Tyrion edition
/got/ general
ASOIAF would be better if the only Stark PoVs were Jon Snow and Bran and made the Tyrells the primary family of the story.
post fanart
That would actually be really cool. It's surprising that there's no Tyrell PoV chapters, they're the only major house without any besides the Baratheons (who are mostly Kings anyway).
You'd miss a lot of cool shit without the Sansa chapters though.
what is the best title and why is it lord paramount of the trident
Does Cat count as a Stark? We would not see a lot of important stuff without her.
can someone just spoil my shit up senpai with the upcoming seasons spoilers plz
The Lightning Lord
Based Tyrion Lannister
Based Villian along with Typapa
>tfw Danny will never get the icepick in the brain she deserves
>I'm a summerfag, please spoonfeed me
wtf I love google now
Anel Rodriguez
What's the name of the guy that says "are you soft in the ed? This party's over turn this cart aroun"?
Was he one of Walder's sons or just a guard?
Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright
Where do I get the AGOT mod for Crusader Kings II?
thanks square
/GoT/, how come your boy can't pronounce Arianne?
Is he autistic?
The Last Hero
>your boy
tyrone please, we're not even the same species much less brothers.
When is there going to be a fully fleshed out Rome 2 ASOIAF mod? Months or years?
Thank you, good ser. May your waifu become your gfu
What if Anel is my waifu?
You fucking perverts, don't wank to my gf
if you google arianne martell pronunciation you get both ways tbqh
That aside, we'd need to hear the author to be sure. Names can be pronounced different ways.
And as he pronounce Stain-is, I wouldn't be surprised if PJ's way is accurate for Arianne.
Funny enough I pronounce her name as
It's pretty simple.
Sorta feel the Dornish thing may add a little more flare than just the last syllable being pronounced "anne"
It's got the Spanish rolling to it like rolling the the 'R's, don't need to add random linguistics for it to be exotic, it's more about the accent aye.
Dornish names don't have a lot of flair.
Most ending with an n are pretty plain except for Trystane I guess.
was there one for rome 1 (the superior game)?
Why is Stannis such a fucking boss??
Don't think so, it was more made for Medieval 2, Rome 1 would be good too.
I forgot about Medieval 2 shit
fits it a lot better
so are they going to try and make the sneks a thing again this season?
Euron murders them
wtf i love euron now
Yeah but the diplomacy engine is just way too boring for GOT.
works better in CK2
>bran has information not just on Jon, also the white walker!
Can't wait to see him mention the WW stuff en passant between 6 scenes where he talks about Jon Snu parentage to everyone.
Give more stannis
branaerys is real
>page 8
awful ship
Anyone happen to have a download link for pic related?
Apparently also known as
>tfw all the good actors have left the show.
I have real doubts about the new season's ability to deliver classic acting scenes. The CGI dragons will be great no doubt.
I stopped watching after season 1 because they started changing way too much stuff from the books. Also, while some of the actors are really great, about 45% of them are just TRASH actors.
>I stopped watching after season 1 because they started changing way too much stuff from the books.
You should pick it up again, S5/6 are getting back on track with the book story.
Haven't they already gone past the books?
Way past, don't know what that user is talking about, they've deviated further than ever
Although I still watch just for the fuck of it
Such a shame, much of the first season was 100% spot on.
the typography in this is criminal. I've seen better from first year design students.
we would also miss out on the best pov and get it replaced with some tyrell faggot no one cares about
that user's idea is shit
Ironically she's the furthest thing from it, being a fat nigger whore and all
>gene pool
any more?
Who was in the wrong here
me for watching this shit
the crayola company for keeping these 2 supplied
Can you name them all?
download link for what? a recording of the show?
I'm not sure about the long haired sword dude between Tommen and Aeron.
He is a character that has surpassed the medium he was written into and has transcended his fat creator.
those are re-recordings of tracks from the show, and they are different from the ones used in the show.
I thought he might be Darkstar, but I was thrown off by fact that no other Feast related dornigger was featured.
i dont understand why sansa is always illustrated as a demure shy innocent bright eyed woobie and not like the selfish cunt she actually is
you can still be selfish and be a demure shy bright eyed innocent woobie
no you cant. i dont know why everyone acts like she wasnt clearly putting on an act and showed her true colors when she was around arya.
>putting on an act
you're overestimating her. she doesn't like arya because arya doesn't act like she's supposed to, there's not much more to it
i wonder if sandra will ever apologize to arya for emotionally abusing her throughout her entire childhood
she doesnt like arya because sansa is a fucking cunt and an asshole who doesnt care about anyone except herself. stop making excuses for her.
branime superior
wtf i love you now
>little girl is mean to another little girl
>this means that she can't be innocent
I'm not making excuses for anyone I just don't get your reasoning
What did you mean by this?
Salty Cunt is my best friend
/got/ lets play a game, called rolling numbers 4 characters
rolling is for faggot
>they're the only major house without any besides the Baratheons
Will Arya meet Jon/Jaqen/Sandor again? Are those last 2 guys her "friends"?
Is that a fucking vampire in the corner?
best arianne martell
the site I'm looking at that has the names for everyone in the pic doesn't actually have anything for the top left corner
Why does Roose Bolton always stares at Robb? And how did Roose feel when he killed King Robb?
he felt nothing
also jesus christ jaqenfag you are easy to spot
I think the implication its just a nameless wight, hence the blue eyes, or the nameless Great Other, who Melisandre thinks is the main enemy.
yeah that's probably about right
wish there were more character compilation pics
But user, I don't hide or anything.
Seriously I don't care if you or anyone can spot me.
Ps: Thanks for calling me Jaqenfag again.
tfw still waiting on s7
What are they even going to talk about at Comic Con? It'll basically just be a glorified GoT promotion with them going "ummm.... well ur gonna have to watch the show to know that".
yeah I already have that one ;-;