Now that the dust has settled, who was actually in the wrong here?
Now that the dust has settled, who was actually in the wrong here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Cesar because he glassed the dog while he was eating. His whole approach to being the pack leader seems like bullshit t b h
dogger 100%
>Thinking there is an inappropriate time to approach something you own
ICE, for not deporting a mexican
>Shitskin detected
has the dust ACTUALLY settled?
>not to want your dog to own and dominate you is being a shitskin
Cesar did nothing wrong.
OP for not getting mauled to death by an untrained dog when he was a child
cesar for not kicking the dog harder
the mexican horsewhisperer
The dog for overrracting and dragging ceasar all the way back over the border
I will never not chuckle when I see this thread in the catalog.
The point is that a dog should never be aggressive towards a human regardless
i just watched the video on youtube
pretty good example on pic related
What is the name of the stance?
>there are idiots on this board who think Cesar wasn't in the right
I would have kicked the thing repeatedly in the face, then nailed it to a fucking cross upside down and planted the cross in my front lawn for people to see and know discipline thereby. Too many people pamper these animals.
>he has dogs that get pissed if he approaches them while they are eating
learn to train, holy fuck
Nah nah nah nah nah, Cesar insulted him a little bit, he got a little out of order himself.
It's called "le chunk".
see this actually works because she dials back her snarl and stops looking at him in the eyes.
She knows she fucked up.
im american and i agree.
Shark week is a fucking farce and its retarded how much people see it as educational.
I fucking love sharks and how cute they are and then you watch something from that travesty and its the same shit
Caesar broke the NAP and thus the dog had every right to attack him
how, pray tell, do you think dogs are supposed to be handled?
as equals?
The American
But... Cesar's 'training' is bullshit. I've seen real training for this like this and Cesar is just making shit up and being reckless and cruel for entertainement value alone.
-t. Someone who isn't the pack leader at his house
cesar's concepts are valid
they just ham the shit up because american tv.
If a dog is being a violent faggot like holly it is 100% correct to kick the fucker and not take its shit. otherwise they are just going to continue.
and hey look cesar got the dog to be totally chill in the end.
Watch PBS, it's the only place left that hasn't truned to shit in north american nature television.
I'd love to see this if true, but I bet you don't mean what I think you mean.
Who here has shoved their cock up a dog's arse?
me. but it was necessary to assert my dominance over the creature
I lived in Boston and I had an English Black Labrador Retriever and it acted a lot like Holly in the OP pic.
She would constantly battle me over little things in the house. She took a chunk out of my arm when I was cleaning up her toys and I knew that it was the last straw. My wife wanted be to put her down and I was tempted to her but I didn't think it was fair to one of God's creatures and I knew that it would be the easy way out... I persevered.
I had to sneak up on her because English Blacks are very stout and strong unlike American Blacks. I came pre-lubed though and she was in heat, it was the perfect timing. However the technique wasn't working vaginally so I had to subdue her into an anal alternative.
Long story short, she is a good girl now and is always by my side, which is good since she keeps me company since my wife left/
was the dog owned by a white woman + asian male couple??
The dog (i.e. property) was handed to Caesar for training purposes and there is no NAP between owner and object, therefore Caesar could've shot the dog and be right if he wanted to.
the husband kept trying to eat her and the wife kept trying to feed her.
Are these threads created by a single NEET with weaponized autism or there's more than one person fueling the meme?
That's how you do it. Good work, man. Some people here understand domestic animal husbandry.
Kick? Not if it's a trainer with any competence. There are better ways do do it. Choke collars are not dangerous to the animal and safer than "kicking". It also elevates the human as "better" in the mind of the animal. Any other animal can fight, only a true Master will be above that. You're not bcoming th epack leader, you're showing the doggo you're above his pack shit.
Don't get this meme.
What I'm asking is, did Cesar break a glass and then push the base and attached shards into the dog's face?
I remmebe rreading an 80s ninja novel where the bad guy sodomize the good guy for psychological dominance. It wasn't even porn, just an action book.
>there are people so shit at raising dogs that their pets become violent savages with no respect
don't have kids.
>now that the tsst has settled
Fixed that for you
you will remember that cesar kicked her when she was biting into his fucking arm.
I would've stabbed her.
>It also elevates the human as "better" in the mind of the animal.
No, it elevates the human as "better" in the mind of a weakling. Animals don't understand this shit. They understand packs. You train a dog by making it frightened of you. Everything else is horseshit.
>glassed him
This. Adopting a "used" dog is better left to people who know how to train (re-train) them.
