what the shit did I just watch and why was it taken seriously by anyone?
>shit script
>shit acting (which is inevitable because of the characters' motivations barely make sense)
What the shit did I just watch and why was it taken seriously by anyone?
The turn was too sharp for me to stay with it
>shit script
It wasnt outstanding but i thought it was serviceable.
>shit acting
could not disagree with you more there.
Sudeikis was great. Hathaway did a fine job and Dan Stevens did as well.
Funny thing is, most of the peope who ive seen trash this film are the same people who bitch and moan about the MCU and how nothing is even trying to be original. Here we have a film with a pretty unconventional plot especially for movies involving giant monsters. It should be praised for trying something different, even if its not 100% brand new.
Hathaway is my waifu
plz no bully
Name an actress with more perfect tits in relation to body frame, I dare you
Pro-tip: for you
Great movie, acting was good, my only problem is that her schoolmate went from friend to villian that kills hundreds of people really fucking fast.
scene when he destroys city, but we see only his legs and horror on Hathaway's face was great
Some user leaked the plot a while ago, can I get a quick story rundown?
it's a chick flick and it has the elements that chicks look for and enjoy watching.
>expecting anything less from the timecrimes guy
yall niggas got duped
>a guy gives you a job, furniture so you dont live like a rat, lets you hang out in his bar, makes you feel welcome in a town where you have nobody to talk to
>fucking his hot friend in a heartbeat
fuck this rancid cunt
I don't think I've ever wanted to stick my dick in a woman's mouth more than Anne Hathaway in this kino
Welcome to the 2010s ... where every shit movie is hailed as "amazing."
This shit would have withered on the video store shelf in the '90s.
Shit movie.
The whole point is that he's a creep - he's supposed to be one of those "nice guys". He does those things under the guise of helping, but is really ingratiating himself in her life so she will feel indebted to him. His true intentions come out early on because he's also an alcoholic.
The point of the movie is they are arguing about trivial stuff but have major consequences far away- just like the US, the GOP and Democrat fighting and people of far way die
dont let the dolts tell you otherwise
it was appalling and absurd
I heard Hathaway say it was about toxic masculinity so I had no interest in watching some legbeard crap.
Anne Hathaway is an deadbeat alcoholic and her BF cuts her off, so she goes back to her shitty hometown and gets a comfy deadbeat job in a bar, getting wrecked up and dicking around with high school hanger-on jason sudekis
At the same time a kaiju starts turning up and and wrecking Seoul.
We then find out that the monster is Hathaway, it appears in Seoul when Hathaway enters a playground, matching her motions one for one, and her drunken antics have led to the destruction.
The rest is spoilers.
if anything the guy giving him anything sounds like a passive aggressive beta orbiter faggot
make your intentions clear or you get no sympathy
>about toxic masculinity
I read that in an "analysis" after watching this shitty, annoying movie as well, and felt it was a dumb thing to say. The male antagonist is clearly mentally ill (psycopath), so his actions are signs of his illness, not "muh toxic masculinity".
At first I thought it was supposed to be about how her alcoholism literally causes destruction for people around her.
Something like this.
Doesn't she kill hundreds at the beginning and cause massive destruction herself while drunk? It's okay when women do it?
She didn't do it deliberately
Oh I didn't finish it, got bored half way through. Slow as fuck. I guess the guy goes evil or something?
You're an idiot.