"Why can't we use nuclear weapons?"

This is some good shit


The man is a literal child

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Trumpets BTFO

>Raqqa gets nuked

That really corrected my record

Why can't we?

I suppose we *can*. I don't know that we should. I don't think that we presently need to.

Kek literally who fucking cares. How many millions of people have left ISIS controlled war zones and become refugees throughout the Middle East and Europe?

Mama Merkel is offering you big bucks to go to Germany, if you're still in Raqqa, maybe you deserve the Nuke.

Love how much Mika was trying to denounce Trump when she knows she'd give him the succ if he gave her the opportunity.

>you will never vote for the president that wants to nuke the shit out of ISIS




Do you think "nuking ISIS" would be an effective strategy?

A legitimate question by a man learning his future trade as U.S. president. CTR blown the fuck out.

>nuke the shit out of ISIS
how do you propose doing that

where is the target

>The man is a literal child
he is a figurative child you literal retard


literally, literally 50% of the worlds problem is gone (the other half is africa)

This desu.

>mfw as soon as Trump gets access to nukes Africa and the middle east will cease to exist

>implying ISIS is only inthe the middle east
kek europe would be nuked too

Hilary is fucking straight out of Lord of war and Trump is dangerous?
What erratic behaviour?
>Hes a meanie so hes going to nuke the world!
Is this literally the last argument they have?

why not just use smaller nukes

Well thank fuck he exploded this week. Shit man, if he had a lead now I'd be sweating rocks.

Using effective weapons is a childish, petty response. Let me correct the record here and tell you to vote for Hillary. I #cruzmissle now.

>A foreigner gave a presidential nominee advice on how to use America's military

Yeah, this is a cock and bull story dreamt up at some Shillary think tank.

i can't wait until we find out that this was actually hillary in 2009. 5D chess

Like i said earlier, trump went way to deep with this whole election. He picked up a little juice that he probab didnt expect. He wants to quit but his ego wont allow him to do that, imstead he thought it would be a good idea to just start saying crazy shit. Little did he know that most of his supporters are literally over 60 or mid 20s who receive checks for their mental disability, all they hear is "MAGA" and "BUILD WALL."

im willing to bet he will continue to say even dumber shit these next few weeks. Fact of the matter is hes thin skinned and is getting severely ripped apart because of it, hes acting like what I would expect someone who grew up rich to act.

Does that man have a savegame lying around or something? "Yeah let's nuke it. Oh wait, so THAT happens? Nah, that was a bad decision." - load savegame88-

>being a foreigner means you don't know about other countries or war strategies

You're a retard, kill yourself. Let me remind you before you do that foreigners on average are smarter than Amerishits on average.

Amusing as they are, the nuclear fallout will travel all over the fucking place, and it will probably create more enemies than it wipes out, so super counterproductive even before you get to international regulations and shit.

kek, that quick cutaway to the two guys dropped jaws is amazing

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He's terrorizing our enemies, that's good.

I suppose if you really want to get weird, try to shove 99942 Apophis off course so it lands in the mid-east instead of potentially in the Pacific Ocean, I don't think the fallout would be radioactive, but you might cloud the atmosphere with dust for a while, still run into the problem of making everyone hate you though.

This is what his supporters have been reduced to, they literally cant believe a person with no connections to the "left" can hate trump. The delusion is mind blowing. Im genuinely worried about some of these spergs after trump gets btfo. I feel like we will see an increase of autistic kids murdering their mother or some shit lol

So? Also what about ICBMs? Aren't they nuclear

>foreigners on average are smarter than Amerishits on average

Wow my record just got corrected

Modern day hydrogen bombs have almost no radioactive signature after detonation

Intercontinental ballistic missiles, they can have any payload, space rockets are basically that, just they don't land until much later I guess, and they don't have an explosive payload, just stuff for space.

Air-bursts it is then, kills the cucks and kebabs while keeping the art,land and architecture untouched, perfect for the American-Russian empire to re-found Rome and create a glorious utopia.

