>Dude ISIS are actually the good guys LMAO!
Go to hell Blomkamp
>Dude ISIS are actually the good guys LMAO!
Go to hell Blomkamp
dammit! I love Blomkamp's visual style and wanna watch this but not if that is the actual message.
its not
He needs writers. He is always weighed down by his shitty exposition and not so subtle themes.
I don't know how you can't see it. He is basically comparing ISIS to resistance fighters of an alien invasion (western imperialism/colonialism). He is trying to argue that what we see as abhorrent behaviour (beheading, suicide bombing) is the result of last ditch efforts to survive against the West.
Never mind the fact that ISIS is a literal death cult who kills their own en masse. I guess the people ISIS kill are the brainwashed type from the short.
uh huh
he's right you know
>He is basically comparing ISIS to resistance fighters of an alien invasion (western imperialism/colonialism). He is trying to argue that what we see as abhorrent behaviour (beheading, suicide bombing) is the result of last ditch efforts to survive against the West.
Oooh that's not quite as bad. That is actually a very common theme and has been used in works going back before Dances With Wolves. I thought it was blatantly about supporting ISIS, an organization that goes through Muslim towns and murders everybody, using the survivors as literal human shields and using survivors as bomb booby traps when the Iraqi or Syrian armies sweep through.
ISIS are not the good guys, but neither are we. When it comes to global politics, there are no good guys, just self interest.
These aliens seem like complete retards for a bunch of advanced conquerors
>"they came to exterminate us"
There are still a lot of living humans?
>"spewing methane, to make the atmosphere hospitable to them"
Literally fart breathers, also none of them wear masks for the oxygen?
>aliens can tell the girl has explosives, but not the guy?
>very obviously modified bald man being paraded about by armored aliens
Not a very convincing disguise by any means
>"also the aliens have mind control on humans"
Then why don't they just do that? None of the humans in that first scenario were wearing the anti-mind control hats.
Why can't anyone get sci-fi horror right?
the one world government globalists are the good guys user. :)
Apparently the aliens are trying to figure out why humans were "chosen" by another alien species that the invaders think of as gods. Hence the experiments.
So it's literally Halo but the UNSC is ISIS?
It's not a justification of ISIS, it's more like a perspective on how they see the world. ISIS (and most radical eschatological islamic movements, for that matter) sees the West as hostile invaders that have destroyed their civilization and enslaved their people. Suicide bombing is almost always used by these radicals because they feel like they've been backed into a corner. And they behead others purely out of spite, rather than taking prisoners.
But it's not like the movie is saying "oh well, they do it out of an existential fear so its okay." They show that the resistance fighters are doing some pretty dubious stuff that isn't exactly looking out for their own, what with sending out suicide bombers and their agreement to the pyromaniac's plans to use their own sick and wounded as bait.
>These aliens seem like complete retards
That's because they are. They're apparently drones that are subservient to another alien race.
>None of the humans in that first scenario were wearing the anti-mind control hats.
Which scenario? They establish early on that you have to be looking at the aliens to get mind controlled, and once they have you, you're enslaved for good (hence why the guy at the end went full auto on his friends).
>That's because they are. They're apparently drones that are subservient to another alien race.
Maybe Blomkamp is being a little TOO intelligent with this social criticism... I wonder who that "other alien race" might represent in OUR little war (but you know the film will make this other alien race super beneficial and nice, and not the parasites they are IRL).
>looking at to be mind-controlled
I just finished the whole thing, including that scene. Why were they still shouting at him if they knew he was gone? Why don't their super important hats have chinstraps, to ensure what happened doesn't happen?
>went full auto
He fired off one round and was immediately put down, also apparently he wasn't actually wearing a plate in his plate carrier. Sloppy details desu
That's literally what everyone in the US political ruling class believes
Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if Blomkamp actually just means the aliens are Muslims.
Resistance fighters have existed for much longer than ISIS dear user, America was founded by terrorists.
A contemporary setting merely begs contemporary tactics.
Turns out they were jewish, neat.
>implying it's not about Palestinians fighting against the Jewish overloads
What am I looking at?
Technically it was a civil war, only the Sons of Liberty were terrorists. They were also funded by buisnessmen (Founding Fathers) along with the other revolting Americans. The entire foundation of the USA is LITERALLY because fat cats want to make sure they didn't lose 4% of their profit. The ultimate irony is they put forward George Washington, the man who literally caused the reason for the tax hike (starting a unnecessary war with France) in the first place.
Our history is a joke, but our schools teach LE EVIL TYRANNY BRITS :(( and don't tell the fact there were fuck loads of loyalist (from the Brit side) Americans AND that the war was won by proxy via France, Spain and Netherlands (plus minor shit like Poland and so on).
