Hey Sup Forums, are any of the Halloween films any good? Any not worth watching in particular?
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I like some John Carpenter, but I don't get Halloween. I thought it's boring as fuck. I've seen a handful of them, and they all seem trash to me.
First one is decent but it's showing its age, The 2nd one is underrated imo, worth a watch
1st 1
OP, Halloween 3 is the best of the series and it doesn't even feature that overrated mime fuckstick Meyers. But Halloween 4 is pretty good!!!FACT!!!
Part 3 is good. Part 1 is OK. Skip the rest.
the first Halloween is in my top 5 films of all time. at the very least you should watch that one.
Don't fall for the Halloween 3 is good meme.
It's basically this dude trying to plow a girl half his age and take down a big bad corporation. It's really hacky and only related to Halloween (the holiday) in a tangential way. The commercial from it is the only part worth watching.
Halloween is great but I appreciate it more because it captures the atmosphere of suburban halloween better than anything I've ever seen. In that regard it hasn't aged at all, comfy as fuck. Maybe the scares have aged.
3 wasn't very good. Theres better John Carpenter movies.
I remember liking H20, but everyone says its shit. Might watch the Producers Cut of 6 this Halloween.
Halloween is great to watch just as an exercise of minimalistic filmmaking. After so many sequels and knockoffs, it obviously will feel familiar and won't blow your mind.
First one, but I thought the rob zombie one was pretty decent.
Hallowen II is more of a slasher and better than the first one
As in it looks like a cheeseball horror film?
Why would I watch Halloween if it doesnt even have Michael Myers though?
Alright I'll skip 3 then
3 is actually pretty good. I saw it as a kid on tv and it freaked me the fuck out so I loved it, but I did rewatch it recently and even though I'm an adult now I still enjoyed it. I obviously understand the plot now so it wasn't quite as scary or weird as it was when I was a kid and was like "wtf is going on" half the time, but still pretty good old-school horror.
Only the original, same with tcm.
First one is a classic, but if you didn't see it as a kid you probably won't be into it. I don't think I've ever watched an old school horror film for the first time as an adult and been scared or really liked it much. Only the ones that scared the shit out of me as a kid can I really enjoy.
>same with tcm.
Psh. TCM II is a great sequel.
Texas chainsaw massacre you dummy
>Alright I'll skip 3 then
Its skipable in terms of the halloween franchise but I think it's a good movie. Judging by people loving it or hating it, it's a preference thing. I think you should see it eventually
>Psh. TCM II is a great sequel.
I thought so too till the last act
The first two and only the first two. part one is a bit dated but still an excellent movie. it's not really scary anymore but the score and mood is what's made it a classic. plus all the degenerates die and the pure virgin waifu survives. part two is just a slasher film. it's good but it's not as good as the first one
I watched every single halloween movie in a row a couple years ago when they did a marathon on amc. I can only remember the first two, the rest are so forgettably bad. I don't even know why I watched them I don't like horror movies generally
>Posting the deadly video
Ha, I'm not falling for that! I know some people that would, though. youtube.com
Seriously though, the only one I've seen is Halloween, and I thought it was great considering the time it was released. It basically set the stage for 80s slasher horror films like Friday the 13th.
I & II are the best but i tried to watch 1 again the other day and it was dumb as shit my tastes have become too sophisticated to suspend my disbelief by that much
Just don't watch any of the Rob Zombie ones. They are fucking terrible.
What was your issue?
It wasn't great before, but that final act turned it into utter shit.
If you're gonna watch the sequels, don't skip 3. Is the only one worth watching, even if it's somewhat overrated on this board.
1-5 and H20 were pretty good, I remember I used to catch them on AMC every year with my dad.
1st one is good just to see the original. 4 was also really good fun movie to watch on Halloween. 6 was also good but most known to be hated, until rob zombies movies came out. But I thought 6 had the scariest looking Mike Myers in it, just the way his mask looked and he seemed more brutal. Also it had more scary environments like basements, being home alone, sketchy hospitals, plus it was 90s so had a grungy look to it. Plus Paul Rudd as the protagonist, so take that as you want, but he did play a good weirdo. The story in 6 was very weird but the scenes with Michael killing and stalking people was probably the scariest out of all the movies
Honestly they're all good but main ones I'd say is 1,4, and 6
I remember USA showing Halloween all the time back in the day -- and they showed it with additional footage like Michael being visited in the hospital.
The good ol' days when Sci-Fi Channel would show Halloween and The Thing and all that good stuff.
I miss the Sci-Fi Channel so much, now it's just The Asylum's dumping ground these days.
Yeah, it's been in a mire of quality for over a decade now.
It's slightly better these days, but it was in horrid shape when all they showed was Battlestar Galactica and Stargate all -- fucking -- day, and ONLY those shows.
Annie best girl.
You're the dummy you....fucking....dummy
Part 3 Debate Now!