Season 3? Lol... How shitty that can be?
Season 3? Lol... How shitty that can be?
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It's great.
I love it. It's my favorite show currently on television. I like it more than the new season of Twin Peaks.
The Leftovers > Fargo > Better Call Saul
best boy
As someone who loves taking loads up the ass, I can say that I completely agree with you. my fellow ass giver.
This season is great. Depending on the finale it could be my favorite season.
Episode 8 is up there for my favorite episodes of all time
>i wanna make something clear; if anyone comes here, claiming to be my lawyer, don't let them in
>somebody came
>just not who ya thought
and people still think dumb cop isn't on varga's payroll
>30 years i been killin him
>that was just when he fell
>and people still think dumb cop isn't on varga's payroll
are we gonna get another 'when i was in the shit' monologue from the chief?
BCS is miles ahead of both
>it's a pleb episode
Quads of truth. That shit was feels as hell
well, i tried. someone should probably make a better one
why not drop varga's name as emmit is about to leave the precinct, its not like shit can get worse for him
Lol. I love shitty shoops.
So smug.
stop it user, yuri IS best boy
Fargo has a lot of mildly-cringe meme-worthy dialogue, but Varga's line about evil was fucking A*.
"The problem is not that there is evil in the world, the problem is that there is good -because otherwise, who would care?”
I've heard a variant of that line in just about every other anime I've ever watched
varga could kill him, his family, sy, sy's family, and everyone else he cares about
I didn't really hear any cringy dialogue this season.
Season 1 was filled with them because of Malvo.
I know a big theme this season has been stories - truth vs. perception, and the power of narrative to seduce people - but there's been one too many "Did you ever hear the story of the blah blah blah?"
And Milligan was responsible for way more cringe than Malvo. "Life is a red tide" was the closest he got to pontificating, Milligan was philosophising and using ludicrously over-wrought, ornamental prose in every other scene.
considering how they ended s1. im not surprised how shit this show is going in s3. baaad writing
Meme-o's a little cunt. I hope he gets his teeth smashed in.
hawley is aware of the "one to many did you hear of ..." , do you not remember the scene where varga tries to calm a hysterical emmit down about killing ray by telling some random story, but emmit doesnt bite at all and varga is just confused and put off that it didnt work? varga isn't saying these stories and hawley isnt writing him to tell these stories for any reason other than for varga to placate emmit and make him seem important and powerful so that emmit does what varga wants. remember the pitchfork peasants with murder in their eyes? the big motivator for emmit to join varga? where has that been?
and milligan was overly grandoise because he had a high opinion of himself because he was extremely ambitious. it was his whole character. he needed to be that way so that his ending, where he is shoved into a desk that nobody cares about, hits home that much harder
malvo was like that because he was the devil
I loved his reaction there. This is pretty much the only time in the series he's dealing with someone who has an advantage over him.
wrench and nikki are definitely going to die, arent they
I just don't buy that MEW outfoxed him here. She hasn't exactly earned it besides the old, tired, trope of "oh you underestimated me" or "oh you got cocky." Last night she ventured into Mary Sue territory and I just wanted something ridiculous like for Varga to clap his hands and everyone in the lobby walked out or did some other synchronized command.
how's it feel to be a knuckledragging pleb, lad?
I know, but it still comes across as heavy-handed, though - it's not just Varga, it's Ray Wise, it's Yuri, it's the Chief - I understand they're elaborating on a theme but it felt a bit redundant. There's not a lot of subtlety to Fargo, but it could have used a lighter touch. Same for Mike, really - he trod a fine line between character and caricature, but he doesn't ever really break with the elaborate, formal courtesies.
the chief is barely a character, and ray wise isn't really a character, just a manifestation of the "raising the stakes" that had to happen before the end of the season.
i dont agree with you. i agree it isnt the most subtle show, but i don't think it's overly heavy handed more than it needs to be. ray wise was obvious, but it's not like she fell asleep in the woods and went to heaven and spoke to ray wise and then woke up after she was sent back. it was more interesting than that, to leave it to use to decide what REALLY happened. how supernatural is ray wise, and how will that play into the rest of the story? is ray wise an angel, is varga a demon? or are they not connected at all?
