Can someone please explain nationalism to me?

Can someone please explain nationalism to me?

I honestly can't understand the appeal of it at all. You have no control at all over your nationality, so why would you be proud of it?

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A sense of Identity beyond your personal self. This especially applies if said nation has things to be proud of. On the subject of which, I don't take offence to being called BritBong.

pathetic bait

While you may not have control over it, your nationality is the result of where your ancestors (including your parents) have made their home.

You might not feel that the country you were born in is home, because you're a 2nd generation immigrant, in which case, you might feel more nationalistic towards your "true" home country, i.e. where your parents were born.

In any case, Nationalism is good because it promotes love and good wellbeing of you and your countrymen, who share traits with you. It's a form of co-operation/altruism.

Now, why pick Nationalism over Globalism? You can't help everyone, and there are people, countries and corporations who are unlike you and do not have any incentive to help you (for instance, I'm an anglo, and I won't get help from africans and arabs).

It also gives you more joy in living. Living and loving your country can turn into a beneficial addiction, making you feel happier, stronger, more confident, which will help you to lead a better life.


>one post by this ID

because some nationality are better than others

You think Nationalism stops at pride.
Being a Nationalist also involves both apreciating your ancestor's efforts AND building on those efforts to improve your country for your future generations

Because most likely your nation has shaped you
Nationalism doesn't mean you have to hate others btw

You're right OP, but why would you want to have your opinion changed by the lunatics of Sup Forums?

people like me are good and together we're stronger

I guess you weren't born with the tribalism instinct that all other humans have had for millions of years. I'm sorry.

you're mentally ill then, don't worry, KYS.


>tfw when you realise tribalism is a socialist microcosm.

>tfw when you realize feeling good is a social construct
>tfw when you realize wanting to live is a social construct

I live comfortably because of my forefathers, my father and mother not being utter subhumans

I understand subhumans feel threatened by nationalism, as you easily are manipulated like little children by kikes. but its because of amazing western pioneers you can leech off of us today


First we had monarchy.

The joo said oh noooooooes. So he spread proto-communists slogans a la "liberte, egalite, fraternite". Than everyone was killed.

Than we had pan-nationalism.

The Joo said oh nooooooooes. So he spread "it's like anudda shoah". Everyone was killed.

Now we have nationalism.

The Joo says oh nooooooooes. So he will flodding us with immgrants and say "defend Jewish-ChristianX Europe". And we will have third world war.

Than we will have Globalism.

Good goy.

PS: Armenians are Christianized Joos.

you have no control over what foods you enjoy so why not just eat shit

very good post

You didn't choose which parents you were going to be born with, so why do you love your parents?

How can nationalism be good but collective racism (a la Black Lives Matter) be bad?

Do you follow any sports,bands,operas,musicals?

Because otherwise the Sup Forums Neets, useless, virgins, cuckservatives etc would actually have to make an ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT to be proud of, and that haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard.

Why read maths. Or train even a little bit any artistic ability. Or be good at business in a true free market, when you can just browse pol all day and whine about niggers, the degenerate women/western civilisation and dream of handicapping others as much as possible, based on things that can't be chosen.

This is the truth and you know it. That simple.

Pic related. An archievement of our current so called "degenerate" civilisation.

but you can choose what you eat leavefag dummy

projecting much? I'm a Wendy's Chef that makes 250k a year. I also have a 9 inch dick

what is migration?

Because it feels good to love your people and have your people love you back. That's why the kikes try to destroy it, it creates camraderie between you and your countrymen, and without it we are divided, which makes it easier to push mass third world immigration.

This is some god-tier projection, Bong

Please respond

Nationalism is built upon love for your people, not hate for another

Also, since when has a white nationalist group been responsible for countrywide riots and the mass murder of six cops?

spacex is an accounting scam living in a regulatory loophole, it's an embarrassment, not a proud accomplishment.

When corporate leaders buy federal positions with campaign contributions we call that 'corruption'. Lori Garver, appointed to deputy administrator of NASA, was an obama campaign worker and Musk was a big donor to Obama's campaign.

