American """"""""""""humor""""""""""""

>American """"""""""""humor""""""""""""

Other urls found in this thread:

You'd be less offended if you'd picked a less retarded idol.


Did this fucking numale just sage with an image? The absolute gall of this scum
I bet he reported this thread too

Breaking new ground here, folks.

Hey! Why do you have a four leaf clover next your name? I want a four leaf clover, too.


yes he is the biggest joke theyve ever produced.


I think their discord group just realized sage is a feature and that they're actually bumping the threads 10:1 over Sup Forums and Colbertposters.

>anti Sup Forums discord group

Who said a bad word?


Hey dude swears aren't cool.

It's leftist internet activists. It's very easy to recognize the stock replies and shifts in terminology. It was especially embarrassing during the Rick and Morty floods when you all sperged out because you suspected it was Sup Forums hating it but it was 99% shitposting.

Do people really believe all that russian bullshit?

There is literally zero evidence for it. It's completely made up by the media and people treat it like it's a real thing.

I actually miss the old colbert, the colbert report was actually pretty good and his charisma helped it go even further, but now? The dude sold out so fucking hard and so fucking fast its literally painful to watch. Like that pretty nerdy girl in high school who went to college, got influenced by all the "activisim" and makes an ass out of herself by acting like a hippie
I un-ironically like fallon the most just because hes the only talk show host to have fun anymore

then pay for it newfag

Colbert hasn't been funny since Obama was elected.

Liberal "humor'


>Giving Sup Forums money.

Why don't I just flush it down the toilet?

people also believed that we should invade Iraq and Afghanistan

It's almost as if the intelligence agencies control the media and use it to gain approval for their agenda

>colbert has Trump on the show
>nothing but respect and nice the whole time

>colbert has to make a cartoon Trump strawman to unload all his epic quips at because he was too much of a bitch to do it to real Trump

yeah I miss it, the seething hatred got old real fast

Leftists aren't American. Everything they do is to destroy the country from within.

hello rus. you suck at hockey bitches.


t. reddit

wats funny is youre gonna get drafted and die for a bunch of weapon salesmen rightest

>daddy ran away
>mommy fucks black gais

Americans should only die for Israel goy

They really do need to bring back the draft. Then maybe both sides would take things a little more seriously instead of just hurling insults at each other.

t. reddit

fucking Americuck

your toilet won't give you clovers

there actually is one
theres even a dc discord that organizes spam on here

post the pasta ban evader

I heard its a mentally ill tranny from reddit that had a huge meltdown over Trumps election

It's a "Sup Forums say they were just pretending to be retarded" to cover their asses every time they sperg out" episode

looks just like German humour:

>mentally ill tranny

No need to be redundant, bud.

You don't even know how to greentext properly holy shit lmao fucking reddit tourists

>theres people spending time and money to organize a group that pisses into a sea of piss

That's a lousy Trump impression.

arr sound the same

>spending time
Probably not. There use to be a group of mexican teens that would flood this place with flavor of the week memes back in 2014. there facebook group was found and everything

Why are American liberals so regressive bros?

>ussr falls and communists disperse
>america starts regressing hard

>Sup Forums humor


Both sides are causing each other to become ridiculous exaggerations of themselves. The left is just more noticeable because they dominate mainstream media.

They lost and are still really upset about it

Why aren't we allowed to mock trump here?

seek help if you actually think something like that exists

OPs image isn't even supposed to be humour

unless you would say that something like bill clinton molesting women in comic form would be humorous

>conservative "humor"

