How do you explain the rising numbers of FAT PEOPLE?

How do you explain the rising numbers of FAT PEOPLE?

What compels them to eat themselves to death?

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Life got too easy.


Same thing that compels people to become alcoholics, drug addicts, and fucking kissless virgins and NEETs for that matter -- deep self-hatred and an inability to take charge of their lives.

seriously what is wrong with this guy?

>makes heartfelt video about how he cant stop eating and he hates himself but he admits his problem and wants to change

>does shit like this

is boogie playing 7d space chess against his own mind?

He does videos like that all the time.

They are our reserve for the hunger times

Obesity is unacceptable because your weight is in your own hands. Other things aren't.

t. Healthy kissless virgin

Humans in general are stupid and lazy.
There is more out of shape and obese people because it actually takes work to be in shape.

USE to be 250lbs.
I've been 150-160lbs for the past 5 years.
I'll DIE before I let myself get fat again.

Fat/Obese people are fucking disgusting.

There's no other way to put.

How do you explain the rising numbers of TRIPFAGS?

What compels them to become faggots?

Because I don't give a shit anymore. Alcohol or shit food, which will kill me first?


I laugh when people call me skinny. Go back 50 years and all men would've been my weight

I think the main issue is the invidious nature of weight gain once you reach critical mass.

If you are not overweight and gain a few kilos, you and everyone else notice.

If you are 50kg overweight and gain the same amount, nobody notices. (Including you)

So fat fucks just keep ballooning until they 're like that fatty. Then they get medical issues and they realise how shit their body is.

Of course at that point weight loss is almost impossible. You're unable to move/exercise and used to a shitty routine and eating habits.

Even when you manage to lose 5kg, the same rules apply, nobody can tell the difference.

So people try to lose weight for a while, they see no results, they know that they've done unfixable damage and that getting to normal weight would take years of work.

So they say "Fuck it" , and go back to the fat lifestyle.
Until they get more medical issues and the cycle repeats...

Hes like hurrr durr don't call people fat, it puts them on suicide watch and shit, then make some shit some about how hes a fat shit and takes the piss out of his own blubber.
>JewTube Shekels


Sup Forums is a alpha chad board only

Nah, he's just a fucking moron, like most jewtube exhibits.

how the fuck do you even get fat
i have always eaten whatever the fuck i want
routinely go buy 8 large fries from hjs or 8 packets of chips and eat them

i feel like its something stupid like soda

Hes gonna die soon

Well said Fin

For some it is a form of suicide.

>t. ahmed

it's opposite in Japan.

Women becoming more thinner than past.

I gagged. How can someone eat straight from a mayo jar.

That's beyond disgusting.


>captcha: select all images with candy

Food deserts. Lack of accurate education. Corn subsidies. Increased sugar in absolutely everything. Soda. Failing mental health care in conjunction with rising mental health problems.

If they really cant tell when they go from say 30kg to 60kg overweight then they really are just sitting or lying in bed all day. I was 120kg at 185cm for a decade and i felt fine. Went to 130 and started running into problems. Ignored them. Then got into heavy drinking and got depressed at 150kg everything is a chore and you hurt constantly. Now i've lost 8kg in a month and im not going to slip up my life was so miserable at that weight i cant even imagine the feeling of being even heavier than that. I'm not stopping until im at ideal weight and lean af.

When you have nothing to live for, you just stop caring. Food is the only thing that makes you feel okay. It's like a destructive way of treating depression.

A man needs a country, career, wife, children and a home. It's what all men fight for. When a man has nothing, he's easily lost.

Who the flying fuck eats mayoinnaise like that. If he wants to gargle on white droopy stuff, he can just go to jamal and the hood instead

t. 18 year old

Why do you make mayonaise jars that fucking huge? Biggest I've seen were like 8 ounces. WTF

>picture of milo


And just like that, it went from being cool and ironic as fuck, to full autism cringe

>I'm not stopping until im at ideal weight and lean af
I hate to burst your bubble, but that is what every fatty says, just before they give up..

>i've lost 8kg in a month
I don't belive that.
At best that is 4kg of actual fat, the rest is water and shit.

That being said, maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe you can make it.

But when you fail and go back to being fat, just remember.
>I told you so fatty.

Wrong. Pol and r9k have always been bros

>USE to be 250lbs.
>I've been 150-160lbs for the past 5 years.

/fit here don't mind me I'm just here to mire on your gains and progress..

you are not speaking for me. I despise the r9k autists

Wtf dude


6 foot 2
gym 5 times a week
meth, stims (t)(t)

been here 11 years
mb we started incel at 14 awkward teens
some of us grew out of it nigger

age doesnt mean that much, sure you have a bit more testosterone but it means nothing. I was 250 pounds at 15 and now 150 and 18. it sucks and its only getting worse seeing how skinnyfat or obese most people of my age are.

it makes me feel good tho, the worse they look the better it makes me look. can't wait to see all these stacys become obese when they are older

Life is a sexually transmitted disease. If you can't enjoy it, you might as well throw yourself over the balcony. No one gets out of here alive.

>lights a cigarette

lack of enzymes and minerals in agriculture soil creates nutrient deficiencies. obviously your body says eat more food to get more nutrients, so you get more calories as symptom and wallah obesity increases.

>he has no talents or anything interesting to say
>crying about his weight is the only way to make money on youtube
>if he got healthy nobody would watch him

Good for you I guess. Still a normalfag.

