Is water a human right, Sup Forums?

Is water a human right, Sup Forums?

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How to get hung by an angry mob with this 1 weird trick.

We let corporations cuck us over here. Monsanto literally made most edible plants give infertile seeds, so that they can sell more seeds. And nobody seems to five a fuck.

True, but you can eat different food.

Pretty hard to drink different water.

What do you mean? Yes, you should be able to go to any lake/river/pond/etc that isn't on private land and drink your fill. No, you should not be guaranteed free access municipally sanitized water.


>private land
no such thing

He is right.

It costs a lot of money to desalinate and filter that water you take for granted everyday.

Corporations are not charities.

What next, the air we breathe?

Mad cunt.

Is air a human right?
Is being alive a human right?
Is thinking a human right?
Is dying a natural death a human right?

are toilets a human right?

Here's what Bill Burr has to say about it 0:51

Not if it's someone else's water, I can't just snatch a bottle out of your hand and start drinking now can I?

>he thinks oxygen is free


>no such thing

>denying something makes it not a thing

lol here we go again.

Sup Forums will always defend the right of corporations to exploit people because Sup Forums is full of self-hating NEETs

If water is, are toilets by extension?

>Is air a human right?
For now, as long as pollution is under control.

>Is being alive a human right?
Nope. You can choose to kys anytime you want really. The government cannot arrest a dead person.

>Is thinking a human right?
As long as you do not upset the status quo, then yes, feel free to think whatever you want.

>Is dying a natural death a human right?
See above about kys.

You can collect water in your back garden. You don't need air to be pumped through pipes to your house.

Not that I don't think the state should provide water infrastructure to the people.


He is 100% right.

>muh mosanto


Private property is a spook.

Jew spotted

>Thirsty people hate him!

Can I snatch your water bottle while you're drinking it when I'm thirsty because LOLHUMANRIGHT?

"Human rights" are the most cancerous invention of the modern world. Humans have no inherent rights to anything.

human right as it self is illusion. i dont give shit about niggers or other scum in their shitholes. being human doesnt make one worth helping

Gas is a kike right.

This X 1000


But suicide is illegal in some countries.

Just buy the damn filters.

I'm never quite sure what people mean by human rights. We've got statutory rights and common law rights, and equitable rights, but I can't walk into court and seek a remedy for breach of a 'human right', so what effect do these supposed rights have? If they have no effect, then why discuss them?

If we all agree that these things are rights, why not codify them then?

I pay for the pumps, the filtering, the pipes and the maintainance, I don't pay for the water.

I'm currently paying £450 for the services of a private company (Affinity Water). I'd prefer to pay for a council run service that invested in infrastructure rather than shareholder profits.

You're both idiots.

From the river or lake?
Only retarded island countries go through bullshit of purifying saltwater.

Liberate all the water from his body. He has no right to it.

Brabeck stepped down like 8 years ago. That being said, I mostly agree with the idea. I might be biased towards Nestlé though.

Why are you spookposting so much?

>comparing access to water to someone physically snatching a water bottle
Hitler should have killed more of you

career politicians are just fucking all classes over.
>pretending to be some secret mystical fourth when we can fucking see them.

I already pay for water to the water company. It's not free.

>if I say so it is

So I suppose your going to justify this using the right of might or other spooks of that natures?

If you're dying of thirst I'll understand.
Go read les mis


What if I don't have access to water? Snatching a bottle would then grant me that access for a limited period of time.

It's my human right after all.

Fuck off Stirner, my Ego is bigger than yours.

Can I go to Niger or Mali and then sue the government for not providing me with water?

>all classes

Not the rich. Government is run for, and by, the rich.

not an argument.

>its raining heavily
>suddenly the BKA is breaking down my door
>get arrested for stealing water
Thanks Jews

You know a really fun part of the equation is that a person has no property rights in their own body. If the Nestle CEO had his hand severed in, say, a horrible banking accident, and you wandered past and picked it up off the floor, he could not get it back from you.

Not even joking - once you've got possession of his hand you've got possession and he can't recover because there can be no true owner in human body parts (some exceptions apply, but this is generally a correct statement of law).

Also who do I sue for a breach of my human rights if water is not provided to me?


>It costs a lot of money to desalinate and filter that water you take for granted everyday.

We literally pay for it you autistic mouth breathing retard, never heard of taxes?

came for this

No, we don't. But making up stories about having human rights is what separates us from the beasts. No values objectively exist, but need to create them and treat them away objective facts in order establish and maintain a civilization.


So you're telling me you are somewhere where it is convenient enough to steal someone's water bottle but not walk into any restaurant and ask for some tap water? It's not like the plains of Africa are filled with people carrying water bottles you autist.

>water based money

Water is already privatized. Comes in bottles here in the U.S.

For immediate survival yes.

For everything else no.

Water facilities are best run by local or regional governments. A great way to keep people from wasting water is to take money for it. How much is a different question.

lol nestle got BTFO by residents of monroe county PA.

pretty funny.

Post so edgy I could get a clean shave with it

If you pay for something, do you have a 'right' to it? Or do you have a different right, something more appropriately phrased as a right of access to, or a right to purchase? If the right is contingent on you paying taxes, do you lose the access? That would make it a privilege, then, wouldn't it? Something akin to a driver's license, where you can lose the privilege if you cop a ban.