Pic related, an actual accomplishment.

Noble lie to keep the plebs distracted, just like religion.

Modern nationalism is stupid, here's why.

I have always been a nationalist, if we were living in any time before 1914 I'd be a nationalist and I'd encourage all of you to be aswell. But modern nationalism is a love for your country as it is, I don't love my country now. I don't love my people now. My country favours people who aren't British, Norway favours non-Norwegians etc. It gives them bonus either not applicable to us or equal to us despite not putting anything into it while our ancestors have been for over 10,000 years.

Secondly, you know have men and women of Pakistani, Indian, Ethiopian, Egyptian etc origin who are called British/Norwegian citizens, so defending and loving my country and its people means loving them as well despite them not having a drop of European blood in them.

Nationalism means defending and wanting to see your country succeed, but the more it succeeds, the more it will turn away from its ethnic citizens to become multicultural. What we need it for our countries to collapse, causing the non-natives to leave or die or be killed by struggle. Modern Nationalism is not good for us.

My dads English and I'm very proud of being British a.k.a true Australian, mums 7th gen Australian from British ancestors but doesn't see the appeal.
She was still BONGED though

That's why I'm a Fascist comrade; the traitors need to be hanged for us to succeed.

i have no control over the sun, should i pretend that doesnt exist too?

Uh, Nazis?

communism was responsible, not nazis


Fuck off user.

>The joo said oh noooooooes. So he spread proto-communists slogans a la "liberte, egalite, fraternite". Than everyone was killed.
Louis XVI was a terrible leader that made decisions which would lead to a huge financial and debt crisis.

When he tried to flee after being arrested, his plan failed because he thought only radicals in Paris were against him when, in fact, even peasants and common folk hated him.

His final hope in order to gain back the throne of France was fucking foreign invasion from Prussia and Austria.

Would someone want to keep that guy as king?


Nationalism is being proud of everything your ancestry has done along with your countrymen. It's another identity on which you can count when times get tough, as nationality links between people are strong.

I don't mind being called a sandnigger, because that's part of who I am, and I accept my ethnicity/nationality. That doesn't mean I'm going to chimpout like a goddamn nigger, though: everyone should strive to be as great of a person as they can be. There's a difference between nationalism and falling into stereotypes / being peer-pressured into doing so.

The people advancing society were never the ones fucking around on the street their whole life.

I don't agree with the decision that you SHOULD always strive to improve your country, though, because if your countrymen can't help themselves and you really can't contribute to your nation (eg. rampant corruption and political establishment that leads a country to its death), then there's really nothing you can do at that point.

Morocco's king, despite being adored by the entire population (saying anything bad about him is extremely risky) treats the country as a cash machine and sits on one of the biggest fortunes in the world. The fucking royal companies account for 3% of our GDP because they aren't accounted for in taxes. Our educational system is a joke, corruption is fucking everywhere, and our economy is crashing down.

>That's why I'm a Fascist comrade; the traitors need to be hanged for us to succeed.
But fascism is a meritocracy. Color of skin doesn't matter, unless you're implying pakis, indians, and africans do fuck all

do you really think il duce though nignogs were the same as mediterraneans?

I thought Sup Forums was about individualism

You ask this question but I will bet you have favorite sports team. Silly cunt. Use your fucking head. What next you gonna ask why you love your parents more than the fucking twat in another continent? Cunt. Fucking bait.

Depends on which perspective of Fascism you look at. I don't want those dirty foreigners here. Britain for the British. Britain is white.

individualism is what leads to the current multicultural society, though

Honestly, Mussolini's views on race shifted a lot. During the first half of his reign (until ~1933), he was basically a white/mediterranean nationalist, but afterwards, he started denying the theory of races
"Race! It is a feeling, not a reality: ninety-five percent, at least, is a feeling. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today. ... National pride has no need of the delirium of race."

I don't mind color of skin as long as pride for both your country and its culture is present, honestly.

