How have you been inspired by Wonder Woman?
How have you been inspired by Wonder Woman?
*teleports behind you*
jesus christ
for fucking years men have been made fun of for buying swords
and now this shit
The West is doomed.
stopped reading there
I now make my wife wear a wonder woman outfit while she cooks, cleans and when I fuck her ass. It's a win win, thank you makers of wonder woman.
shut up you thin-skinned mra retard
autism is gender blind
> that all you got?
>Absolutely BRAP ass
>c-c-can I smell your sword blease?
i'm gonna slice you up bitch
And It's Absolutely Badass
>blade probably isn't even folded 1000 times to perfect Japanese steel quality
Fucking disgusting
great thread
>Its absolutely Badass
>I'm not a nigger it's just tan.jpg
Now when will we start seeing sword fighting in the street?
>absolutely braaps
fixed it for ya ;^*
seriously you can imagine a hardened muslim immigrant rapist sees her, disarms her in like 2 seconds, and then with her own sword cuts off her fucking head and proceeds to fuck the neck hole
This. When buzzfeed says "women/men are doing x" they actually mean they told at least 2 employees to do it, and are trying to sell it as a trend.
I'd deck you right in your face if you said this to me irl you perpetually victimized cunt
Now if only they had an editor to cut out the part where they have to take the sword out of there and hold it like a normal person before they can unsheathe it.
>HOW do we fix the manchild epidemic? Men just don't want o get married or dedicate their lives to a soulless job to pay for their wife and kids!
>So here are women in their 20's and beyond dying their hair unnatural colors like they're in junior high and joining trends started by movies....
>Men just don't want o get married or dedicate their lives to a soulless job to pay for their wife and kids!
I don't get it, sounds like perfect life to me
pusy poster has taken a dark turn
Maybe it'd be better if we would just submit to Islam already. I'm a male, all I have to do is convert (or at least pretend to). Meanwhile these dumb cows can get beheaded by their local sharia squad for showing an ankle in public.
We're no longer the cringiest gender, Sup Forums!
We did it!
I'm already planning on it.
I'm going to spend years helping the Sharia Squads root out filthy queers and uppity bitches.
can't wait for the article where some woman kills a guy with a sword for manspreading and buzzfeed praises her as a hero
Here I thought women would sport the gauntlets, not the fucking sword in dress.
due to the length of your arm its pretty much impossible to effectively draw a sword from your back. the back sheath is total Hollywood bullshit.
>It's badass
>Literally genderbent m'lady shit
Fat idiots with swords look like retards
> no bacon and booze
I couldn't do it. Old catholicism treated these bitches the same. Women's suffrage was the biggest mistake humankind made
Americans are fucking cringe-core
It is literally impossible to draw a Katana like that, especially if you have short woman arms.
It's not for that purpose.
Diana is hiding it in her dress at a party for the Germans.
>not taking advantage of easyily manipultated women are and selling them things that work their ego
just like when they found out it was a man who was selling those "man tears" mugs
ok so what does a regular not comic book hero girl do with a sword that is definitely printing that she can't readily access?
>Ywn have buzzfeed & co support your idiotic fashion choices
>guys do anything
>who gives a shit
>girls do anything
fucking losers need a pat on the back for getting out of bed
more like
>guy does anything
>10 reasons why men won't grow up
>women do anything
>10 reasons why doing X is empowering
>buy a UNSC halo knick-knack emblem
>put it on my desk at work
>someone googles UNSC
>instantly branded as the "office autist"
>WW comes out
>every chick walks into work with dyed styled hair and wont shut the fuck up about it
To teleport behind you.
replace this story with one about a male doing the same thing
>And It's Absolutely Cringeworthy
>And It's Absolutely Terrifying
>And It's Absolutely As Bad As You Expect
>And It's...
BuzzFeed would be 100% fine for what it is if it maintained *any* tonal consistency whatsoever.
>man living on an island with nothing but women
>man romancing a guy
The LGBT might like it.
It will inevitable sort itself out. The unlimited influx of patriarchal Arabs who still know what it means to be a man and the gynocracies of the West that perpetually enable their behaviors will lead to Western Civilization collapsing and human behavior reverting to the natural established order.
If you tell Besim and Taufiq to mind your pronouns they are going to throw acid in your face
you deserve it
I don't believe that the mere emblem is what labeled you as the autist. Probably just icing on the cake. Chances are you're actually autistic.
Lemme let you in on something you've probably never knew.. you can be into almost anything and be accepted so long as you conduct yourself accordingly, take care of your body, and can support yourself financially. I have an old college friend who lives and dies by halo lore. Reads the books on the beach and everything. But he also eats clean and works out. He works in advertising and wears a suit everyday and drives a nice car. He brings girls home and even plays video games with them.
You're either lying, exaggerating, not telling the full story, or can't see the obvious.