How come we allow these two trannies to continue making media which influence our children to become degenerates?

How come we allow these two trannies to continue making media which influence our children to become degenerates?

Thank God that Netflix canceled Sense 8.

Other urls found in this thread:

I would fuck the shit out of Lana Wachowski.

I would tell her to be my Stephanie and I'll be her Sportacus.

I think they were chicks to start with. This is what tranny reversion looks like.

Thankfully you aren't in a position of power

stop posting

Daily reminder

fuck reading all that. quick rundown pls



It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.

>when the sissy meme goes too far

But Trump is president though.

you earned it

Is the Alt-Right the new SJW?

This board would hang on the day of the rope for conspiracy with fucking degenerates.

Fuck you man, they made Speed Racer.

Yeah but you'll never have kids so why does it bother you.

my fucking man

I already knew that faggots and transmonsters are sick filthy walking pieces of human waste, but this really sets it in stone. Liberals truly are mentally insane.


They made an incredibly successful movie so (((they))) kept giving the wachovisky transisters money. But their luck is running out.

i've read they want to remake the matrix

somebody read this and expain it to me im too lazy

the longest read ive had in a while
holy shit everything makes sense

goddamnit why'd you have to corrupt your brother, larry

>our children

As if you basement dwelling NEET faggots could ever even procreate with a woman.

the confrontation with buck angel was hilarious. "you pull your wig up because you look like a dude in a dress."

Because Britain asked us to kill the Nazis for them, and we're deathly afraid of resembling anyone we've killed.

What you idiots miss about sense8 is there's no oppression Olympics. Everyone just cares about everyone else's problems. Despite them having the opportunity to write the white cis characters as being all, "I've seen the error of my ways!"

Shit doesn't happen. It's fucking bullshit that such an interesting sci fi show got canceled

wouldn't have gotten canceled if they didn't insist on shooting all over the planet, skyrocketing the budget to unreasonable proportions. they could've easily filmed the exact same show in one location with creative set design and no one would've noticed the difference. it was no one's fault but their own it got canceled

>they could've easily filmed the exact same show in one location

You mean like Agents of SHIELD, which its laughable attempts at trying to make it seem it was a global show?

Y'know if you just take look at their filmography, ya definitely start seeing the change on their feeling how they should be even though they spend the fortune on the pipejob. It all comes down to this "Sense 8". I bet those two getting confused hell out of themselves after all those years.

that honestly depends on you have working on the show. sense8 s2 had a bigger budget than Game of Thrones, i'm sure they could've made 1-3 locations convincing enough.

>brothers Wachowskis
>Speed Racer
>can watch any day and have fun

>>>>>>>>>>>>>sisters Wachowskis

pretty sure larry was a chick when they filmed speed racer.

Holy shit !!! Seriously bow Da budget!?!?!?

>yfw we get Sheo

why do people care what other people do with their bodies and shit?

like why would anyone be mad at the Wachowskis becoming women?

Because they shove their acceptance agenda in everything they makes nome.
It's literally in the op

they want to cast a black dude like they originally planned until will smith turned it down

Cloud Atlas is GOAT

because it's weird trainwreck shit that we can't help but pay attention to. 2 brothers going trans, who also happened to make one of the most influential movies of all time. you can't help but wonder what the fuck is going on here

Acting like the Matrix didn't have that agenda hardcore. And is it really an agenda? Like they're trans, so the write trans characters. Is that really such a wacky idea?

>literally no reasons given, some bullshit about drama
Why is Sup Forums full of middle aged moms addicted to celeb gossip?

Matrix is F U L L of transexual metaphors

>middle aged moms addicted to celeb gossip
you just described any regular gay man..

Why are virgin men so terrified of being compared to women?

Yea like the tasteful opening of sense8 with a wet dildo

I prefer to be compared to a fag than a woman

It's 2017, my man. We're in the age of decadence, right before the downfall.
I think people allowing "people" like that to exist is out of pure indifference. The worlds gonna burn soon, so why care what anyone else does? Doesn't matter anyway.

Don't get me wrong, I assumed you sucked cocks either way, but still.

>writes a show where everyone gets naked and fucks
>has trans character
>she also gets fucked

Oh no!