About this short film? I think it's just showing how far humanity would go to win a war when their entire race is on the line. In fact, the narrator goes to pains to explain this. Quite literally. OP is just baiting for (You)'s, or perhaps it's just a way to get discussion.
A politician has been mindcontrolled with brain surgery to trick people into coming with the aliens to go to the rape facility (yes, I shit you not) by pretending it's a conservatory to protect humanity.
If you mean what it is in genera?
A short film. It's XCOM x Warhammer 40k kinda, sort of.
Thanks /his/. I'm glad somebody knows this shit.
I never understood why Sup Forums is willing to cuck themselves for trump. They're willing to turn a blind eye to the fact that he's an obvious shill for SA and Israel.
>He is trying to argue that what we see as abhorrent behaviour (beheading, suicide bombing) is the result of last ditch efforts to survive against the West.
he's not wrong
It's not as inspiring when you talk about how the revolution was funded by aspiring merchants like king derby who basically manipulated political idealism and was sparked because of our founders' refusal to pay interest on tobacco crops because MUH INDEPENDENT FARMERS!!
Luckily for us, they were right desu
>also apparently he wasn't actually wearing a plate in his plate carrier
That's 100% believable. Plate carriers aren't called that because they carry a plate, they're called that because they're equipped to carry gear.
I'm in the Army Reserve in a unit where we're allowed to buy our own plate carriers (as opposed to the interceptor armor we're issued) and I use mine without armor inserts during training. It's very plausible that these guys have access to plate carriers but not plates.
But ISIS is winning the culture war. Slowly but surely.
>muh oppression
Literally the same apartheid story again, as in all Neill Blomhack's movies.
>I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.
Am I the only one thought Blomkamp was being literal about a Reptilian extra-terrestrial species controlling the world and dooming humanity to a fate of slavery, delusion, and trauma? I kept thinking of Half Life during the intro.
>Plate carriers aren't called that because they carry a plate
>plate carriers don't carry plates
>I'm in the Army Reserves
I fear for my country's safety, then. During training you might actually use LBVs that don't carry plates in the first place, or you won't carry a plate because there's not much reason to weigh you down extra in training (no live fire rounds, after all).
I would say it's fairly implausible since the soldier's plate carrier wasn't carrying anything. I didn't see anything attached to the MOLLE. He was literally just wearing an empty vest.
The entire war was pointless. Utterly pointless. It shunted us back decades. I dunno how differently the world would have turned out, but in terms of Britain, it wasn't a major problem. They got out of it more than they put into it (France went literally bankrupt, Spain drifted apart from France and was a major reason why Napoleon putting his bro on their Throne was met with hostility on top of Spain's empire falling away, only Netherlands got out of it relatively pain free but William of Orange seizure of the English crown cemented Britain as the greatest Empire known to man.).
It shouldn't have happened, it was petty money shit. It's a good example of how money can control the destiny of the world and it's a reason why we wanted the British, French, Dutch and Portuguese empires dismantled. France didn't do it peacefully, Britain did - kinda.
How nation was founded by terrorists and we continue that tradition today by funding terrorists to get our global aims achieved. Britain was literally the best chance the world had ever known to come close to being properly united, but united with 'uniqueness' of culture. Sadly we purposefully fucked them over in two World Wars to make sure their Empire's fell.
It's obviously a lot more complicated than that, but not a lot of space to explain it all.
tl;dr USA was founded by terrorists by the backing of businessmen who had the brilliant idea of pretending it was some noble act to justify it when the Brits did nothing wrong. The same largely happens today, except we use the UK's expertise in spying like a puppet master controls a puppet. We owe them a lot yet we treat them at best like a pet dog and at worst like a world-champ dying of old age.
Such is life, eh? History is wonderful.
Plate carriers can carry plates, you don't need to put them in.
I don't think you understand politics if that's what you got from this
Guy was a pyromaniac who liked using live bait
>I fear for my country's safety, then
guess they should have big dick players like you instead of me, then
>plate carriers don't carry plates
they don't have to, especially in a training environment; the carrier part refers to the MOLLE; See: Fighting Load Carrier
>During training you might actually use LBVs that don't carry plates in the first place, or you won't carry a plate because there's not much reason to weigh you down extra in training (no live fire rounds, after all)
Thank you for explaining this to me as though I've never done it before
Your point was "plate carriers aren't called plate carriers because they carry plates." Obviously they do not literally REQUIRE plates, but they are intended specifically to carry them. That's why they're called plate carriers, and not load-bearing vests. Thank (you) for your service btw
>guess they should have big dick players like you instead of me, then
All I ask is that America's Reserve Soldier know why a plate carrier is called a plate carrier.
