How does it feel knowing that this country will exist forever?
Dear Sup Forums
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Sad. I'd like to be russian, my grandfather was russian
>Sovereign state
What's it like living in denial like the little anglocuck you are?
soon no country will exist in the EU, it'll all be gray states
It won't
EU will federalize and the european nations will dissolve and merge into one European Superstate.
Not us though, we will have been kicked out long before it.
>EU will federalize and the european nations will dissolve and merge into one European Superstate.
wrong, EU will collapse before 2030.
Feels bad man.
>i would never be a part of the same country as MM le Pen
Shut up, Filip.
Won't Flanders become independent?
West Europe becomes ISIS
If they do that, they lost Brussels and it's a forced Flexit
Its the District of Columbia for the european super state.
Belgium yes. Forever.
Feels like poo in the loo.
Absolutely imaginary.
>tfw Brussel will be a French state by 2040
Pretty good bruh
About 58% of the population adheres to the Roman Catholic Church. Members of the Protestant and Eastern Orthodox churches together constitute around 7%.
We in Belgium are defenders of the catholic faith.
>Netherlands cuck status : Above sweden
65% percent are christians in our country.
To give you a comparison
Netherlands 34,5% Christian and 49,2% Fedora tippers
Germany : 60% and of those are 27.9 heretic evangelist
Sweden : 52% and 41% of them beeing protestant heretics.
Sources :
What country?
Why doesnt France take south and the netherlands north? I cant understand for what purpose this country exist.
Jesus Christ its like someone had a seizure and they decided to make it into words
Like German, Dutch is really good at compounding words together.
afhangen = depend. Literally just independence.
Wallons can perfectly claim themself as french if they want, they have enough historical background as part of frankish and french kingdom.
At this stage it is mostly a matter of pride and self determination, I know I wouldn't because being a little state in our times is far more convinient than it was in the past.
Biggest problem if Flanders gains independency is that they will need to pay much more for Europe than they actually do as part of Belgium.
Nobody really know what would happen if they leave EU though but since they are nowhere near the power of UK and have the euro I think it is fair to say that it would not look pretty.
They exist because they won their independency and nobody wanted to make war all over again in Europe after a troubled period, simple as that.
The French created Belgium. It's their own damned fault.
I'm flemish and like this country as it is, possibly an anomaly on Sup Forums of all places
With this logic USA are a french creation too.
Stop with the dutch propaganda, your ancestors wanted their own country and if it is true that France helped them it was never planned by us.
You're absolutely right, but there is a trend in Dutch to write compound nouns as separate words. Stuff like "ooggetuige" (eye witness) is now written as "oog getuige", which is completely retarded, of course, but that's what you get when English has the influence and presence it has.
Just join us, Flanders. Let France have Wallonia and let Brussels go fuck itself.
That's Spain
Napoleon forced the Dutch to stop waging war against the 'Belgian people'. Originally when they revolted they where waving French flags. But the French didn't want them. So they hastly had to made new flags. When we got our 'independence' france gave a part of their country to the other part so it acted as a buffer state.
>Stuff like "ooggetuige" (eye witness) is now written as "oog getuige"
Oog getuige is geen correct nederlands volgens het groene boekje, stop met onzin te verkondigen
France pulled away the Southern Netherlands because they wanted to annex it
brussels should become europe's dc, at this point it's just as much french (walloon) as it is dutch (flemish) culturally, architecturally and everything
Did you even read my post?
Hahaha, Vlamingen die nederlanders correct nederlands moeten leren.
Ik zeg toch niet dat het los schrijven van dat soort woorden de regel is, alleen dat veel mensen dat doen. Begrijpend lezen is een onbekend begrip daar in het zuiden zeker?
You can be sovereign all you like but it doesn't mean you have a comparable national identity
once the eu collapses your meme country will die and the netherlands will reclaim it
Welcome home, brothers
>Amerikaans onderwijs
ok you autistic piece of anglo trash, i sincerely have no idea why you retards even care about belgium though
Wow, zo schaamteloos!! Dit is echt niet tolerant hoor!!!1!1
Netherlands and Flanders should merge under the prinsenvlag
what do ethnic belgians even look like?
Happy it'll exist
>Sad it'll be all Muslims.
De Morgen is out of control with the racist comments about the dead Moroccan kid.
Like maybe 20 racist comments on an article and there are about 7 articles and opinions about it on their website now.
Manufactured outrage over nothing.
Maar wanneer ISlam juicht om aanslagen op onze straten is er geen ophef.
Niet dat dit niet achterlijk is, achterlijk rechts is net zo erg als achterlijk links. Maar van mij mogen ze allemaal kanker krijgen.
>Canada talking about national identity
What's the canadian national identity anyway ? Gay orgies with maple syrup as lube ?
>it's a "Sup Forums tries to bully Belgium by calling it non-country" episode
when will you all realize most Belgians don't even consider Belgium to be a real country
>De morgen
>Communist propaganda
Choose both
Journalists are rats, all of them.
>30 people die in muslim terror attack in Brussels
>#notallmuslims #terrorismhasnoreligion! !!!
>20 racist comments on a news article
>"See how racist the Flemish really are!!"
>have 10 opinion articles condemning the bad bad white Flemish guys
We should get #racismhasnorace trending while we show them the racist comments all those Arabs leave on Facebook.
Ik denk dat het tijd is dat we "racist" gaan normaliseren als geuzennaam.
