Pay tribute to V. V. Putin, greatest leader today, restorer of Holy Russia, bane of globalists, slayer of Jihadists, and former martial arts champion of Leningrad.

>paying tribute to a manlet

I love Putin, he is a hero.

Also am I white?


putin you can have my singles


Yes nice dubs man

White power

this is some next-gen shitposting, well done

Are you jelly of my manly white chest ghengis khan?

There goes my appetite


As a Jewish Oligarch I just looooove that guy!
Vote UR!


and u ass





>wastes tax money
>supports corruption
>doesn't give a shit about the development of the country

typical serfs



Why would you even think you are?




I like this VV better



I proudly support Putin. He is a fantastic leader, and I wish Canada could be run by someone with balls as big as his.




Is dat my boi Schröder in the back?



>bane of globalists
He is a globalist.











All Putin has done for Russia is preserve its pride. That doesn't count for much when the rest of the country is slowly going down the tubes.


Yes! Putin maybe corrupt but he's no cuck.

Someone needs to stand up to the bullies of the world and Putin is doing just that.






Sochi, visiting US athletes.




Can't wait for Trump to win so we can have a MAN in office again.

Why is your country joining NATO?

>mountain nigger