It's great so far. Hawley might fuck it up in the finale, but as of right now it's got the best characters of any of the 3 seasons. They feel more realistic and truer to the Coens' archetypes than the Season 1 characters, and I actually give a shit about them unlike Season 2
It's not heavy handed? So, that scene in Aporia where Gloria has a whole monologue explaining the relevance of the glitching technology and the robot motif, essentially giving a sparknotes summary of her character arc and development - that, to you, was subtle, a light touch?
Your disagreement is invalid, mate. Fargo leans a little too heavily into "telling" over "showing". It's a great show, but it ain't perfect - and that's ok.
I really cared about the Blumquists.
What do you think was in the suitcase?
Was it a reference to anything?
ill give you that one. i didnt like how they handled that, but there really wasnt any good way for her to explain any of that to Winnie to get her reaction and progress her character without saying it out loud
like i said, i didnt think that was the best way to do it
She hasn't outfoxed him yet, he's clearly not going to just hand over the money and let her go and she's fucking retarded for trying to get emotional revenge on a psychopath who doesn't care about anyone else.
Blumquists were good, there should have been way more focus on them and less on the Gerhardts, who were boring and pointless, and Hanzee, who straight up felt like an inserted fan-fiction character.
this scene was really heavy handed. i mean, good job explaining the whole movie to us you old fucking fart
>implying that wasn't actually a bad scene
you think her character is primarily dictated by her invisibility or by the robot? holy shit, pleb detected
Did you not hear what she said? It was his underwear.
>when coon stood up and she was no taller than when she was sitting at the bar
They could've killed them already to put pressure on him.
>tfw someone thinks they've owned you but you have the perfect response waiting
Now that the real David Lynch is back in the game there's no need for his two bit fanboy.
no, that's not how it works. if someone kills your family youre now 100% out to fuck them until you yourself are dead. if your family is alive theres still the possibility they can be killed
did i really have to explain that?
Who gave accountant the files?
Ray Wise
How did deaf guy get the jump on Asian?
he always has earbuds in, also probably didnt think anyone would find him
Couldn't he have them put in protective custody?
I was thinking he should have just started slapping Coon when she was letting him go so she'd have to arrest him again.
That's what she surmised.
Varga a cute
Also, why does every season have one of the antagonist's two henchmen being killed off? What did Hawley mean by this?
hawley is going to break the mold this season. gloria is going to die, varga and emmit are going to get away with it, yuri is going to come back and then die with meemo
It's fine, stop it with the hyperbole.
>posting tumblr .gifs
im back. i learned
that literally can't happen since emmit turned on Varga
So Ray Wise was supposed to be God right?
Nope. He's credited as Paul Marrane AKA this guy:
4 hours in gimp
Twin Peaks: The Return>>>>>>>The Rest
wtf I hate jews now
Why does Noah Hawley have to write shitty exposition dialogue where characters have to explain what we've already seen? Speaking specifically about the lecture hall in Legion ep7 and the bar scene in this episode.
And 3 is the best season.
realism, the characters would explain what was happening to each other rather than just brush over it since the audience already saw it like in most pleb shows
I thought she was on her knees at first. Top lol. Womanlets, when will they learn?
Get out reddit
Use your brain for two seconds
>who has access to them
>who wants to spoil the setup
>And Milligan was responsible for way more cringe than Malvo
Milligan's verbosity is a front, a persona he adopts to further his goals. As a black man he tries to present himself as extremely polite, educated, and intelligent, often to a fault. Sometimes, either to really make a point, or when he would start to crack, you would see his real character shine through. Gritty, blunt, to the point, very thuggish.
Milligan's character arc is about trying to be something he's not, someone who very much lives in the "busting heads" world of Dodd and the like, who's trying to move up in the world, but in doing so, ultimately winds up in a world he hates and doesn't belong in.
Mike is just some guy who has a reason to be overly verbose. Malvo and Varga are both quasi-supernatural, hypercompetent characters who are ridiculously eloquent and verbose and go on long winded speeches to show the audience how cool and competent and smart and scary they are.
Also Mike's speech about the meaning of the word "revolution" and "the past can no more become the future than the future can become the past" is arguably the best speech in the show, only really rivaled by the Dragons speech from episode 1.