>carrier part refers to MOLLE
Plate Carrier vs Load Carrier, this is not an argument. A FLC doesn't use plates, that's why it's not called a plate carrier.
>Thank you for explaining this to me as though I've never done it before
Your welcome, also work on your reddit spacing.
>Britain was literally the best chance the world had ever known to come close to being properly united, but united with 'uniqueness' of culture. Sadly we purposefully fucked them over in two World Wars to make sure their Empire's fell.
France would beg to differ. Plus Rome was better tbqh
they're called plate carriers because they (can) have a ceramic plate insert and carry MOLLE equipment
like I said before, fighting load "carrier", "carrier" means the same thing in both
>also work on your reddit spacing.
people have been formatting their posts on Sup Forums like this since before reddit was a blip on the radar, I've been here since '08
"plate" and "carrier" are two different concepts in the etymology
plated carrier makes more sense but sounds weird
I thought it was about the (((reptilians))) using mk ultra to rule the world.
Guess we all just see what we want to see.
m8, you had a little brainfart there and said something dumb. Just think before you type shit out next time.
I can't believe you're still missing the point, there is a big difference between a plate carrier and a FLC. Plate carriers are meant to carry plates, just because you don't use them in training does not mean they stop being plate carriers.
t. reddit .com/Sup Forums user
>plated carrier
Has more syllables, so plate carrier makes more sense.
Why don't you just watch the movie and see what the message is for yourself?
Except Americans don't use regular suicide bombers, beheadings, stoning, and defenestration. And women can vote, drive, wear normal clothes if they wish and not have their clitoris sliced off.
#just Muslim things
I'm aware that "plate" means they're meant to carry plates, I own one. You can still use them efficiently without plates as a tactical vest. The "carrier" part refers to its carrying of tactical loads, not plates.
it's a webisode
continued: this is why an IBA is not a plate carrier, even when you strip all of the extra armor down; you're supposed to wear a load carrier over it
a plate carrier combines the two into one, hence the name
>Except Americans don't use regular suicide bombers, beheadings, stoning, and defenestration.
America literally trained the people who are currently terrorising the Middle East, they also fund and arm them indirectly through Saudi Arabia.
This is true, however completely disregards what I'm saying. The soldier in the film was wearing an empty plate carrier. This makes no sense whatsoever, since his "carrier" also had no extra MOLLE attachments. This would imply he was solely using it as armor, AKA with a plate... and yet there is no plate inside it. Look at the picture, he's wearing a coat over it as well.
Why would he wear an empty plate carrier?
Because he had a plate once but he got shot.
No point throwing away some perfectly good kit.
There are no bullet holes in his carrier, except for where he JUST got shot.
we are the good guys you fucking faggot
we are not perfect but we dont put 12 year olds in cages and light them on fire or pride our selves in ghoulish sadism for sadisms own sake
he's the biggest contrarian sci fi director
only shit hes gotten right was district 9
he needs to fuck off on the alien franchise, i can only imagine how much worse of shit he can rape it than ridley at this point
>we dont put 12 year olds in cages and light them on fire or pride our selves in ghoulish sadism for sadisms own sake
Hahaha, it's funny you think that
ISIS are defending their home from foreign invaders and their attempts to discredit their belief system
>That's because they are. They're apparently drones that are subservient to another alien race.
Hope he's ready for the incoming wave of rape accusations.
This pretty much. Seems like most of Blomkkamp's movies are secretly redpilled
What is this short called and where can I see it?
>we are not perfect but we dont put 12 year olds in cages and light them on fire or pride our selves in ghoulish sadism for sadisms own sake
No but if you're American your Government essentially finances that. Same for Israel and KSA and Qatar.
The greatest irony is that Sup Forums's candidate is truly a Jewish puppet. Not in a zionist conspiracy way, but literally the Israeli government. Great job Sup Forums. You really showed those SJWs.
Rakka, free on youtube
"Sup Forums's candidate"
you mean reddit/r_thedonald and you're acting like there was another choice
Nearly all of Sup Forums gave up on Trump after the strike against Assad in Syria. Anyone who still likes Trump openly gets called an /r/the_donald faggot. 90% of his support on Sup Forums is about pissing off the left
You really don't have any idea what you are talking about. Plate carriers by themselves provide limited ballistic protection from ricochets and fragmentation, and therefore provide value even without plates.
Just like how standard issue kevlar helmets can barely stop 5.56. They can't stop most bullets, but protect the wearer from frag and glancing shots
>He is basically comparing
>He is trying to argue
He's just using random familiar imagery you are jumping to conclusions.
What happened? I thought his movies are redpilled as fucked.