>individualism is what leads to the current multicultural society, though

>being independent and self-reliant leads to multiculturalism


What i dont get is how people can feel nationalistic being born on countries of immigrants like uruguay, usa, australia, sweden, etc...
I feel much more connected with my ancestral homeland

Without nationalism the only stable form of rule is authoritarian globalism or anarchocapitalism. You want brave new world or rapture pham?

you have to note exactly the language he uses there, though it might sound like it from a modern context he is not denying race exists at all.

think of a color wheel with red and blue, where does the red end and blue begin? its decided by us, its arbitrary, and yet red and blue still exist.

>one post by this ID

So a society that promotes individual behavior without caring about your country or your countrymen, based on personal interests, doesn't lead to a fragmented nation where everyone only cares about their own culture, in other words multiculturalism
At least, that's how I see it

Honestly, I think it's more of a color wheel with different shades of red and blue
There's no denying that red and blue still exist, but it doesn't matter which color you are, as long as you are the lightest shade possible (striving the be the best individual)

you love the country and the people in it. despite there being a massive amount of faggots and all around degenerates in America, I will defend them because they are MY faggots and degenerates and I won't let anyone laugh at them except my fellow Americans

>thinking you have control over anything
>not standing up for and protecting what you care about

obviously there are different shades of red and blue, and they exist, but are they meaningful? is purple meaningful? probably, but is vermilion meaningful? most people dont look that deep because it doesnt really matter, what matters by and large is the red and blue

Seeing Montenegro on this old caricature makes me proud

only your state can guartanee you a resonable amount of freedom and will protect you from other states and harmful corporations. its thefore reasonable to feedback it.

As an Australian I'm ashamed of this and offer my sincerest apologies for this retarded cunt. Guaranteed to be from Melbourne (not really Australia).

i know you are a fucking mudslime with your bullshit ideas to break down borders, get out of our country

>most people dont look that deep because it doesnt really matter, what matters by and large is the red and blue
That's where I disagree.

I dunno, it's just that I place national pride and identity higher than racial identity. People of same nationality will be much more likely to hold similar views and values and are more likely to help and support each other than people whose only resemblance is their color of skin.

I heard Melbourne is Australia's California, is that true?

he asked a good question, blind and reasonless nationalism is potentially harmful, see russia where the plebs is fearmongered into taking their oligarchy D into their ass. i think its important to think about such things.

yeah I guess you're right. culture is just like nationalism in that your taking credit for something you were born into. people make it their identity and have nothing else, which leads to mob mentality which is why we have shit like blm.

well i can tell you as an american, that not been my experience. the mexicans go with the mexicans, the blacks go with the blacks, even to a lesser degree the germans with the germans and the italians with the italians, even here the gypsies stay with the gypsies, slovakians stay with slovakians, moravians and bohemians differences slight as they are stay with eachother too to a noticeable degree

culture doesnt spring from nowhere, its an expression of a peoples biology and to ignore it just to avoid the problems it brings only serves to delay and worsen the inevitable crash

>people make it their identity and have nothing else, which leads to mob mentality which is why we have shit like blm.
Yeah, nationalism doesn't work if you don't build on it, simply sitting on your ass and shouting WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIT is laughable

Of course, my idealistic beliefs differ quite a lot from reality. Racial communitarianism is still highly present.

>culture doesnt spring from nowhere, its an expression of a peoples biology
Do you have anything to back that up? Culture is an expression of the environment and conditions a community lives in, permitting populations to adapt to widely varying local ecologies.

I'd have agreed if you said someone's culture actually influences their biology, eg. Northern European developing lactase throughout their entire life due to raising cattle while other populations are generally lactose-intolerant

However, we have never observed any genetic psychological influence based on culture and behavior of ancestry

>Culture is an expression of the environment and conditions a community lives in, permitting populations to adapt to widely varying local ecologies.
just like biology. i consider them to be the same thing, just taken to different extents

Oh, alright. I consider cultural bonds multiple orders of magnitude stronger than biological/racial bonds, which brings up the earlier discussion on Nationalism vs Racism

I don't think we'll ever agree on that, desu

Well, my country has so few immigrants that I've never really observed communitarianism myself, so this may influence my opinion, I guess

You seem to be forgetting the first rule of Sup Forums

Hitler did nothing wrong.

