What is next for RDJ's career?
What is next for RDJ's career?
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why does he do it?
jesus christ there's literally nothing wrong with being short. it's a problem when people are insecure about it and do dumb shit like this
yeah, I mean like what the fuck you are like one of best payed actors in the world, he literally has the Fuck you money toney stark has, why he should care so much about what people think of him
how can you be so insecure?
Does he wear the stilts when he's just out on the town? All the pics of him in lifts seem like they're all at public events.
lets cross our fingers and hope he coke backslides before he starts looking like Val Kilmer
why is his suit so big?
He doesn't leave his home otherwise
How can someone be so insecure after having an unlimited supply of women?
Because he is a big guy
because they never learn
Holy fuck I'm taller than James Bond
>Well, he is a midget so it's not a surprise
He made $100 million+ out of IM3. Half the actors budget for Infinity Wars is RDJ's salary...fuck you money indeed.
Leg extensions
>actually real
Holy shit kek, I thought these were all Photoshopped. I suddenly feel better about my own pathetic life
actual stilts hidden under his pants.
Manlets are a problem. They, on average, tend to be more passive aggressive, volatile, and perpetuate violence. Ground crawlers need to all be tagged. Any man in the United States below 5'9 needs to tagged and tracked for the safety of every normal person.
A manlet all jacked up on roids, what a surprise.
It won't make you any taller, sweetie.
Manlets have much more testosterone, so I don't think he's on roids.
It's lankies that have problem building muscle.
I don't understand why his lifts always look so terrible. Is it beyond the wit of man to design a lift that doesn't look like a clown shoe? RDJ is hardly hurting for cash.
Why does he do what?
roastie detected
oh honey don't get mad now!
I'm sure there's a short legged woman out there for you too :)
I guess DeVitto is your manhood god then.
Hopefully play in good movies again not worthless capeshit blockbusters. He's a good actor wasting his talent tbqh.
Except it's always manlets scoring tall chicks, because lankies are intimidated by women, they only go for foot shorter women than them to feed their pedo fetish.
No matter how hard you try, manlets dominate the world. Romans - 5'5/5'6
Vikings: 5'7
Napoleon: 5'7
Hitler: 5'8
Stalin: 5'5
Churchill: 5'7
Lankies just cannot compete
Mad lankie detected. How's the 5 year of lifting and still looking like a skeleton? You gave up yet?
I'm still unsure if this pic is a shop or not.
I think Cleese is just asshurt he lost his cushy retirement gig of Q with the Daniel Craig reboot.
Forcing himself into the next marvel film probably
>His family's surname was originally Cheese, but his father had thought it was embarrassing and changed it when he enlisted in the Army during the First World War.
fake news
Mayor of Munchkinland in a Wizard of Oz reboot.
When fighters are put in categories by weight (as is with most combat sport) the lanklet will be at a disadvantage as more of his maximum allowed weight will go into his height than his muscle.
Its the mai reason why he wants out of capeshit. The roles he can play are too limited since he is tied to the Ironman franchise
You tried these new models yet? They'll make you look like a big boy
tfw 6.1 and fit as fuck without much an effort.
They aren't
it kinda makes you think why women don't get shit on for wearing shoes that makes them taller; sort of a double standard.
Even still though, those shoes are awful looking.
Manlets can build a stronger core, we are the superior fighters.
Here is a webm where he almost trips in those shoes
what if he has hooves for feet?
>Manlets can build a stronger core, we are the superior fighters.
You just contradicted yourself.
>What is next for RDJ's career?
>we are the superior fighters
>being this insecure
Post five more gifs.
fucking hell...
I know right?
He may have hundreds of millions and boatloads of fresh pussy but at least I'm almost two inches taller!
>being short
>nothing wrong with it
t. literal manlet
If you're short you're short, nothing you can do about it. Walking around on fucking ridiculous stilts just draws more attention to it due to how obvious it is. He might as well be shouting "LOOK HOW SHORT I AM AND HOW INSECURE I AM ABOUT IT".
It's not even a problem for actors professionally, making people look taller in a movie is easy. A tall ugly is not gonna steal your part if you have the good looks/charisma/talent.
KEK, reminds me of those koksal baba videos
do manlets know that us normal heighters have monthly meetings where we discuss being normal sized.
>more testosterone
>better fighter
>swims in pussy
At least according to manlet-user.
Sultan Baba when?
As rich as he is, couldn't he get better stilt shoes? Thanks to this place, I see him in big goofy sneakers and things all the time and they clash with red carpet attire hard. Couldn't he buy, or fucking commission, a pair that give him height but look like dress shoes?
Fuck manlets. I was bullied by one at school. Aggressive idiots.
Why doesn't he just wear regular shoes?
