Doug Walker stabbed in the back by Nostalgia Chick

Serves him right.
He trusted a feminist.

Other urls found in this thread:

He trusted someone who killed their own baby

for entertainment purposes.

our guy


Can someone translate this mess for someone who doesn't live on twitter?

What's this "abortion is murder" bullshit all about?

Its in English what more do you need?

I didn't say she murdered the baby, but she did kill it


Lindsay Ellis had an abortion and killed her own unborn baby just so that she could make an embarrassing as fuck documentary about how empowering it is for women to get abortions.

What baby?

Remember that skit where Douge goes to an alternate reality where he doesn't exist and Lindsay has a baby? Coincidence? I don't think so.

It is murder though.


Why does anyone still care? Why are you following the tweets of a former TGWTG franchisee? Followed Doug himself would be bad enough. Have some self-respect.

WTF I hate the nostalgia chick now!

I hope this comes up in Mister Metokur's next vid


Everybody ever associated with Channel Awesome are fucking retards

Hasn't Lindsay been making passive-aggressive tweets about him for a long time?

And there's that video she made about whether you should go to film school where she talks about how she has experience working on "film sets" with people who think they know how to make a movie but are technically incompetent (obviously talking about Kickassia)

She's an insufferable cunt but she's got a point that Douge has no idea what he's doing

Reminder that these threads are full of anti-Sup Forums liberal cucks from Sup Forums

I need it in Arabic

If you're against Sup Forums you're against Sup Forums

She had an abortion. She made her final film school project a documentary about having an abortion. The rest is all Sup Forums nonsense.

The most autistic nonsense is probably how she get pregnant on purpose so she could film her abortion and it probably involves BLACKED, Hillary and George Soros somehow too.

her abortion triggers Pastor Sup Forums, he's the same guy in rick and morty threads who gets triggered by the "god's not real" line


I doubt it. He might talk about The Ayy Word since coathangers was his clue for the next episode, but I doubt he'll go in debth about all her bullshit like the Spoony and Douge episodes.

I like her more just for moving on, though nerd media is generally a problem. People wanting to get paid for saying the shit you overhear walking out of the multiplex are deluding themselves.

I know she had an abortion. I want to know why people are upset by this.

>positive opinions of niggers
>negative opinions of Sup Forums
literally no difference

Because Sup Forums is a conservative website.

because she solely got pregnant just to film an abortion for her film project.

infested with edgy teenage "conservatism"*

Killing a human

>probably involves BLACKED
Bitch only fucks blacks, Indians, whatever the fuck Todd is.

Abortions should be the last resort, not something you do to make a video about for some project.
Call it a bunch of cells all you want but you ARE killing something that is already human enough. I'm pro-choice but to say that aborting is not killing a person is ridiculous, it's just mental gymnastics.
So yeah she has the right to do whatever she wants with her body but it doesn't make her less of a murderer because she had no reason not to have the baby.

>she had no reason not to have the baby
lol i love that this place is just such an ideological circlejerk that this is now just an unquestionable fact

Who cares? I doubt that's true, but if it was, who cares? Why does it matter to you? You're invested in videos where people talk about trash media for tiny amounts of money that NEETs get from their parents and the government. You cannot expect to be taken seriously as a social traditionalist, your failure to become a functioning adult is far more shameful and deleterious to society than a woman who didn't really want a baby getting rid of it in a way that's been legal for decades through Republican and Democrat administrations alike. Right now, you're probably wearing a t-shirt with a cartoon character on it. You're in your mid-twenties and your social life involves sitting in a room playing vidya until the room stinks of your unwashed balls. Take a look at yourself.

She´s the next one on Metokur's series about TGWTG, right?

God I hope so.

>caring this much about someone caring
holy shit

On the basis of what?
There are no buts. You're pro-choice but you're calling her a murderer? You seem confused.

>being this shitty at deflecting

>preach cuck crucified or be lambasted as a misogynist

>she keeps posting

>he's too insecure to imagine anyone inside his group disagreeing with him

Did she ever point out that she was in danger or that she didn't have the economic means to have the kid?
Why do you think being pro-choice MUST include thinking that a fetus is not a person? I think abortion is murder but I think it's a murder that is sometimes justified (for example if the woman was raped). In this case I admit I don't know much about this person but it doesn't sound like her abortion was a last resort.
Besides we don't know so much about ethics and about biology yet to make these claims which is why abortions shouldn't be taken lightly ever.

>she keeps posting

An embryo isn't a human.


>human embryo
>not human

Not about someone caring, about the pretense of caring. We have a culture in which young men are coming out with the same life-hating speciousness as old unmarried women used to be stereotyped as doing. In both the case of the classic spinster and the case of the modern, male spinsters of Sup Forums, we have people who can't get laid making up pretend reasons to be offended by how other people use their freedom, when really, they're just bitter.