And there it is

>he conflates nationalism with patriotism

>I honestly can't understand the appeal of it at all.
It fights against liberalism and globalism. I was never huge on nationalism at first, but I realized the opposition needs a strong unifying force, so I signed up.

nowadays nationalism is the political version of patriotism

LITERALLY the same thing. Some people just like to differentiate them with bullshit definitions.

Of course you can't understand you are Australian


Your confusion comes from your lack of understanding of the word pride.

Pride isn't only caused by things you are directly responsible for but can also refer to positive feelings towards something or someone that you are happy to be associated with.

For example when people find out that one of their friends has managed to give up smoking and they say "I'm proud of you".

It's the same with national pride or racial pride or whatever.

Nope. Nationalism is the belief that your people should be able to decide it's own faith. Patritism is loving your own country. That is why we never hear of nationalism in USA (They are all mutts and multicultural), and why we never hear about patriotism in Europe (most of our countries are composed of a single culture).

But you contributed fuck all to what Britain accomplished. You literally happen to be born there... you did not do anything at all. If you were born in india, nothign would change for both countries.

I have to add that patriotism has nothing to do with one race/culture. A nigger can be a French patriot.

Cause you can directly contribute and affect your nation for the better. That is something to be proud of.

Patriotism is an expression of Nationalism. The reason nationalism doesn't work in the USA is that communitarianism is rampant, and people would rather prioritize their ethnicity's culture than the country they were born in and live in.

>why we never hear about patriotism in Europe
There's plenty of patriotism in European countries, though

Nice projection

Nationalism is stupid. Imperialism is whats cool.

Every country is a complex system of finacial support. Without the taxes and services the working and middle class pay the higher echelons wouldn't be able to do anything.

If you pay taxes and are willing to fight to defend your home you have every right to feel patriotic and proud of your nation

>his last emperor sent countless people to die and completely shit on Russia

I don't disagree, senpai
I don't think doing the absolute minimum is as relevant as striving to improve the country you live in, though

>Patriotism is an expression of Nationalism.
Nope. Patriotism is the love for one state. Nationalism is the love for one people.

>There's plenty of patriotism in European countries
nope. One thing europeans have in common is most of us dislike our states. "right wing" manifestation in europe is majoritely nationalism

We'd all love to be groundbreaking scientists or feared generals but most must accept they simply can't, but by working and raising a family we allow exceptional people to come to prominence.

Personally i think a huge problem with western society is that many have turned away from true nationalism and put their own emotions before their civic duty

Just realised
Was meant for

>Nope. Patriotism is the love for one state. Nationalism is the love for one people.
That sounds like a definition you just pulled out of your ass, and you're basing your argument on that.

Patriotism is emotional attachment to your nation/country, be it because of ethnic, cultural. political, or historical aspects.

Nationalism is the belief that nations should be free to rule for themselves.

Oh, okay

I'm not saying you need to make huge accomplishments in order to feel patriotic, but you should also believe in improving your country (eg. by trying to become a better individual, etc) if you truly want to feel patriotic
The thought is what counts

Would you think some nigger living on welfare acting like a chimp and doing fuck all his entire life to improve himself has any right to feel patriotic just because he pays taxes?

Nationalism is bullshit. A tool to destruct empires. Basically nationalism means smaller empires without religion and more Joomocracy.

Nationalism is always based on bullshit ideas. Just look at those Fake Greeks on Sup Forums who claim to be Ancient Greeks, lulz.

Even Pan-Germanism is bullshit. Since when are alpine people nordic? If you count them as German (on a racial basis!), than you must count your Inselaffen Brits as German too.

Indeed French Revolution brought nationalism. There is a strange concesus between nationalism and communism.

Bring back monarchy.

I may not choose what team I am put on. But logically I would root for that team and hope that it triumphs over other teams.

>You have no control at all over your nationality

Go to bed NEET scum.