>so ahead of it's time xD
This movie has the same attitude and level of cleverness as every other 11th grade guy at my high school, back in 1997.
It has got to be the most reddit movie of all time.
it is the opposite of reddit, as evidenced by the frequent usage of faggot and the celebration of the "dumb president." The only reddit thing is that it only really showed white people being dumb, when in reality the dumb races of the future will be mixed.
>the most Reddit
Kill thyself.
I have never been to Reddit. You will have to explain this meme where if you don't like something it's "Reddit". What noun could be used in place of Reddit to make it just as relevant?
I literally in actual cereality couldn't tell whether this was supposed to be a documentary or not.
It wasn't
> reddit
I think you mean redpilled
>Reddit humour
Which is what exactly?
Shit taste posters around here don't seem to like Mike Judge.
It's sophmoric because that's all that is left of the human population.
>implying it wasn't redpilled as fuck
We live in a dysgenic society, and handouts only make it worse. Trash reproduces and intelligent people murder their own children in the uterus.
King of the Hill is true master race, and Beavis and Butthead, while inconsistent, can be really good. But his movies and Silicon Valley suck black dick.
oh and also remember when people went to the cinema to watch an ass fart? Tell me the difference between that and pic related
If you use reddit as an adjective, you should probably consider suicide. Idiocracy is great. Mike Judge has never made a bad movie.
I mean people with high IQ who kill their children because of selfish motivations, mostly convenience.
>intelligent people murder their own children in the uterus.
Can't be that intelligent then, huh?
Not a noun but "something I dislike", reddit is a pretty shitty site but a good porn aggregator
see They're otherwise intelligent but they've been (((brainwashed))) to prioritize the wrong things and to see killing their offspring as normal. That's what happens when individualism takes hold of a society.
>Trash reproduces and intelligent people refuse to
Well then they are intelligent at all in the first place.
It's mostly younger people of average intelligence who spout this meme. Those are the people Judge was writing for, and maybe if the studio hadn't backed out, the movie would have made a lot of money. It has certainly gained a huge following since, so clearly Judge was onto something, financially speaking. But very few self-respecting people over the age of 30 will praise this movie so highly.
It is interesting though how the people who do praise this movie aren't really accomplishing anything themselves, or doing anything to prove their own superior intelligence. They usually are just average brained pseuds with autism.
It's the same with that george carlin meme you see about how dumb the average person is. Why do most people who post that think they are so above it themselves?
This happens because they were told they were really smart their whole lives, and because they weren't, but cling to that delusion, they have to somehow reconcile their own delusion of above-average intelligence with their own lacking accomplishments. So what they come up with is that while they might not be at the very top, they are well above the average pleb, and to make this work, they desperately concoct these groundless representations of what the average pleb is. They don't dare do the honest thing, and just look in the mirror.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
well, that too
the thing is, people go "muh career" and when they want children they realize they're in that age where they're still fertile but children are a lot more likely to be retarded or malformed
It's a "smart" movie for stupid people done right.
Ah, the good old "abortion is murder" meme. I guess masturbation is a sin too.
>imagine being so based that you make an ironic movie about how the future will be ruled by stupid people that pretends to be nothing other than a silly comedy film
>it becomes partly true when the dumbest nation on the planet elects a cheetohs as their president and musters up a legion of zombie like followers who argue with images of frogs and believe in nothing but memes
>these retards then get triggered by the simple comedy film because even they realize that they are becoming a living meme
I mean I will giggle myself silly BRAPposting and then go back to reading War and Peace and listening to Vaughan Williams. You don't have to be le intellectual all the time.
MAGA boy watched movie that accurately depicts he is part of the problem. doesn't like it.
>Ah, the good old "abortion is murder" meme
it is
>I guess masturbation is a sin too.
That depends. "Sin" is a very relative concept. What is a sin for one religion isn't for another. But then again, you could argue that if it's a sin according to at least one religion then it's a sin. But that would make the concept meaningless, since what wouldn't be a sin? Is driving a car if you're a woman a sin because the Saudi Muslims believe so? Is usury a sin because Christians believe so? Is eating pork a sin because Jews believe so? Does not offering crops to Demeter constitute an offense?
A sperm cell isn't an embryo.
Based Judge
>le individualism is bad
you fell for his trap. He didn't go full retard like the typical lefties who say it's murder and evidence their ignorance of basic biology. He called it a sin.
Quite the contrary, my hasidic friend.
Based mike judge saw the future
>if u don't agree with me ur a jew
Idiocracy is now, and it is you.
>if u don't agree with me ur a jew
that's not how it works
only a Jew would equate tribalism with conformism (only for the goyim though, they don't have a problem when they're the ones engaging in tribalism)
The way you write, you really do sound like you browse reddit.