Dat is het beste wapen tegen deze propaganda.
>Zaventem happening
>"vlaamse" moslims and walloon sandniggers celebrate on kikebook
>Sandape dies on kite
>Some comments for the lulz
Ga nog wat geiten neuken brahim
Onmogelijk. Het woord is veel te besmet om een nieuwe invulling te kunnen krijgen, net zoals fascisme.
Gelukkig zie ik dat de gemiddelde persoon op straat deze propaganda niet onderschrijft.
Als je mensen privé kan spreken merk je dat veel Vlamingen niet echt links zijn, behalve misschien naïeve studenten.
No one really cares about those comments. It's a storm created by the media and the politicians. Day of the rope now
There was a woman that created a documentary some time ago in Brussels where she was just walking in the streets and (((belgians))) (immigrants of 2nd and 3rd generation) would call her slut and spit on her. She was not even dressed slutty as far as I remember. These (((belgians))) were just mad because the woman didn't hand out her phone number when she was asked to.
This was literally not even mentioned by mainstream media. But when someone posts "this is one less potential terrorist on our territory" on fb when this mocro boy died in sandniggerland then all of sudden the whole country is racist.
De betekenis van het woord is toch wel onderhevig aan inflatie hoor. Er zijn al veel mensen die er geen moer meer om geven. De grootste zorg aan mensen hun kop is echter sociale isolatie en zelfs mogelijks verlies van hun baan als ze zich 'racistisch' uitlaten. Links heeft een terreurklimaat geschapen, met moderne schandpalen en een nieuwe rode brigade: mensenrechtenadvocaten en de Unia
Ik denk dat het uiteindelijk wel mogelijk is. Steeds meer mensen zijn ongevoelig voor dit soort propaganda. Het effect neemt met de dag af.
Kijk alleen al de reacties op dit stuk. Veel mensen zijn boos over de selectieve verontwaardiging;
I just wish the dark underbelly of the far right would shut their mouth. If they managed to keep their comments civil and intelligent, they wouldn't taint the (far) right as a whole. They are serving no one when they post vile stuff online - quite the contrary.
You can't say it but everyone knows who the troublesome people are. Just look at the fucking prisons, when the sun sets during Ramadan you can hear the shouts of "Allah ackbar" and prayer music coming from the prison of Leuven. It's like you're in another country.
Zeker mee eens... Het is grappig dat de N-VA onlangs het voorstel indiende om vrije meningsuiting in te perken als je een terroristische organisatie steunt. Links werd meteen gek "hoe durf je vrije meningsuiting inperken"... Nu gaat elk artikel in De Morgen over hoe we die stoute racisten kunnen verbannen van facebook voor het posten van hun mening.
Het probleem is dat mensen nooit publiekelijk hun mening kunnen verkondigen, en ze zijn hopeloos omdat de N-VA mensen heeft teleurgesteld (thanks, Francken!) en het Vlaams Belang is ondemocratisch weggewerkt uit het politieke landschap.
the thingey where the beers and "french" fries come from.
I'm sorry but the leftists are right in this situation. It was very tasteless to make fun like that of a 15 year old kid that died.
yes but it's not a national drama and most certainly not the most pressing issue right now
>It was very tasteless
Maybe but it still doesn't justify the shitstorm created by media / politicians for a few edgy comments
Yes, but politicians do not need to speak out about these people, nor do government agencies like Unia need to sue these people, nor do we need anti-racism laws. They are killing our free speech. I agree that laughing with a dead kid is stupid, but fuck it, they must get their dirty hands of our freedoms
Ik zou N-VA niet vertrouwen met zulke voorstellen (hun patriot act ook al bv). Als puntje bij paaltje komt gaat zulke 'anti-terreur' wetgeving ook gebruikt worden om rechtse mensen aan te pakken. We zijn goed op weg naar een dictatuur
I can agree with this.
Liever een Vlaamse dictatuur onder De Wever dan een Europese onder Juncker
Maakt geen verschil. De Wever is een gewillig vazal van de EU
I grew up near where this kid also grew up. You'd be hard press to find a bunch of youths there who'll actually like belgians.
They are made for "racists" comments but I dare them to go around those areas with no camera crew and just simply ask them what they think about belgians
Why would they like us? They mistake kindness for weakness, but the way things are going, they would be right. 50 years ago all this bullshit wouldn't fly.
They openly boast about fucking our daughters and turning Belgium into Turkey. Just look at any news article about Erdogan. Too bad news won't cover THAT racism.
Of course it's tasteless, but it shouldn't be forbidden. People should be free to express themselves however they like.
I despise muslims who cheer at terrorists attacks with every fiber of my being, but I wouldn't ever call for it to be censored. No on the contrary, let people see what these retards are like. The spotlight is the best medicine for this type of behavior. Imagine the backlash if the leftie media actually reported on the "newcomers'" racism towards westerners.
I say this often:
being an asshole is not, nor should it be, illegal
being racist (actual racist, not ""racist"") just makes someone a douchebag but shouldn't have any consequences for society as a whole
I don't care if you like your country, we will free and anschluss you anyway
No country exists forever. This is the final red pill every nation faces.
It won't. But they'll fall and those of germanic ancestry will claim it for the fun of slaughtering those without germanic ancestry.
I'm down.
you tried that for 800 years, what makes you think you are going to succeed this time? We still speak dutch here in Flanders