worked with ATLA
Korra having doubts and wondering whether the Avatar was really needed was one of the best scenes even if I don't remember which season it was from. It was perfect to open up a whole story of her struggles and character development and it ended up being just a one-off scene never brought up again or amounting to anything.

Pro bending was there to help Korra realize Airbending has its benefits. But yeah there was way too much of it.

I wouldnt have

This would work better.

Korra trusting Unalaqq would feel a bit less dumb if he was the first villain in the series, she'd fuck up and make mistakes but if her worse was at the begining, it would feel as bad.

>Amon is a chi blocker
>in the finale he manages to block Korra's bending then knocks out Mako
>as he approaches Korra to kill her, she manages to get to her feet and evades him by using small air ending motions as opposed to punching
>continues to do so until a final build up to her blowing him away with airbending
>finally takes Tenzims advice and meditates and is finally able to communicate with Aang who teaches her how to unlock her bending instead of just giving it back to her

Get rid of the dark avatar bullshit

Make the Avatar the villain with a god complex

the protagonist are instead 1 members from each element

>Make Korra more intelligent?
Straight up, I would've written her more like Lina Inverse. Oh yes, she's a smug, boorish braggart, but she's a legit badass who gets results. That's what Korra should've been from the beginning. The fact she's a goddamned moron is what killed this show, for me at least.

I hate the idea that the Avatar, the designated savior of the world who serves as the means by with the planet keeps its mystical balance... is a dim-headed thug who can't accomplish jack shit.

This. Pride is the most common crutch any student can have.

Korra fucks one character in each episode.
Korrasami would have been introduced earlier to finish the show with lesbian sex instead of just that shitty implication.

If they are going to give fap material, go all the way.

Focus on the Triads and lead up to Amon
More romance with Bolin
Korra is only a wind bender at the end
Amon is a disgruntled racist wind bender that spirit bends other benders instead of chi blocking

>Also the last episode could have been its own season. One where Korra only had airbending had to go travel the world and relearn the other bending skills from masters all over again mirroring Wan's story.

This alone would have redeemed the whole "I was merely pretending to not be a bender" twist from Amon. And i bet it would have happened if the writers knew they had a guaranteed second season by Nik before starting the first one.

>Amon is a nonbender empowered by Koh and is able to do a form of energy bending. Koh is able to use the stolen spiritual energy collected by Amon to bring himself out of the spirit realm in the end.
>Korra is fully capable of fighting people without bending and uses unarmed combat to complete her fighting style.
>Amon's lightning dodging etc. is the result of his high level of spiritual attunement. His unarmed combat abilities are superior to Korra's but not massively. The Amon beneath the mask is never revealed before he is killed and in one or two scenes, he makes use of decoys to distract and freak out the heroes to the point where they think he can teleport or something.
>Korra is able to use the avatar state when heavily pressed but does not have Aang level control.
>More of Korra's perfect body.
>Nonbender tensions escelate to city-wide civil war.
>Amon kills several main characters toward the end of the show for dramatic effect.

I wouldn't have. I would have decided to scrap the whole project cuz LoK was trash.

I'd have ended the season with Amon taking away her bending, then proclaiming the equalist victory to the audience. Then Korra punches him mid-sentence and starts beating the everloving shit out of him with her bare hands in front of his followers, because she's sick of the mediation crap. Then Korra goes down in history as the only non-bender avatar, still able to do her job effectively without it.

I think this is where most of the problems came from. IIRC, they never knew if they were getting a new season so each one had to wrap up nicely. They all lacked an overarching story arc like TLA with stopping the fire nation.

The perfect plot for her.

A boy falls in love with a girl.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

EP 1:
EP 13:

That would be kinda awesome

Doesn't excuse the seasons individually being sub par. They could still have made 4 unrelated exceptional seasons if they had the talent.

Not season 1 but I think the whole airbending deal is plain stupid. Even if every single person with airbending was sent to air temples, which is unlikely especially because there would be some mixed people in other nations and I'm sure plenty of people would either hide it to stay with their families or be too young to show any signs, even if there wouldn't be a lot of them. And they couldn't possibly kill everyone who had air nation ancestry, so instead of spirit magic making random earth kingdom people airbenders they should find a way to "unlock" the bending potential in them (Korra getting her bending back would be a good way to show that it's possible) and then find any air nomads or at least people with air nomad ancestry and unlock their bending potential sort of a "you get bending but you have to join the temple" deal. That would add even more to the "non benders should be equal" plot because at this point every non bender who hears about it can be mad that only "special" people get offered to be made benders.