Loss of hope?

>Boogie.. Boogie had a hard life.


Sedentary lifestyle coupled with an overabundance of food that is high quality and gratifying to consume. Throw in a dose of cultural hedonism and you've got a recipe for heart failure.

fuck off shill
They want to commit suicide or use drugs, but they're too afraid and so they stick to the easiest form of hedonism, gluttony.
But yea, fuck off shill.
Enjoy a sage

Come on. I know for a fact that in Bongland, plently of fat people roam the streets and countryside.

if you could remove all the excess fat of a 600lb person and have the skin snap magically back, how much muscle would they have?

they must need a fair bit to carry around their fat ass desu

You bet. I'm of average build. You wouldn't catch me wandering around with 400lbs.

Another thing to think about is imagine the impact that has on back, hips, knees, ankles.... NO THANKS!


I think this video was done for charity. Not that I'm defending him, the fucker runs a fitness blog and hasn't lost a god damn pound since he started it back in like 2011.

Currently at 293lbs, started at 352lbs at the start of the year. Been going to the gym and eating better. Goal weight before end of the year is under 220lbs :)


I tried to convince the viewers to stop donating to him to help him lose weight. They banned me : (

hahhaa based as fuck

true too. they never fucking make it. i read some study about how like 90%+ of fattiest never make it even if they try.

>tfw started working out and eating healthier after being lazy for years
My shirts are getting bigger and i got more energy,never going back.

>he wears basketball shorts to the gym

Congrats, hope you reach your goal. Very good progress thus far

it's because the mainstream healthy diet is a low-fat diet, therefore high in carbs and sugars. eat more fat, proteins and some fruits/veggies, no processed foods and you'll have no problem with obesity.

It's like boogie and triggly are kindred spirits or something.


I'm tall and fit, but was born ugly. I can manage muscle mass, but not how my face looks like.
t. another healthy KV

>like that all the time.

you have seen the dark side


Also, why does the jew-face recording this paint her eyes like a drunken egyptian princess?

Why the hell does he need donations to lose weight? By far the most valid way to lose weight is to simply eat less; if anything he'd SAVE money by shedding some pounds.

Enablers are worse than the actual fat people. The twitch and yt donation + whoever lives with him are the real problem.

He can no longer walk on his own, he has a fat-mobile cart to move around conventions. There's no way this fucker is getting his own food. Whoever lives with him needs to stop bringing large amounts of unhealthy food into the house. He complains and refuses to eat? Fine, he can go get it himself.

I think when you pass a certain BMI like 30-35 depending on body type (short or long trunk) then there's no way back or at least no easy way back.
My own theory is that when the critical BMI point is passed then you are so addicted to crap food that it's like being on cigarettes or even narcotics.
So keep your BMI blow 30 at all cost.

you are actually close.

Fat messes up your blood sugar badly, the more fat you get the worse the cravings get. When I was at about 30 BMI my hands would literally shake when I got hungry....and the worst part is, I would feel the hunger even if I ate like an 2 hours ago.

When I lost 20 pounds I would catch myself forgetting that I eat breakfast - would not feel craving at all.

It is a vicious cycle, but once you break it gets easy



Look up intermittent fasting. Basically only eating for 6-8 hours of every day. When you adjust, you don't even get hungry for a full 24 hours at a time. There are many benefits.

Fucking fats. There everywhere. There existence makes me want to vomit. Take me out of this fucking hell hole.

He has a wife that is 200+ lbs. He could barely stand through his entire wedding vows

They're* Their*

Interesting i will try it, i got a bmi of 27.8 right now and do not want it to go higher.

It's a bad existence brother. At least fatties can hope to lose weight and become better looking.


how do people even let themselves get that fat? I feel a bit guilty for even eating a bar of chocolate sometimes, christ knows how people can just stuff themselves all day long.

They both eat themselves to death. He goes on a fad diet every couple months and makes absolutely no progress and goes back to eating whatever he wants.

Because people actually start to believe that being fat is beautiful as long as the person who is fat think he's/she's beautiful.

This society sucks.

Don't think negative about yourself, this is how you look, so adjust your good looking reference point to see yourself as good looking.
I bet there's a lot of people (girls) out there who thinks you look fine, the ones that does not just ignore them, their opinion does not matter.

it has to be their "room mate" then, she's probably "disabled" and collects welfare just like him and needs to be fed.

he might be a "meals on wheels" guy that is just permanently stationed at their location. feeding a 600 lbs male and 200 lbs female has to be a full time job.

>lunch is over
>gotta go back to Sam's Club to buy more sacks of tatter tots that usually last an elementary school a week

food can be an addiction. i don't believe addiction is an illness like some fags but it's pretty obvious people are addicted to it. they could choose to stop and take control just like with drugs but they don't because they're degenerates.

He makes like 500k a year at least from YouTube. He sells his fatness on youtube, partly the reason why hes never lost weight, hed lose all his youtube money. He knows he blew up because of his weight and not his intelect. He has the same ideas as every other fedora tipping redditor

i can't deny the fat piece of shit knows how to scam people for money

but at some point he has to lose it or he'll die, otherwise what was the point of this "fat ruse"?

the fact hes alive today is only because of massive amounts of blood pressure/cholesterol medication. He should've had a heart attack and died 10 years ago

A (you) is a (you)

Fucking white people man.