This is the main reason it happens in prison. What women like don't understand is that men are animals, the master animal. Our brutality and lust is the most inexhaustible and terrible, which is why we rule the planet.
Cesar totally misread the dog, probably felt egged on by the cameras. A mistake indeed. Not becoming of a professional.
Never own a dog, it will hurt some kid someday you psychopath.
People like you are the reason poor little pitbulls are hated. I have 2 pits and a fucking kid poke one in the eyeball and he licked his face as retaliation.
Both posts are mine, genius.
I have owned dogs, and they never hurt anyone, because I knew what to do with them, and they knew what to expect from me.
Then you're less half-witted than I feared. You might even be able to be trusted with dog ownership eventually. Just bear in mind what I said. We are the top dogs, and dogs know it. People who come up with PC bullshit about the dog thinking you're "above" the pack if you pussy out... that's nonsense. Dogs understand few things.
Who here bought a dog just so you could kill it?
dogs are animals of peac...
I wouldn't call her a dog, your mother wasn't that ugly.
>all those cesar apologists
It shouldn't but it's an animal, you can NEVER fully trust an animal. Especially when it's eating and you let it catch you start throwing hands
>people still using the Alpha-Beta-Omega paradigm that has long since been abandoned by actual biologists who study wolves
Who calls his own dog "dog"?
Guy Mann
genuinely interested if that's true.
he probably meant dawg like how black people call eachother
>all these people in this thread getting cucked by their dogs
dog owners everyone.
>techniques for training domesticated fogs should be based on the latest biological studies on wolves
WEW there lad
[glass him]
Why can't anyone in this thread take a hint? What we need to talk about is fun ideas for doing stuff with dead dogs, like if you were to do some stuff to one's head, like squash it like a punkin or something, then drop the corpse into your neighbor's garden for his fucking kids to see.
>chins the dog.
Gee I wonder whose in the wrong here.
Sup Forums, please...
how about I insert one of those tiny little firecrackers in the tip of your dick, your anus, and between your two upper front teeth and light them up?
The dog was in the wrong. Man is the boss.
That wouldn't be that funny, whereas what I said was, get inspired.
these concepts aren't wrong, but if your dog is past the point of positive reinforcement then being nice isn't going to do a damn thing.
It's not about mimicking a dog its about getting another creature to fuck off.
Frankly if your dog is that far gone it's probably best you get rid of it and get a new one, but I know people are desperate to take in and heal abandoned puppies and all that shit until they get an armful of canines or their kid gets an eye out.
Jesus christ, are you guys stupid? It's not his dog - he's rehabilitating a dog someone else fucked up. Would you own a dog that got super territorial, may even attack you, just because you approached its bowl?
These threads and most responses have to be a troll. I see people in these threads constantly defending the dog out of sheer stupidity, and acting like Cesar did something wrong, despite the fact that there's proof that he did the dog a good turn and brought it back to normal behavior.
In closing, a bunch of you should just kill yourselves now, never own dogs, and get the fuck off Sup Forums because you're dumb and tard this place up.
>he thinks his favorite Malaysian Basket Weaving Forum isn't already retarded as fuck
a dog isn't allowed to growl when you take away his food in the middle of eating?
what kind of cucked dogs do you own?
>a dog isn't allowed to growl when you take away his food in the middle of eating?
No, you fucking retard. Apparently you own dogs - do them a favor and give them to someone who isn't stupid.
I've never played TWD, but the Glass Him reference fucking killed me
This. My dog soesn't fuck with me and I don't fuck with him. We have an understanding.
We're both antisocial shut-ins so there's no chance of him (or me) bitting someone. He shits on a special dog litter. He doesn't like to get his paws wet and dirty by going outside.
>Frankly if your dog is that far gone it's probably best you get rid of it and get a new one
agreed but yeah people wanna save convict dogs
he was called in to train the dog.
no shit its not his dog are you fucking retard?
imwhy the fuck are you bitching at me I was calling the dogs behavior poor.
I never once in this whole thread defended the dog.
He was called in to fix the dog, dummy.
You both sound like beta losers that need to be brought in the back and both executed to end your pathetic lives.
At least you're thinking about us. Thanks.
>t. an idiot who knows nothing about dog training
A dog is not supposed to growl at you when you are near his food. This is one of the first things that need to be taken care of if your dog does it.
So much for "I'm not being aggressive, I'm being dominant"
(I've only seen the south park episode, I assume he actually says that)
Cesar BTFO
Do you honestly think he pinched the dog just to fuck with him?
It makes good tv. Harmless but controversial.
Are you proud of yourself?