I'm not clicking on those videos but the plot doesn't sound too bad. Just a little cringey and rapey. It doesn't seem like the kind of plot to ensue as much hatred Sup Forums has for it.

>Asami sides with her father against Korra
>spends subsequent seasons as a minor background antagonist whose company supplies weapons to various forces
>tension between the two slowly builds
>Asami shows up during the climax of season 4, both to settle their score and stop Korra from being able to help in Republic City
>The final battle is between Korra and her former friend in a battle between two people with the power and resources to change the world, a bender and a non-bender.
>Korra wins the fight, but Asami was successful in keeping her away from the battle with Kuvira
>Korra's friends from throughout the series end up winning without her, undermining both of them
>in their mutual loss, they finally mellow out toward each other and Korra realizes that their conflict of technology vs tradition is also a sort of balance
>the series ends with Korra and Asami mutually accepting that they're both going to keep doing their jobs, and thus naturally be at odds with each other, but both now understand that neither is inherently wrong

That would be a little weird since you'd think Korra would be the mediator between your Asami and someone else. Has to bring balance and all.

It's just a copypasta because some faggot spammed it all over Sup Forums trying to turn it into a thing. Earlier this year there was an anime movie released with a sorta-kinda similar premise, so someone chopped it up into "episode 1 & 13 of Keit-ai" as a joke.

In end, everyone is a part of the balance. Not even the avatar is excluded from that reality.

Just seem a little weird that the avatar of all people would represent one side of the scale and not the middle ground.

Season 1
> everything stays basically the same
> Korra loses her bending
> no direct explanation for how Amon was taking away bending or giving it back; imply it was advanced blood bending
> unlocks air at the last second out of desperation; didn't lose it because she didn't have it to lose
> because she unlocked air she got her bending back and it's implied that she's going to have to work back up from there, relearning the other elements; now humble and wiser form her experiences in the season
> as it was just advanced blood bending if nickelodeon makes you give Lin her bending back, or just imply she can get it back, show her training with Korra and Tenzin; imply it can be undone with properly advanced blood bending or super diligent retraining from the fundamentals up.
> Release an extrapolated version Wan's story a year later as a stand alone movie

Jinora Jesus.

Stop posting that because it's already a thing.

>Would you change Amon's origin?
>Expand the benders vs. nonbenders conflict?

>Make Korra more intelligent?
No, infact I'd make her less intelligent. She's been sheltered her entire life, shes should be awkward as fuck thrusted into a situation where she tries to do the right thing only to realize her black and white idea of right and wrong doesn't successfully translate to the real world, which give her a reason to be so frustrated rather than her just being angsty.

I'd also have it culminate with a world war were boundries have to be redrawn and with balance coming through this newly found unity rather than korra using talk no jutsu and then despite all the actions that would have horrifying repercussions taking absolutely zero of a toll.

Shaggy Dramatically Reads Keit-Ai.

Daily reminder that they tried to make Keit-ai real but failed, so stop trying.

Honestly it surprises me they didn't think to do that.


not knowing if their was gonna be a second season probably didn't help.

>when Korra became a disabled jew
Was weird.

Amon is actually an ex White lotus member loathing at how they are smothering the world and training Korra in Isolation, believing that mastery of the four elements is better then the life experience that Aang and every other Avatar gathered.

His entire revolution is a lie, it doesn't matter if his powers come from blood bending, spirits or chi blocking. He learnt how to take people's bending away simply to serve as Korra's fina training. Have her free in a city who's politicians are against her, with a deeply political uprising, forcing her to develop as a person rather than a weapon.

Everything he did, he did to train the Avatar. Her final lesson is to bring down his revolution and stop him.

Ditto. I like the Idea of Amon as a godlike Bender who sees the injustice.

