Fuck this gay earth

Fuck this gay earth.

What television show or film is this?

You don't know who Chuck Woolery is you underage retard?

No one does gramps

that's nothing
i'm getting cucked left and right
the next bill they're pushing is saying anything rude about islam is illegal

wow poor chucky sure got triggered

i swear every single time the right leaves their safespace

>liberalism isn't a mental illness

you seem triggered OP

a real snowflake

I do, which one of his roles is this? Or maybe one of the shows he hosted?

what sucks is that it tends to get worse the more intelligent or highly educated a person is

>gets in an accident
>first responders show up
>Is the victim male or female?
>It says non binary
>Well just dump him in the street then

It all works out.


>sage with an image
vile outsider

It tends to get worse the more people retreat into the Ivory tower and surround themselves with people whose entire lives consist of virtue signaling their moral and intellectual superiority to get mates in stead of achieving anything

No1cars about your tranny fetish, OP.

>chuck woolery
get off my board, dad! reeeeeeee


Enabling insane delusions: "PROGRESS!"

Have you ever attempted to get an education instead of complaining to strangers on silly little Internet message boards?

>Chuck Woolery
Wow, haven't heard that name in a long time.

how does it affect you?

oh i absolutely agree, the more a person builds up their knowledge and critical thinking skills the more likely they are to descend into the degeneracy of liberalism

luckily people on the right dont do as liberals do, we dont put ourselves into groups with messages which propagate through mutual support of our shared ignorance, you know?

Fuck it, I'm going to DEMAND now that the state acknowledge that i'm a dragon, and will screech injustice if they dare question it.

I'm not a liberal to "get mates" you faggot. I'm simply not so stupid to think conservatism makes sense.

How does people thinking the earth is flat effect me? It doesn't. It's still fun to mock the retards, though/

hahaha thats a fantastic analogy, because its basically the same thing

>boo hoo people who don't affect my life in any aspect cause me to act like an autistic dipshit just because they get triggered over people using the wrong pronouns boo hoo hoo hoo

>keeping your current values doesn't make sense
tell me more

chuck weed and wood?

>le alt right boogieman amirite fellow reddi-uh 4channers?

So you can put down any sex you deem fit?

>Yes officer that's right, i'm a inline 6 piston engine Klingon/wolf hybrid otherkin

Hilarious considering the image you've just posted
Do you post on Sup Forums too?

Say if we started taking other blatant cases of severe mental illness and started treating them as legitimate 'lifestyle choices', to the point that such derangements are listed on drivers licenses.

Don't you think that this would have damaging effects. Do you want to bring up children in a "society" in which this kind of madness is treated as normal or healthy?

I'm laughing my ass off at them pham, just stupid how the state panders to mental illness.

>Applicants will have to pay

Why isnt it?

>tfw to ingeligant to be a conservative
Too bad you're not intelligent enough to support the third position.

My pronoun is 'your royal highness'.

Pedophobia to be made illegal soon brother

it's not original but it made my sides explode due to the timing

I live in the Pacific northwest. All this shit is going to come around and bite these people in the ass.

gee whiz m8 you're right. Also this exposure to gay people is making me gay too! I'm as gay as OP is! I don't want my weak-minded offspring to be manipulated just because other people feel like doing other shit! You are very smart c:

How is that an argument?

What kind of god forsaken autism is this? Is...is this an unironic redditor?

never go full retard

>with their lives

B-but you can sage with an image sempai.

>go to any board
>open thread on page 10
>sage thread with image

>trump wins
>republicans control entire government
>states just pretend the federal government doesn't exist, and lefties have more power and influence than ever
explain this

Our culture has spent hundreds of years trying to eliminate laws that single groups out and divide us. You strive to create new ones, nice

Did I say that? And are "transgender" people necessarily gay?

Also, you're a pedophile so I don't see how you have the right to say... anything about anything!

it will be fun once the comrades start rising, I assume you know of the Northwest Front

>Put X on driver's license
>Everybody puts X on driver's license
>Police have no choice but to house all arrested individuals who identify as X together in the county jails while they're being processed
>Sexual violence against Feminine X's increases drastically
>See X get removed from driver's licenses

You ever talk to a paramedic about their job? Some of the shit they see, the one I knew would have cracked a joke like that.

republicans looooooooove state rights and that' what they got.

>I assume you know of the Northwest Front
No. I'm just an individual. I'm guessing it's some nationalist group. Most individuals laugh at these progressive policies. I don't think you can even call them progressive, anymore.

Yeah, people are crazy. But who really cares? It is a more harmless kind of crazy, they could be ISIS crazy and do actual harm to people.

I would think in the highly unlikely scenario where I do have children, I would be able to raise them properly and God-fearing enough to know that declaring yourself pansexual is kinda weird. But like I said, who cares? It's not hurting anyone.

>"Sex and gender is NOT the same thing!"
>"Sex is biological but gender is about social roles!"
>"I may have been born into a male sex, but my gender is female, silly!"
>Is offended to put "M" as sex on legal documents

What is this dishonesty?


Stop assuming their choice of gender pronouns!

I'd like to see that. A paramedic says "Dump him in the street" and as the ambulance drives off, it mutters out their final words of, "Did you just assume my gender?"

Eh, having a tranny classification on a driver's license isn't really anything to get worked up about,
What Canada is doing however, totally is.

What's canada doing?

Yeah, it's a white nationalist/separatist group. They encourage white flight to the PNW to establish a white homeland.

It's illegal to "misgender" someone now.

Just start putting chromosomes on drivers licenses and be done with it. They can't argue against their own biology. Gender isn't put on IDs so other people can know what their personal preference is.

What if I want to be Z instead of X?
Fucking nazis.

Just don't get them confused with the Front of the Northwest or the People's WestNorthWest Front or the Popular Front of the West and North

So can i just randomly sue someone for not referring to me as xir/xor

I see you.

why do you care user

Yes, and then you can rape your dog.

Jajajajaaja pinches ameriputos maricones

dude transpersons are totes harmless trust me on this

*pressures 6 year old into HRT and cutting their dick off which leads to them committing suicide in their late teens*

you're a bigot if you have a problem with this

Oh, fuck off. I've met more intelligent and successful people who are right wing than I have those who are left, and I live in the liberal paradise of New England.

People who are right wing tend to be more interested in their work and making the country go rather than being outraged about non-issues like transgender bathrooms and gay marriage.

t. reddit

>dude transpersons are totes harmless trust me on this
>*pressures 6 year old into HRT and cutting their dick off which leads to them committing suicide in their late teens*

THISSSSS. This is why I'm against it. Because it's seeping into elementary schools, parenting, family counseling, etc.