He's rich and famous and could fuck 18 year old models every day if he wanted too he really has no reason to wear those lifts.
They just make him look ridiculously insecure about his height.
I'm 5 9, decent lookingand get rejected all the time by chicks claiming to be body positive. If you are under 6 ft you get a lot of automatic rejections. Where can I buy those 6inch platforms?
1" insoles with 1" heels is the highest you can go without looking ridiculous and even then it's quite uncomfortable and it will fuck up your back and posture after a while. Downey jr wears 3" insoles with 2" heels. It makes him look absolutely ridiculous. What's the point of insoles if they make your height look fake? I'm a 5'11.5" manlet and I wear regular flat shoes (0.5 - 0.75" sole/heel) with 2.3cm (a bit less than an inch) inserts. It's completely natural looking, but it's uncomfortable and it limits agility a lot. I'll probably stop wearing them soon or switch to small 1cm insoles. It's not worth it.
If I had millions of dollars, I wouldn't care at all.
>getting bullied by a manlet
hahah how the fuck do you get bullied by a manlet hahah just stand up straight nigga, just put an arm out hahah
If there were no weight restrictions, the tall guy could out muscle mass the manlet and throw him out of earth's orbit
This is an autistic post. How the fuck do you know the dimensions of his shoes and soles?
Arent all those comically bad heels never meant to be shown in photos of him?
Otherwise I dont understand why anyone allows him to walk around in those.
I don't, but I can guess judging by his posture, limb proportions and just fucking looking at those ridiculous shoes he wears.
Manlets have generally no shame
What is next for RDJ's career?
I'm 6'2" and frank reynolds is still my role model.
>it kinda makes you think why women don't get shit on for wearing shoes that makes them taller; sort of a double standard.
Not really. A pair of heels can change a woman's legs and ass from meh to hnnnng instantly. Not so much about making them look taller.
He just has really huge feet. You can even see it in the Iron Man designs.
Name one good movie where he doesnt play a character similar to Tony Stark, outside of Tropic Thunder.
I watched Zodiac recently, Downhere basically plays Tony Stark just without being rich and working a normal job.
>have hundreds of millions of dollars
>have a serious complex about it
>wear stupid shoes that make it obvious
He is like those guys in the 80s with a bald head and a combover.
Less than zero
Holy shit I didn't know this is him.
being tall is literally the one thing that stops bullying, you just walk up to the manlet and stare him into submission
kek hes like a chihuahua, getting away with terrible attitude and behavior because hes no threat.
>Even still though, those shoes are awful looking.
that's the thing, they look stupid. he's trying to hide the fact that his shoes make him look taller, so it's extra pathetic.
I had bullies that were taller and bulkier than me. You just hit them in the balls and they wimper like little fags. Short guys have more testosterone per square inch than tall guys, so we don't take shit lying down.
>why's he so insecure if he's so rich?
money doesn't matter for celebrities. When they're in the multi millionaire league, a couple more or less millions dont make a difference, they're all in the same status league. Sure his money grants him more status than every poor person, so he wouldnt be insecure with them, but when you're surrounded by thors and chris evans, which are much taller, better looking and charismatic than him, the insecurity kicks in and you get 5 inch shoes
>Vikings: 5'7
>Napoleon: 5'7
>Hitler: 5'8
>Stalin: 5'5
>Churchill: 5'7
these were the average heights of their times lmao
Playing Stephen Colbert in a thrilling biography of how he ascended beyond the need for a mortal shell and finally conquered BLUMPF
>You never go full insecure manlet
>Short guys have more testosterone per square inch
manlet bro science is best bro science
Tall people have a harder time putting on muscle even without the weight restrictions of fighting. All the super strong people who do it naturally at my local gym are shorter. The roid heads are the ones who are 5'10" and above, as it is hard for them to get big otherwise.
He should really release his own line of platforms for bitter manlets.
Tall people don't have trouble being fit, they have trouble getting "swole", as the thots say. Short people tend to either get pudgy or absolutely ripped, where as tall people have a hard time getting out of the Auschwitz mode/dad bod paradigm.
I bet all the lanklets in this thread are balding virgins
how do I become a man but scaled down.
midgets usually at least have different proportions, he is just a smaller man.
lankies don't have problems building muscle, there is simply more space for the muscle to occupy than on a manlet. lankies have to work harder and build more muscle for their gains to show compared to a manlet who could do less than half the work and look ripped
>this is what manlets actually believe
>taller and bulkier than me
>hit them in the balls
>is a manlet
must've went down like the video in
Only thing more pathetic than a manlet is a guy who gets bullied by a manlet
I'm not even kidding bro that's the most pathetic thing I've heard today
Just kill yourself
I can't blame manlets for using such dirty tricks, I mean, you probably couldn't even reach any higher.