Disagree with seeing more of who Amon was behind the mask, though. The mystique of Amon was basically the strongest element of the first season. Going in the opposite direction might have worked better- don't give clear answers to Amon, and for the love of god don't have his entire revolution ruined by "HEY AMON'S A WATER BENDER"

Cosmo Kramer falls in love with Jerry Seinfeld.

He somehow believes this is not gay (not that there's anything wrong with being gay).

Unable to confess, the wacky neighbor is gifted by a deus ex machina with the comedian's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls him, and is overjoyed to find out that he has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the boy, Jerry only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the Seinfeld he called is not the same Seinfeld he fell in love with. In fact, he doesn't exist in this universe at all. He is the boy's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with Kramer's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of his crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets (like the fact that Kramer is secretly racist against blacks) in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of WACKY NEIGHBORS.

>Every episode ends with Korra stating that she needs to get her pump on.


This. Why did no one uphold the space sword's legacy? I could imagine a non-bender character finding it within the spot where it landed years before, and becoming a master swordsman that didn't need to rely on bending. Robo mechs and electric gloves made it seem that non-benders needed a great handicap to be on par with benders.

1. Spread it out over at least two seasons, if not three
2. Establish Triple-Threat Triads and RCPD more, and how they progressively get fucked over by Equalist intrigue (a good opportunity to work in more character-building for Amon, while we're at it)
3. No Mako/Korra romance
4. Keep Mako/Asami romance to segue into a subplot questioning Asami's loyalties when she finds out her father is an Equalist
5. Introduce a character that makes the White Lotus relevant; could be a bodyguard assigned to protect Korra, or some WL agent stationed in Republic City that the crew meets later.

>Also the last episode could have been its own season. One where Korra only had airbending had to go travel the world and relearn the other bending skills from masters all over again mirroring Wan's story.
Also this.

Make the first half of Season One mirror the progression of S2 of TLA, with Korra traveling on Naga from one side of the continent to the other to receive training from Tenzin. Meets Mako/Bolin near start, as ragtag probending team trying to get into the Republic City after qualifying in their region's branch. Korra offers to ferry them, and thus you have a premise.

Asami and her father are saved by their team at some point, and he offers to sponsor them in the tourney, with Asami acting as manager (possibly for purpose of being a mole. She still ends up siding with team Avatar when she discovers his true allegiances.)

Amon and the Equalist movement is teased as they travel, showing it to be small, weak, and laughed off. Korra's privileged upbringing is showcased and established, with her slowly being introduced into the outside world and realizing she isn't the best and others opinions matter. Korra can be a meathead, as long as she grows out of it.
Season 1 finale is the probending finals

>All of which was directly powered mechanically (usually) by fire benders
They were piloted by fire benders, but only a few of them needed firebending to work.

Make her a naive meathead from being Homeschooled her whole life.

Smart enough but always willing to ask for help when things are outside of her reach.

Takes ownership of her mistakes and trying to make right after.

Honestly likes Mako and Bolin as her first same age friends for the first season instead of going boy crazy instantly.

Aang being her spirit guide to help regain her lost elements as she travels the world with the gang and meet new friends to keep things fresh.

She starts to round out as she learns more about the world and herself making korra a great leader at the end of the series.

I feel like they robbed her of proper development. In Atla the journey is what kept the show going for me since the characters got to learn as they traveled. I don't know how to really describe it but Korra and the cast felt really stagnant compared to the original gang.

She also kept suffering every season for no reason.

Honestly, not much of Season 1 needed to be changed. Just drop a lot of the love triangle bullshit, spend more time developing Korra's character, and spend more time developing the bender-nonbender conflict.

And keep Korra as an airbender into the next season, so that the losses felt during the last few episodes remain as losses for the foreseeable future.

it wouldnt have worked because she still knew how to fire/earth/water bend, she just couldnt because her innate ability to do so was taken away. the solution would have to be supernatural because the cause was supernatural.

still, even with that gaping plothole, his still would have been better than Aang showing up and giving it all back to her a few hours after she lost it, not even missing it long enough to learn anything from the experience

>Zaheer was a convicted terrorist before airbending. Zhao, Azula, and Long Feng as well.
>A terrorist

She was a soldier fighting under the influence of her father. Nothing more.

I'd have Mako be gay. Then that love triangle bullshit would of never happened.

Funny how Mako and Wu were the most believably gay characters on the show.
