>the pictures from the planes on Dachau and stuff don't show enough, the chimney's not long enough, doesn't cast a long shadow enough to possibly be big enough to service the killing machine of Hitler
The pictures from the planes on Dachau and stuff don't show enough, the chimney's not long enough...
How could the cyanide, why would the guards not all be dead from pulling open the doors?
I unironically started making holocaust denial jokes with my buddies in class and nobody said shit to us
why would the guards at the Nazi camps where they gassed the jews, why would they not be dead if the gas was so deadly?
Generation Ziklon is real
you literally could not burn the amount of bodies they said they burned in the time they said they burned them
Why were there swimming pools at designated death camps that were built solely for the purpose of housing Jews?
Why wouldn't they send death squads through Poland and gun down Jews as they saw them if they wanted to kill them?
Why was it right of conquest allowed for every country but Germany?
these are some good questions
This thread is ok but only because I'm reading it all in Norm's voice
So these fellas were burning bodies at a rate... At a rate not even reasonable, you see?
>people actually called these places "death camps"
A lot of survivors for a people killing facility designed by the most strict group of perfectionists in history. This went on for many years also. Why did a death camp have Red Cross inspections?
I feel like the great escape featured a more realistic depiction of Concentration Camps to be honest, but that movie was made before all the history was written by the victor.
really makes the old noodle oscillate
1. you're underestimating german efficiency
2. today the disposable of bodies through cremation is a regulated thing and is done in a "humane" way. Back then they could just burn them however they wanted
what's up Saul
There's this David Cole fella, he argues that the deaths at these camps were from typhus, not gassing, you see! The very same Zyklon B that was claimed to be used for gassing, was actually used in delousing, you see! Ha ha!
>rounding up all of these kikes, getting all their information, tattooing them the same way the tatooed their soliders, putting them in camps with beds and leisure, only to gas them (costs more than a bullet in the head) and burn them 1 or 2 at a time over 4 years? Doesn't sound very "efficient". If they wanted to kill them, they would have genocided them on the spot like the Soviets did to the Ukranians.
Hitler hated gassing and other such means of war, he was gassed himself in WW1 as a decorated veteran and lost his eyesight for a time. If he had the atom bomb he probably would have only used it, if ever, in the case of mutually assured destruction or only in the most deserving of circumstances, unlike the Allies who did it once and then did it a second time for the fun of it.
>today we have regulations dictating how you must burn bodies
source needed retard
huh, interesting. seems like the whole thing is a lie.
when Norm does this bit i'm suspicious. He knows the arguments a bit too well
truly /ourguy/
well Adam Egret is always going on about the numbers, why there's only so few ovens for so many jews
>Why was it right of conquest allowed for every country but Germany?
Because everyone else is capable of actually winning, Fritz.