Is she our girl?

Is she our girl?

No she is Mexico's girl. Build wall

Does she burn coal?


can artesien mccullough be my girl?

Isn't she Colombian? Either way she is stunning, plus you can easily bread out the indios part out of her.

Why is she our girl?

I've filmed Diane for a shoot awhile back. She's pretty, but she's very run-of-the-mill. Nice girl though.

fuck off Kim

I don't know her name even

proof or gtfo

>What are NDA's?

I can't post clips you lil bitch. Just take my word for it; plus she smells good.

Looks like she needs her ass sniffed licked. I am that man.

No you can't, man. Assuming you're white, the kid would come out non-white. He'd struggle with his identity because you fell for the exotic meme. he'd have to come to terms with his future and the families legacy. basically deal with all the pressure and the nuances of being mixed race. If he was lucky or successful, he'd marry a white woman. That is, if he even chose that route, and didn't just marry another non white woman. Say everything goes right, the chance of you having ~75% 'white' grandchildren is low. You threw your legacy away. Was it worth it? For true love, Arguably.

how big are her tits?

Pretty large, but not overly so. Not plastic/fake looking.

She's fairly short, so it fits her frame quite well.

NDAs are contracts that are never enforced for minor matters

What remedy is she going to seek? Damages? Because you told people you worked with her?

Filmed what? Was it a film, ad, what? When is it coming out?

Is it fappable?

I just had a look, that shit apparently is already out, so fuck it, here you guys go. Screencap from one of the clips. Scaled down from 4K.

Enjoy your wank session.

sometimes people say wow its literally nothing but it is something

but wow its literally nothingg

>tfw no young adult flashback

give it time homie. wait til next season. there's definitely going to be a badass biker chick flashback.

So.......... what is it?

nobody gives a fuck, you could be lying.

She looks like a Latina Hayley Atwell.

Think about how sad it must be to try this hard to impress a bunch of anonymous people on the internet. This poor guy is sitting there with his fantasy and all he wants is for us to play along.

That's awesome, dude! You're so lucky to have met her and worked with/sniffed her! I believe you 1000% keep up the good work, slugger! :)


no but pic related is

>tfw straight but I love pretty girls with a strong jaw

>mfw she's 5'0"

what the fuck, thought she was 5'8" or something.


>she is stunning
holy crap look at that masculine jaw


Masculine jaws don't look good when it comes to women.

This. They look great.

No reddit.

on men.


No, it was correct the first time.

No, it was incorrect the first time.

Nah. Masculine jaws are masculine because they're manly. Why would you want a manly woman when you could just cut out the middle man and go for men?

>Gay shilling
Kill yourself.

>is attracted to a male feature
>gets called out on being in the closet
>n-no y-youre gay

Sure thing fairy boy.

fuck off she looks czech / east european

cannot unsee

>She looks like a slav

So non-white

You aren't helping your case

post a more stunning woman

>am a slav
>am also italian
>am also spanish
>am considered white

Your move, creep

Who cares, all europeans are mixed anyway

Arabs and Brown mexicans are considered white nowadays

The word lost its meaning

So your argument is flawed from the get go.


Who ??? So sorry... Is she any better than this babe ???

Faggot. Wants his son to be a weak jawed loser like yourself.

>such a beta manlet he needs a woman to provide the man genes

Looks like b8. Nobody is this stupid.

Really dude - of all the attributes on display, you are noticing the jawline. Seriously, the girl is 9/10 visually and that's being as conservative as I can, with the grade.

Plus, she can take a punch, obviously - what is the downside, pls explain.

10/10 is perfect. She's nowhere near perfect in any regard. Why not run her face through that program that measures how aesthetic your face is
Or are you one of those "the 1-10 scale is enjoyment I felt" faggots?

>weak-jawed AND a pokemonfag
Absolutely disgusting

>ywn have a steamy threesome with these two, tits and asses in your face, three strong jaws in search of ultimate pleasure.

That's not how it works you Pokefucker.

>doesn't have an entire folder of random reaction images

You need to fill that collection son

How does it work man fucker?

What? You need a program to determine your aesthetic preferences? That's nuts, dude.

I'd trust a computer programmed by people that know what they're doing than trust my own shaky ability at maths and science.

Is everything you do based solely on statistics and computer interference? How is your personal opinion of someone related to math and science at all?

Okay, you're baiting me. Won't bite.

Ask the dickheads in the thread that claim she's all that.
You like her, great. Keep it to yourselves or make it clear it's an opinion.
IMHO she's pretty and has a provocative gaze, but I don't post about it as fact like a whiteknight that's never gotten pussy

There's a formulae or something that scientists/mathematicians use to analyze peoples faces and determine whether they're aesthetically perfect. I don't know if it's real or just fashion mags blowing hot air, but If it Is, I sure as fuck don't know how to apply it to somebodies face, and if you're so determined to claim she's a 9/10, prove it.

Relax, this is a board, not a scientific discussion. Nobody will start a post here with "my opinion is." It's implied that a post is a personal opinion. Just out of curiosity, could you post a 10/10 celebrity - just to see how the software works.

I'm fine user, just extremely bored.
I'll look it up and actually find out if it's true otherwise I'll apologize

Of course it's just an opinion, attraction is based on an individual's taste. Everything debated on this board is just one person's taste vs another.

So what's the appeal of strong jawed women?

You are actually serious. How do you determine the attractiveness of a women then? You take a sneaky pic and run that in "the program?"

You realise how autistic that sounds, right?

why the fuck haven't we seen her naked yet

how do YOU>?

I could have sworn she got her tits out 2 season ago. But I've never seen screenshots posted, so maybe I dreamed it.

By looking at her. I know this seems unconventional, but that's my method.

she's never been naked on the show, my dick would have known.

>Identity politics

>>am considered white

not by whites you're fuckin not

She doesn't.
Slavs are whiter than West Europeans.

stop posting the gif

this should be the series finale
i don't know how, but it should be