That`s more complex, than it looks.
Currently mudslimes have destroyed plants on the territory of Sahara, destroyed plants in the middle east, destroyed aral sea.
And they are invited to USA and EU today.

If you let them do with water as they please, this wont end well. And not-inviting them is obviously out of the question.

Water being human right and water being privatized is a false dichotomy tho. Nestle CEO should be kicked out for trying people to fight with business, which is basically commie propaganda.


> not being able to distinguish rights from obligations, the post

You have a RIGHT to live, not an OBLIGATION. So even if you decide to kill yourself, this does not fucking change that fact.

I hate all of you people who don't even understand the simplest legal terms yet want to make some "educated" post about it.

Go brush your teeth.

Am I?

water itself is free

water distribution is not

why do you need MY water, there's water everywhere

i would gladly get you a glass of water if only you'd just ask

So is it my human rights to have water access in the most convenient way possible or is it my human right to have water access period?

Also who do I sue if that human right is breached and I do not have access to water?

Also as carbon passports for the world government had not been successful, I see they are trying to implement water passports here.

Treat them as objective facts*

Fucking idiotic phone

he said this satirically

and besides i still will continue buying mövenpick ice cream

That's because corperations write the laws and pass them to the lobbies and they get passed to congressman. Donations all around.

This how taxation works, I recommend you read a basic economics book on what taxation is. Being that you typically pay what you can reasonably afford.

Human rights don't exist.



ITT: everyone pretending to have a PHD in law.

Excellent taste.

Is breeding like rabbits human right?

It's your human right to have access to water. It may not be convenient to you but it should be within reasonable reach. Also, the grounds for your lawsuit would be so autistic that you would be shot down at first site.

The very fact that people and organizations attempt to defend them means they do.

>fly to Africa
>take the government of whatever shithole I land in to Strasbourg
>get rich

>ITT: everyone pretending to have a PHD in law.
I do have a bachelor's degree in law

>Also who do I sue if that human right is breached and I do not have access to water?
the government technically, rights are the government's job to enforce

>my human right to have water access period?
the exact distribution would be up to the gubment to decide. if i were in charge, i'd leave it up to having working water taps installed in rental units, and fountains in public places like parks or schools

also some places make it illegal to charge for water in restaurants and the like, it's like that where i live. you have to give people water if they ask. especially in bars. it's a health thing. don't want people getting dehydrated now

This. Who the fuck would even take you seriously sprouting that type of bullshit. You would need a lawyer equally Autistic as you to be willing to represent you.

He should be shot in the head. This is typical Jew behaviour.

It's very simple:

IF water is considered a human right

AND the government is considered obligated to take care of the population's most basic needs (= human rights)

Then the government has to provide some sort of means (tapwater/...) to provide everyone with a basic supply of water.

This however does not mean that in addition to this access to free water, companies may purchase wells or other sources of water, bottle it and sell it for a premium. They can do this as long as the government deems it's ability to provide the population with water not to be impaired by these actions.

Reminder that inherent positive rights are cancer.

>white male
Who would have tought?

I never said you would actually succeed but this is the correct course of action.

The correct conclusion to your answer is that the African governments are failing to provide their population with basic water access and thus should be removed by the people.

Truth. Or alternately buy some fucking land of your own and have a well drilled. It's like 5-8 thousand dollars depending on depth. The cleanest tastiest fucking water you have ever seen. No "muh chemicals" to worry about.

>private companies/local government laying thousand of miles of pipe to deliver water to your front door.
>human right

Pick one.
There are places in the world people would kill to have a dirty bucket full of our city water. Free access to water is not guaranteed by being born

Not even butter knives?

It is a human right to not have to spend $2 per liter for bottled water when almost free tap water is possible.

Nestle wants to buy city water supplies not to make them better or more efficient.
But to make tap water so shitty and expensive that people have to buy their "premium" bottled water in the supermarket instead.

>Having a "bachelor degree in law"
Welcome to the paralegal squad.
Also tell me where you got it from so I will be sure to distance myself from whoever went there.

He is saying that a group of people should own the water and sell us the water. We should then fight over he owns the water. Whoever wins the fight is the rightful owner of water and gets to dehydrate everyone to death if they don't pay through the nose for water, and for any projects the now unbelievably powerful owner of water could justify as being necessary for our water supply.

Smart move, anons. I agree, I'm pretty edgy myself and I hate people, damnit. They should pay or they can be slaves. Fucking pussies.

Phrasing it as being a human right or not is a TRICK. The REAL question is if we will allow a small group of people to own water or the right to use water.

You fucking idiots get baited by the phrase "human rights" so fucking hard. It has nothing to do with human rights. I get it, you're edgy and human rights trigger you. Well guess what user, thinking isn't a human right either. And now I'm going to legislate a thinking tax, because it isn't a human right to think. The buzzwords are there, so low-quality anons will buy it.

The concept of water is, but directly into your homes all clean, then no.

So "in casu" this means that Nestlé can sell all the water they fucking want for 1 trillion dollars a bottle as long as the government doesn't step in and tell them that they are impairing their ability to provide the population with their right of access to water.

Yes, people should be allowed to collect water that is on their property, but they have no business taking the water from the property of others.

Reminder that your argument is literally being debunked by its seams so you just shitpost this.

Human rights are a spook.