After watching this, I'm convinced that the Spaniards did nothing wrong

After watching this, I'm convinced that the Spaniards did nothing wrong.

Oh, but they did something wrond

America was pure Tuga clay

>inb4 Tordesilhas

Castilian conquistadors are the true master race

>breeding with subhumans
umm try again sweetie

i'd tap that


Forcing their beliefs on another culture? Isn't that what the terrorists are trying to do? It's a matter of perspective. The point is, you don't force your beliefs on others.

But the Spanish had beliefs that were objectively superior

>being convinced by a fiction flick

Just don't force your beliefs on others. It's annoying and rude

You try being on a cramped boat with 90 other dudes for 6 months. These guys were horny AF

But we wuz curanderas y shit.

t. Spaniard



Who else Catholic masterrace here?

Uniconically this

No shit the Spaniards did nothing wrong. The Mayans were wiped out by their native hemorrhagic fever, not by Spaniards or European diseases.

Stay away from the kids tho

You sort of have to touch them while they gaze upon the spectacle of the crucifixion, my dude.
The carnal pleasure we give prepubescent boys while they contemplate Christ's sacrifice is the only thing holding this rickety religion together.

The Spanish were assholes, just in different ways.

Unfortunately it was something that had to happen, and the Aztecs understood it completely. Europeans view things in terms of constants and logic, the Aztecs however viewed things in terms of constant flux, the heart is constantly moving, blood flows, bodies decay, bodies grow in the womb, one man dies, another takes his place. Modern science confirms this, it takes time for a nerve signal to pass through the brain which means we as sapient beings depend on a length time, but it is a very fast time interval, the (you) who started reading this sentence is no longer the (you) of now and (you) won't be the (you) who finishes reading my drivel.

The Aztecs knew it was over and soon it will be over for us, though we probably won't accept it. And no, I don't mean Sup Forums memes about racemixing. I mean an actual genocide, as in something sets out to physically exterminate you, something like this is bound to happen as a result of the disruptions caused by technology. I give it 200 years tops. My bet is on chemical weapons delivered by genetically modified superhumans and their robot drones.

>muh west is always the best

Convergence, yeah. The products of it will surpass us and see no need for our existence. Weyland's Walter, for instance.

While arguably that was the intended reaction because Mel Gibson is Sup Forums, it can also be argued that the movie was really about America's moral decadence with the Mayans as the big cities and the good guys as the small towns. It's a matter of interpretation


It was over for the Aztecs precisely because they didn't fight it

You're confusing Aztecs and Mayans. The Aztecs were the only ones that gave the conquistadors hell because they knew whitey wasn't some benevolent God from another world.

>hes proud of being easily led and open to propagandist influences

The Mayan civilisation collapsed in the 900s AD, those conquistadors were 500 years early.

but the Sexually Transmitted Diseases the Spanish brought back to Europe were a-ok cool


Then why would you need to force it upon them?

That was a price to pay for potatoes.

> ITT dumb barely-educated white people romanticize about shit cultures simply because they're extinct

White people are a joke to asians and the rest of the world.

>white people are a joke to the factory workers that service them

>> ITT dumb barely-educated white people romanticize about shit cultures simply because they're extinct

White pepole love the darwin award winners, the genetically weak, the retards, the autistic, the handicapped, those that should be extinct.

Asians on the other hand, respect cultures like the Germans & Japs who are monorace and promote the strong, the dominant, & the capable.

>White pepole love the darwin award winners, the genetically weak, the retards, the autistic, the handicapped, those that should be extinct.

Look at america. All their money is going to Breeding welfare niggers, supporting retards, the homeless, crackheads, etc, etc.

The undecuated are breeding at 3x the rate of the college educated.

'Merica = idiocracy