How much money is rich to you ?

How much money is rich to you ?

how rich is much money you?

Depends where you live and what you are comparing to. Poor folks in America are rich compared to starving negros in the Kongo.

how you is money to much rich

About $3.50

Enough so that my wife will quit fucking black guys.

100k or 10m depending on which feeling im feeling

>2 mill

When you could not work the rest of your life and live comfortably

0 dollars. Economics are just a grand lie made up by the Jews to trick you into servitude.

That's why you get the most money for jobs and careers which help perpetuate the lie.

That's also why Adolf Hitler was destroyed for trying to make his own isolated economy.

That's also why no matter where you live it's impossible to live off the grid without breaking numerous laws.

Prove me wrong.

Pro tip: you can't.

The amount that you could put into mutual funds and live like the king off the passive income alone.

A house, garden, sustainable family, transportation, enough to eat, enough to buy good clothes and all the tech I want
you know what no

I wan't to be rich enough to make my money work instead of me

About how much you'd have if I you got a dollar every time you made this fucking thread.

at least $250k/year (single-income) before taxes

that's when you stop being middle class

Depends on how much you need

4 million/yr.

>at least $250k/year (single-income) before taxes

>that's when you stop being middle class

Got news for you kiddo, that's still middle class, it's just two working adults making 125k/yr, which is from entry level to a little above in a whole range of fields and job positions, and that little bit of money can go very fast without even trying.

Above 200k annually

2 mil USD could probably last me a lifetime

anything more than I earn. £25k /year

2m is $124,647.50/yr from long term capital gains at 7% after taxes.

>(single income)

100b+/Clinton Foundation aggregate


1 dollar


>holds finger on my lips

only true memememers will understand xD

A large house or an apartment filled with some nice furniture and another apartment near the coast and maybe a boat is what I consider wealthy.

Having $1 million dollars

For single income earners thats >2% of earners you fucking idiot.

10 million $ in assets at minimum

There's rich, then there's nigger rich.

Right about everything except the living off the grid part, completely legal here

Right, and if you had a girlfriend or wife it's no different than if both of you were working at 125k, or do you plan to be alone until die? Single bread winner or both of you, $250k is not the promise land. It maybe >2%, but you're not rich, it's just entry level upper middle class.

Wealthy accordion

I make 35k a year (after a huge raise from making under 30k).

Rich to me personally is like 100k+ a year as long as you're not spending all of it like I do my paycheck.

>it's just entry level upper middle class.

I'm rich af. I have like $2 but I also don't like spending money so I have infinitely more money than I need

Upper middle class make more than 250k. If you're looking for rich, think $600k+.

Anything that allows me not to have to go into work and report to a boss. What that actual number is? Don't really care too much. Anything above that number is gravy.

where I live
>1M€ would be enough to make my life comfortable without working and dealing with stupid people
that I'd call rich


That's just because they haven't noticed you yet. The nazis are bastards but they're also incredibly lazy too.

I bet if code enforcement was out they'd condemn your house and force you out of it. It has happened before. For your own good, of course. They know better than you what you need and want.

It's a tricky business flying under their radar. But expect more and more of this as time goes on, where basic survival is made de-facto illegal and that everything you want and everything you need becomes black market shady.

Rich to me is being able to put half of your salary into some form of investment account and still live comfortably (i.e. run a car, have a decent vacation once a year, not worry about making your rent/mortgage payments) on the remaining half.

Whatever amount Killary's Muslim cronies paid for her to have those emails on a personal server in her bathroom.

That's far beyond "upper middle class", nevermind "entry level upper middle class". Fucking look the shit up before continuously spouting off bullshit

Enough to support you and your immediate family while working 0-3 days a week while maintaining several hobbies and socialization, vehicle and housing.

As well as being able to continue this livestyle until your death.

Work on your reading comprehension, 600k/yr is rich, though in the world of rich, on the low end, that's what money grubbing ex-wives extract from b-list actors. Talking heads like megan ryan make nine million a year.

+$50,000,000/yr w/ assets

1 billion

Top 1% of the worlds population. You are outright lying if you don't think lobbyist are the strongest financial controllers of the world.

I wasn't reading 600k/yr as what you were associating with "upper middle class", obviously.

I was saying that 250k/yr is above "upper middle class", because the *average* upper middle class income is 100k.

50+ million $

I would say having about 2M invested in a 8-9% fund, while keeping 50-100k liquid, I would consider myself rich.

300 $ - you can buy house , rent it and dont need to work

30 million+ U.S. dollar

Jesus Christ, to back to posting dead memes on Facebook.

$100 000 + a house

Enough so that they can stop working whenever they like and live a reasonably comfortable life until they die.