0.05 has been deposited into your account

well why can't we?

Inter continental ballistic missile (ICBM) is just the name of the vehicle that delivers the nuclear warhead. It is, like all missiles, just a rocket. The only thing that makes it a 'missile' is the fact that it has an explosive on it. Whether its a nuclear explosive or not.

I see no problem with that. The only case in which nuclear warheads have been used was on Japan. Look at them now. They prosper and stay in line. Seemed to have worked just fine.

Yeah but wasn't there a huge deal during Bush era about bunker busters or some shit that had a nuclear payload?


>Hillary gets into office
>Puts boots on the ground in the Middle East again for another drawn out war while also accepting tons of refugees from the very country our soldiers are in so our civilians can die too

>Trump gets in
>Nukes the fuck out of the Middle East, killing a bunch of innocents but also destroying ISIS altogether
>The remnants in Europe are now (righteously) angry at America instead of Europe
>Trump doesn't let them in

The choice is obvious

If this thread lasts it's going to be 200+ posts of trolls and dumfucks see above going hurr why not.
Some things are just not worth replying to or debating, here is one.

Thx shill

if i was president i would nuke berlin and munich user, :)

>a foreigner scared that we will use the power we wield

I understand many republicans dontlike trump but to me this election is so easy. I want a patriot in office over a crook like hillary. Trump isn't going to just use nukes, the thing is the left does try to paint him as the devil as often as they can.

Bunker buster are for busting bunkers, not sure what nukes have to do with it, I mean I guess some or most bunkers are meant to survive a nuke, but then I would guess the people inside would be isolated for years anyways.
As I recall nukes are better detonated in the air, busting into the ground messes with their explosion radius or some such, that's why North Korea tests theirs underground.

Far more shitholes here than just those two.


fuck you man, he scared Mika, you can't do that.

So a guy I've never heard of is on a media network known to collude with the dnc and he's telling me that in a secret meeting trump said something that disqualifies him for president. Pretty fucking convenient.

How is this a bad thing? He's asking the experts why we can't use nuclear weapons. How often do you ask a question once and have it thoroughly answered to your satisfaction? He probably didn't know. I don't know for sure either. You don't know OP, that's for damn sure.

No source.


Do they even have proof he said this or is it just another made up story

I see I just remember a big deal during the war that they were using some kind of nuke device or some shit .

Are you kidding me? I just, ugh, I can't, what do you mean why can't he do that? Ugh, how can you even ask me to answer that question

Does this really surprise you? Pic extremely related.

We should definitely use nuclear weapons. Starting with washi gton dc and ending with the entire middle east

Hayden is retired, how does he get into these meetings?

>made up story

It's not made up when a Jew does it, it was real to them. Just like when they survived 18 trips to the gas chamber when they were 8 and watched their mom and pop turned into soap and lampshades.

Gtfo faggot shill

>true story
yeah nah this is Goldwater mkII

>I understand many republicans dontlike trump but to me this election is so easy. I want a patriot in office over a crook like hillary. Trump isn't going to just use nukes, the thing is the left does try to paint him as the devil as often as they can.

Why would Trump pose the question though? Is he really unaware of the humanitarian/political cost of using nuclear weapons?

Obviously this is fake. No one is going to reveal the conversations had during classified national security meetings

'The system is designed for speed and decisiveness, it's not designed to debate the decision'
wew lad

How would anyone know what is asked during a natsec briefing, I was under the impression everything spoken there is under wraps?

I also miss context.



Trump's a white male.

It's a fair question. Why is anyone protecting the ragheads? Russia, China all of them. If we just vaporized the muslim world, our enemies would lose their shit.

But why?

>Republican nominee bad choice, say leaders of opposing party

Why is this kind of shit even news, what the fuck is wrong with our media, and more importantly, why do people eat it up

Is it me or is the media being especially ridiculously biased with this election in particular, I don't remember it being so insane before

Ok I'm back on the #TrumpTrain

yeah but it would also fix global warming wouldn't it?
meteor strike seems like a good idea

Why not just use our regular bombs then.