Why are you bringing up politics? And anyway, I voted for Gary Johnson, not Donald Trump.
>he bought into the "Donald Trump is stupid meme
You're easily manipulated by media and scary rhetoric.
>War and Peace
Only a BRAP poster would say some shit like this.
It was entertaining, but the same people who elevate it to some genius level shit are the same people who thought John Stewart and Trey Parker and Matt Stone was fucking mindblowing
Trump's views on trade and immigration are not idiotic. They're sensible, and as far as the immigration policy, more countries in the world share his policy than don't. You may say it's an idiotic position, but the point is that there's nothing uniquely idiotic about toning down the flow of unvetted immigrants. His anti war rhetoric was good but frankly I didn't buy that he'd follow through, and he didn't. The most he can do now is not fag up again, but we'll see. Anyone who voted for him based solely on his war rhetoric was taking a gamble, and they lost. But with Hillary it would have been a sure thing.
>frog posters
You're picking the faggiests members to represent the Trump side. It's not as though Team Hillary doesn't have it's own share of people who use embarrassing, childish fallacies and simplistic buzzwords.
It predicted things fairly accurately though, didn't it? I mean, Trump is president and there has been half-serious talk that The Rock and/or Kanye might run. 80% or so of the nation is childish and dumb — both the so-called leftists and the so-called right-wingers.
Mike Judge has been consistently one of the most astute observers of culture.
He's certainly doing a good job of making his own life harder
Dude, obviously Trump is good at certain things. He did get elected president. But from an intellectual standpoint, he is extremely stupid. He can barely articulate a single coherent thought. He obviously is not well-read. None of this is debatable... you just have to watch literally any Trump interview. Or just see the difference between him when he is improvising and when he is reading a speech that someone else wrote for him.
And before people start calling me a cuck, etc... look, I'm no fan of Obama either. Obama is a sophist who, like Trump, also mostly relies on his ability to charm retards for his success. I'm not a leftist.
If you want to call Trump smart because he's good at delivering pro wrestling-style speeches in the context of politics and because he's got a certain prize fighter's sense of when to punch and how hard, fine, call him smart. But let's not pretend that the guy is smart in any sort of intellectual, scientific sense.
xD nice you got 'em, have an upvote comrade
edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
>defending a president that takes to twitter randomly to ensure that his presidency is harder than it already is
that's not something a smart man does, user. he's legitimately retarded, you might have to deal with that.
>If you want to call Trump smart because he's good at delivering pro wrestling-style speeches in the context of politics and because he's got a certain prize fighter's sense of when to punch and how hard, fine, call him smart. But let's not pretend that the guy is smart in any sort of intellectual, scientific sense.
I'd say his empire and his deals are more than proof of his intelligence.
But what do I know, I'm a poorfag living in the third world
Funny thing is, Trump is exactly the kind of guy whom many 4channers would normally hate viciously — he's an unintellectual Chad, born rich, with a history of bullying others. And he's a New York billionaire who's deep friends with all sorts of Jews. But because he made the SJWs mad, Sup Forums went gaga over him.
Since Reddit users as a whole are fairly reasonable and agreeable, they tend to like popular, fun, harmless things like Marvel movies and other trends. Sup Forums is a toxic wastepit that doesn't let anyone like ANYTHING, so their counter to seeing anything that is popular is to call it "reddit" because they're too intellectual and redpilled for it.
so redditors are what we'd otherwise just call normie plebs with shit taste who consume material aimed at the lowest common denominator?
>that age where they're still fertile but children are a lot more likely to be retarded or malformed
that's how it is for me, so it was an easy fix. guys just want to fuck, but all i keep keep thinking about is how if preventative measures weren't up to par, i'd have to abort abort abort.
Reddit is a massive fucking website with hundreds of times 4chans userbase and possibly thousands of times it's number of subject boards.
It's fucking stupid to use "you go on reddit" as any kind of classification as if there's any unifying trait among them. But Sup Forums is full of fucking stupid people so I suppose it makes sense.
t. reddit
>It's fucking stupid to use "you go on reddit" as any kind of classification as if there's any unifying trait among them.
>freedom hating staff isn't a unifying trait
you probably fap to the fantasy of getting pegged by ellen pao, what a fucking cuck
And anyone on Sup Forums likes freedom? Every faggot here just whines nonstop how everyone who doesn't agree with them needs to leave their safespace because they can't handle other opinions.
Do you feel in charge?
Criticism isn't censorship. You make an unpopular vote here and it gets tons of (You)s, making it more visible. Literally the opposite effect of flooding it with negatives.
Fucking hell, republicans getting fucked with the pure true.
Is not that Democrats are better, even if their doctrines are made to work and develop progress, both of the dominant political parties of USA are just in a war of private economic interests.
You guys are fucked, like every other country, but in your own american/racewar/politicalapathy way