will it be kino?
Won't be watching either way so i don't care
>Tina Kay as Melania
my dick
jesus christ what is this shit
Wtf, where's my Ivanka?
where can I watch this
>no Barron lookalike
It's shit
>no Nigel Farass
>no Boris John in Son
thought porn actresses were supposed to be attractive
will Sup Forums stream it when it airs? watching meme lover with several hundred other anons was fucking great
>Rebecca "top banter" More as Theresa May
>Tina "if there's no piss it ain't no porno" Kay as Melania
Pornokino is in the menu!
what the hell is cwoarbyn supposed to mean?
Disappointing, looks like they barely dropped a monkey on it.
It's welsh
Trump, huh? Glad to see Patton Oswalts still getting roles
>gladimhere putitin
>Tina Kay
I'll skip forward to that bit
fucking hell my sides
As side-orbiting as this is
I don't understand why these get made. Is there profit in meme porn? Do people like to laugh while they're busting a nut? I was under the impression laughter kills boners
not British ones
there's only so much you can do if you're going for likenesses of Diane Abbot and Theresa May
>Tina Kay
It's already kino
It's porn. They'll make their money back either way as long as they cast known actors/actresses and capitalizing on recent events/pop culture (i.e. recording people having sex in themed outfits) will get them even more. They also know that there's no point in taking porn seriously, so they'll come up with outrageous themes for their films since watching people have sex for an hour can get pretty boring if they're not dressed up like Donald Trump or whatever
You understood wrong, I find the first quarter of every porn video I watch hilarious and it only makes my dick harder
Me on the right.
they should show trump drinking piss from a russian hooker
You have face actors and heel actors. The heel actors are supposed to make the face actors look better and are used for comedy relief
>no Nigel
I don't know much about politics
Why is Trump fucking the British President(?)
I'd be laughing too hard to jerk off to this.
>british 'humour'
No Nigel no watch.
>pianne faggot
>angular merkin
>knickerless virgin
>Why is Trump fucking the British President
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