The whole point of nuclear bombs isn't to spread nuclear fallout, of which there is relatively little. The point is to cause the greatest amount of devastation with the least amount of weapons in the shortest amount of time.

You can either carpet bomb a city for days or weeks to level it, like Dresden or Toyko, or you can drop a single nuke on it and level it in seconds. That's what's scary. And what's scarier is that the bombs now-a-days are far stronger and more effective at this than the ones used in the 1940s.

The reason, and I'm shocked that we're having to explain this to the new generation, that we don't use nuclear weapons is that they're a kind of pandora's box of insane destruction.

Only a fool prince would use nuclear weapons. It leads not to victory but to destruction, and not only of the enemy but of the user. It would be one thing if one side had the bomb, and used it to win. It's another when you're playing the game of international intrigue and every major player and some minor ones have the bomb too.

The day we use nuclear weapons is the day civilization as we know it is finished. What rises from the ashes, if anything, will never amount to what we have to day by sheer material fact -- no oil, no coal, no easy metals.

1.9 billion violent muslims invading western europe and gearing up to kill us all and you dont think we need to nuke them lol. Suicidal faggot. Not surprised by your self hate

It's funny that the amount of shills have increased since the CTR dox leaked.

Blatant shill post

Omg what did our nukes do to that poor girl?

Yes it is, if hes saying this, then technically he is puttung natiomal security at risk, so its 100% bullshit


Its always funny to see a liberal remark on something, thinking that its a negative, not realizing that its actually FUCDKING AWESOME.





Ostensibly it's for hitting (((Iran's))) silos sites and labs.

America isn't only preparing for WW3 it's planning on fucking over so hard they won't be able to fight WW4

Yes, but we have a ridiculous stockpile of nukes that do have fallout, although lets not pretend that it would be close to cherynobl or what happened in japan. that was much much worse than a few nukes landing in mecca or mexico city.

15-year-old detected
Using nukes doesn't mean the end of the world dumbass

Dimming the sun, while it does work sort of, is not ideal as it may mess with vegetation growth.

For every terror attack we nuke a part of the Middle East.

I bet the attacks stop.


You didn't watch the video did you? I can't stop, it's really fucking something. If you take the trump goggles off, look at this as a historical moment.
KEK, they are literally debating whether this fucking nut will drop the bombs.

>HRC campaign in full damage control

Are they really so desperate and condescending to lie to the American public that Trump wants to use nukes? He isnt a moron and knows that nuclear proliferation is the worst idea possible, but apparently the Clinton campaign has to lie to the public as if every citizen is a fucking child

Raqqa and Mosul

This is some hardcore projecting

I guess spending 6 million on shills will do that

How does a retard manage to make billions? Is IQ even important anymore?

Here's what to do.

Re-activate project STAR WARS.


Blow any nukes coming your way out of aerospace with lasers.

I did, Hayden seems to be pissed off at being out of the limelight for awhile.
First it was Maher a while back, then the AEI, now other talk shows and here.

"I know a guy from the meeting" is the grown up version of "my dad works at Nintendo".

All that aside, a war with Russia is inevitable if Hillary gets in, enjoy the draft.

Yes. Neutron airburst over the entire ME would be perfect.

Theyll do anything. Hillary would kill her own daughter to become president

Because he's a realist, we can and will use nukes if we HAVE TO. Doesn't mean we will. Do you know wtf a deterrent is?

Bunker busters themselves should be enough to take out silos I think, nukes are for leveling cities.
Pretty sure such structures are harder to keep secret, we tend to track North Korea doing underground shit when they suddenly have to move assloads of dirt around, silos would be relatively small, no need to put a nuke on a bunker buster.

He is a literal product of nepotism in that he got a million dollar loan from his father, but the money he made off that loan shows that he isn't a moron