>District 9 is about the shithole that is Africa and later extend to illegal immigrants
>Elysium is about overpopulation and the little good among the poverty and ugly
Yes he is.
>America literally trained the people who are currently terrorising the Middle East,
No they didn't. People who spout this meme are the same retards who can't tell the difference between the Taliban, al-Qaeda and Mujaheddin.
Compared to Murica pretty much everybody look like the good guys. Can't bitch about how bad ISIS is while supporting them and countries who support them with gibs. Even the fucking Nazis were less hypocritical sans having alliances with subhumans.
You pay the people who do it, AND you drone and bomb the kids that didn't end up in a cage, AND are partly responsible for economic conditions that even lead to all of that.
I wish this short was an actual HBO series
>thinking that there are "good guys" in the actual world
are you 12? how do you become this naive?
It's another bit of Murican mentality. Even ISIS don't see themselves as the "good guys", while the Burgers always need some good vs evil shit.
>That's because they are. They're apparently drones that are subservient to another alien race.
Oy vey!
Pretty sure they do
>be American
>support "moderates" that slaughtered Christians in villages like Yaakoubieh and the city of Aleppo
>support Kurds that massacred Armenians and Assyrians for their lands and even to this day still oppress them
>all while LARPing about "MUH DOOOS VOLT"
Why does the United States of Islam hate some of the oldest Christian communities in the world so much?
is nu-Sup Forums actually this retarded or are you just trolling
Nah, they perceive their deeds more as necessary evil to start muh apocalypse and THEN fight in a good vs evil battle at Dabiq ... then after most of them are killed, Jesus will kill the anti messiah and save their butts, maybe. They are closer to Westboro guys who see all others as evil without seeing themselves as "good". Obviously they expect rewards in paradise but they don't see themselves as the really good guys now but warriors for a good cause.
The blatantly evil lizard aliens implant alien goo into a mans exposed brains and walk him through the street while he mindlessly repeats that they come in peace.
Its got absolutely no bearing on OP's faggotry. He's probably an ass fractured Ridley Scott fanboy who can't bear to see his master get BTFO by a youtube short.
Can' believe he's doing it for free, I suppose he is desperate after Chappie failure and dead Alien 5 movie.
>hype about how they will give around their assets for amateurs to get creative with
>sell package with "3D assets"
>it's just a fucking basic mesh for printing
Fucking Blomkamp.
>it's a stupid as fuck "humans are the successors of a superior god-like alien species" premise again
No. I too think he just likes aliens
>ITT damage control from the Americans
Napalm sticks to kids.
Nah, why do that when you can drone strike civilians out of nowhere from half a world away sitting behind a computer with mayonnaise from a chick-fil-a dribbling down your third chin safe in the knowledge that the kid in the house you just blew up hates freedom or whatever
How are you gonna kill anyone if you're carrying plates around? Stupid waiters.
The Revolutionaries didn't make it their goal to murder every single Brit or British loyalist... Islamic terrorists will kill anyone, young or old, civilian or militant. That is the difference.
Nobody would care if ISIS just targeted soldiers but they kill more innocents than anything.
How in the hell did you come to that conclusion.
Bloomfag is a gun lover and does not like mass immigration and borderless countries, his movies are all about how these things are bad and make a country weak
That is not the message, if something is to be gathered from the girl with the bombs and the pyro is that when the light of humanity is turned off the scum thrives, he says it himself that he doesn't want things to go back to normal he loves blowing up shit.
You are reading this short episode absolutely wrong
>it's another dumbshit doesn't realize Neill Blumpkin is actually a conservative who fools liberal film critics time and time again
I wonder if the critics who praised D9 as an apartheid allegory realized that they were implying niggers are basically a genetically stupid worker caste
im not that user, but the name of the show is literally the capital city of ISIS
The short is very much a "style over substance" thing and style is definitely Blomkamp's strong suit.
Best thing about the short were the visuals. Everything from the reptilians to their ship and structure designs looked great.
However, I wish he didn't go for the tired "aliens arrive and enslave humans" premise.
>He is trying to argue that what we see as abhorrent behaviour (beheading, suicide bombing) is the result of last ditch efforts to survive against the West.
That would make sense if ISIS was created as a reaction to a Western invasion of Syria.
The reality is that ISIS came into being as a result of the power vacuum that was created by the Sunni population of Syria rebelling against the Shia/Alawite-dominated government of Assad.
The West didn't start bombing until over a year after ISIS was already there killing Shias and Christians and government supporters
crISIS actors are not the good guys. There are no good guys!
It really is obviously a commentary on "colonialism".
Err, it was created after Iraq, they just couldn't do much before winning some real territory during the Syrian civil war.
This is what happens when you spend all your time on an anime imageboard