What makes you think the world is going to burn? Things are not really bad at all.

>What makes you think the world is going to burn?
my imam said so

I have an idea for you OP: don't let your children watch Sense 8

>What makes you think the world is going to burn?

It's not. People like him just want to LARP like it is because he thinks being a contrarian is cool.

every child should witness the sloppy strap on thunking onto the floor. bill nye would approve. sometimes there is butt stuff because the sex junk is so oh oh oh.

man. autogynephilia is one hell of a drug.

TLDR please
also they stole the script from a strong independent black wymyn
it's actually real, look it up, she sued and they settled out of court
sophia stewart

Listed as Andy and Larry on wiki, but who knows.

I need to watch it someday, just for the sake of learning where all the buzz is coming from.

Really? I don't remember it having anything related to trans-faggotry.

These 2 had such deep voice that Agent Smith voice & speech was based on them.
Does taking female hormones affect how they sound like in the long run?

No, only throat surgery

Cause we live in a free country, OP, and there is demand for what they are selling. Don't like it? Fuck off to North Korea or ISIS turf.

it's funny that the faggots on Sup Forums are more degenerate than all of the people you're calling out.

you're overweight NEET manchildren that live in your parent's basements, worship hitler, and blame the jews for the fact that girls don't want anything to do with you. if you lived in 1930s germany you wouldn't be in the SS, you'd be sent to a death camp and murdered with the poles, homosexuals, & jews.

Fuck right off.

Is this relevant?

As if there's no way to do it better. How about they write a show a channel can afford next time?

Please return to your containment board.

Oh come on, it's different an notable. Why don't you go write yourself a fantasy where people don't observe the expressions of others, you concerned edgy fucker.

lana a cute

>be concerned humanitarian
>curse people to death by Hitler

Think about this, for years Larry had been letting his fetish consume him, his partner leading him further down a sick rabbit hole. His brother would have to support him and to do this he'd have to accept what was happening and convince himself it was right. Hearing about hormone therapy everyday without enough nay-sayers and next minute Andy became as sick as his brother. Pretty sad.

They should remake the sequels for sure and try to make the trilogy right, get the John Wick dude or something.

LOL, you got issues bud.
I agree some neo-nazi's are crazy especially considering they're far from examples of the Hitler's super race but Jews do cause a LOT of the worlds problems, LOOK IT UP.

Larry was dominated by some slut, who basically turned himself into a tranny to appease her.

the john wick guys worked on the original matrix movies

and the dominatrix's ex-husband who was a f2m tranny called him a drag queen, made fun of his wig, and called him a dude in a dress to his face.

Nothing surprising about this at all.
The vast majority of people who claim to be "suffering from gender dysphoria" are just fetish freaks and autogynephiles.
Trannies shouldn't be humored or enabled in any way shape or form desu.

300 needles in a dick AHHH

Must've been one big ol' dick

Underrated post.

well, what videogames are they working on? Or are they just playing with them?

>matrix predicts 9/11
>is gnostic propaganda
>clearly the work of the occultist conspiracy controlling america
>they come out as "transsexual"
absolutely thought-provoking

old post. i believe it was the matrix game that tied into the movies, then later the matrix mmo

The media is gay. Even Breitbart.

Damn, this

what a psycho

forgot the pic :^)

same shit really
like two fags fighting over a purse that's on sale


That's what producers are for.

>hey, we can't shoot on location everywhere like this. Let's scale back

If the Wachowskis won't budge and they cancel, then it's kinda their fault too. I say this though I love this show

please tell me this isn't true

it makes sense now why Keanu never worked with them again after the Matrix. he must've been majorly weirded out by them

this thread is illegal in canada
please delete mods

>our children
you have to ga back

>Say nigger for humorous effect
>Some retard get's offended and goes on a rant how he's "totally not shocked, but keep in mind bad words are bad"

>File: HnqlM1n.png (78 KB, 1306x354)
don't worry it's just a redditor

i'd probably do both of them

I think balding men go trans so they don't have to deal with the public ridicule of being bald.

I mean at least trans people are accepted nowadays while bald will always be out of style

fake news

>our children
>implying you have or will have any children

He's not even in a position to have children.