>No reason not to have the baby

She didn't want to raise one and didn't want to contribute to over population.

good material to troll her with

Remember when Doug make a Wonderful Life Parody where Lindsey never had an abortion?

It's not a human until it can be safely birthed.

I'm not a woman, just a man who has had sex and doesn't play video games.

Born from humans and contains as much dna as a human.


says who?

So aren't niggers, kikes, chicks, spics, fags, and transgendered but you see others fight for their human rights everyday.

>not having sex AND playing video games

which one of you is this?

i dont know, why would you only consider those to be valid reasons? what if she didn't feel emotionally ready to raise a child or couldn't provide a stable home environment?
>he tells himself he's talking to le irrational and krazeh wimminz XDD to comfort himself

Why do liberals say "y'all" now? Are they adopting southern US culture to subvert the cliches or are they just trying to sound cute with a sanctimonious twist?

>it's an e-celeb gossip thread

>she keeps posting

>he tells himself he's talking to le irrational and krazeh wimminz XDD to comfort himself
holy shit did you ever just out yourself as a salty feminist.

So does my cum

You've typed a god damn tome over a post I put no more than 10 seconds of thought into you reply with a tome in defense of some random e-celeb whore as if she were your god damn mom. You'll forgive if my think that's just ludicrous

Not thinking it's murder doesn't mean not thinking it's a person. You seem to think that abortion is okay as and when you give permission, based on certain circumstances you deem justified. That's not being pro-choice.

>we don't know so much about ethics

Ethically, it seems pretty safe to say that you can't tell people when their reasons are the correct ones for actions they decided to take.

Embryos aren't born yet, you literal retard. That's why they're embryos.
My opinion.

>>he tells himself he's talking to le irrational and krazeh wimminz XDD to comfort himself
No actually, I say "she" because I'm a liberal progressive trying to end male as the default.
But please, keep posting to show how much you don't care, ma'am.

so whether or not it's human depends on the level of medical technology available?

She's so incredibly smug and passive agressive

there's a big overlap between southernisms and ebonics. it's the same reason they say "folk" so much

is what you have to tell yourself to continue the illusion that this thread/board/site isn't 100% male

>feminists can't be men

wow sexist much?

>3 lines
>a tome
the future looks bright

A category into which nobody attacking her for her film school project fits. Seriously, ask yourself what you're really angry about.

Just kick back and relax, user. It doesn't get more hilarious than this except from those "capekino" threads.


Cum actually doesn't.

Um sugartits it's human. My opinion >>>>> yours

mmm so genuine

What are you talking about? I never said it should be banned when it's not justified. She can abort all she wants, she has the right. I also have the right to call her a murderer for it.

She kind of reminds me of that girl who carried a mattress on her back after she was "raped" or something.

>but we are the triggered ones

Strike 2

Tell me how much you genuinely don't care about us caring.

It's not in defense, I'm not concerned with that, I'm more concerned with the fact that there is an entire subculture of young men with no reason to live who needn't be that way.

If the sufficient technology isn't available to birth and sustain a premature baby, you're not in a part of the world where it matters.

>gets btfo by logic


>implying it isn't
M8 I'm pro choice and even I'm willing to admit it's dirty murder. Trying to pretty up with specific shit isn't going to change you erasing life.

I don't know who this cunt is and I've never watched a single video from red letter media or channel awesome. I come into these threads for drama. How you extrapolated that I care about some cunt's documentary from my enjoyment of sex and video games I don't know, but get your head checked, for your own sake. Persecutory delusions are a symptom of schizophrenia.

Nigga I don't care about being mean and I don't have friends
What the fuck is wrong with you. Why do you care so much about us caring? lol

And I have the right to call you confused. Nobody's going to be interested in your tenuous explanation of why calling someone a murderer and following up "but that's okay sometimes in my specific worldview, let me tell you about it" isn't confused.

>Embryos aren't born yet, you literal retard. That's why they're embryos.
Human embryos aren't embryos for long after fertilization. They VERY quickly become a fetus. I know I'm on Sup Forums and all but clearly you are not a parent or even somewhat knowledgeable about the topic of human development.

why do you care so much about somebody caring about you caring? it's like i said in my last post, because you want us meaniefaces to leave your edgelord hugbox and it's funny

3 lines consisting of 6 sentences seems to be alot for someone who doesn't care.
>I'm more concerned with the fact that there is an entire subculture of young men with no reason to live who needn't be that way.
Yet you give a shit to come down to this lowly den of losers why? I mean, if she's above us all, why do yourself to our level and try to reason with the unsavories? Please continue to contradict yourself.

lol the three pepes are the only boards I go to.

Meat is murder too then?

Why are you agreeing with me as if you disagreed with me? I said none of the people attacking her for her project had had sex, you said "I didn't attack her, I have sex". So why are you wasting my time defending yourself from something I apparently wasn't saying about you? Where did I say anything about being persecuted?