Right Wing Terrorist Attacks in the United States that claimed at least one or more lives.
2017 Timothy Caughman Stabbing
2017 Austins Bar and Grill Olathe, KS Shooting
2015 Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting
2015 Lafayette Shooting
2015 Charleston Church Shooting
2015 Chapel Hill Shooting
2015 Florida Police Ambush
2015 Mesa Rampage
2014 Austin, TX Mexican Consulate Shooting
2014 Las Vegas Police Ambush
2014 Kansas Jewish Center Shooting
2014 Blooming Grove Police Shooting
2014 Forsyth County Courthouse Shooting
2013 Los Angeles International Airport Shooting
2013 Alabama Bunker Hostage Crisis
2012 Tri-State Killing Spree
2012 St. John's Parish Police Ambush
2012 Sikh Temple Shooting
2011 Pacific Northwest Killing Rampage
2011 FEAR Militia
2010 West Memphis Police Shootings
2010 Carlisle, PA Murder
2010 Austin, TX Plane Attack
2010 Florida Sovereign Citizen Police Ambush
2010 Wichita Falls, TX White Power Shooting Rampage
2009 Ft. Walton, FL Shooting
2009 Minutemen American Defense Hispanic Slayings
2009 Okaloosa County, FL Police Gun Range Attacks
2009 Brockton, MA Black Targeted Shooting Rampage
2009 Pittsburgh Police Shootings
2009 Phoenix, AZ Vinlanders Social Club Drive-by Shootings
2009 Holocaust Museum Shooting
2009 George Tiller Assassination
2009 Flores Murders, Pima County, AZ
2009 Brockton, MA Murders
2008 Woodburn Bank Bombing
2008 Knoxville, TN Church Shooting
2004 Tulsa OK, Bank Robbery
2003 Abbeville, SC Right-of-way Standoff
2002 Massillon, OH Anti-Government Shootout
2001 Anthrax Attacks
2001 Dallas Anti-Arab Revenge Shootings

but liberal politicians advocate wall street reform, campaign finance reform, education and science spending and health care for all. conservatives fight against all of that. why does the right wing need to rely on propaganda if people like their policies?

2000 Pittsburgh, PA Racially Motivated Spree Killing
1999 Fort Worth, TX SYATP Shooting
1999 Los Angeles Jewish Community Center Shooting
1999 Midwest Murder Spree
1999 Redding, CA Arson Attacks & Anti-Gay Murders
1998 Barnett Slepian Assassination
1998 Cortez, CO Watertruck Shootout
1998 Birmingham, Alabama Planned Parenthood Bombing
1997 Army of God Attacks
1997 Aryan People’s Republic Six State Terror Wave
1996 Spokane Phineas Priests Bombing Campaign
1996 Atlanta Centennial Olympic Park Bombing
1996 Jackson, MS Larry Shoemake Murder Spree
1996 Aryan Republican Army FBI Shootout
1995 Palo Verde Amtrak Derailment
1995 Oklahoma City Bombing
1994 Boston, MA Planned Parenthood Shooting
1994 Lubrock, TX Nazi-Youth Race War Murders
1994 John Britton Assassination
1993 Pensacola, FL Women’s Medical Clinic Shooting

The original is much better :')

Lets see whats the bigger threat, your entire list of decades worth of terrorist attacks by the right and

which is just one month

Yeah this is honestly a symbol of the alt-rights lack of creativity
>n-no you!

>b-but were not as bad as muslims!
lmao who said it was a bigger threat? Its hilarious that you have to compare your side to fucking muslims terrorists because there is no comparison on the left!

>Sup Forums making a """"""""""""""""television and film""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" thread

Actually my mom fucks black gals

She went sort of loopy after a car crash and became a burlesque dancer and is now dating a black lesbian with a stronger jawline than mine

She buys me stuff which is cool but she's also very sexually forward with my mom and it makes me uncomfortable

you realize islamists are literally conservatives, right? you might as well add them to the list

not my fault the left are too big a group of pussies to kill over what your passionate for

last time i saw this list some poltard claimed that all black on white crime is actually liberal terrorism, maybe try that deflection next

but the list kills your argument by itself, whats the point of adding anything

I'm in as long as we can count abortions in the kill count.

>"I will say that never has there been a president -- with few exceptions; in the case of FDR, he had a major depression to handle -- who's passed more legislation, who's done more things than what we've done, between the executive orders and the job-killing regulations that have been terminated," Trump said, later adding, "We've achieved tremendous success."
does donald not know what legislation is?

>it's ok when we do it !

how does that list kill "the argument"? also what is the argument? did you invent one?
>abortions are liberal terrorism
LMAO the absolute STATE of polfats!

They are just smarter and know it won't make a difference
The right is extremelly ignorant and lost

Donald doesn't understand politics at all.

they can't help it. they're basically too triggered to not spam these threads

Can anyone explain this whole Russian thing to a non-american.

Why is everyone there so scared of Russia? Aren't they allies now? Are people still mad at them from the Cold War or something?

What is it they claimed to have done? That they had influence and/or backed Trump in his campaign? Is that not allowed? Hillary's campaign budget was mainly funded by Saudia Arabia. Are they under as much scrutiny as Russia?

Obama did the same thing for the French election as well. He took trips over there as well to have meetings with Macron.

unless they're murdering their unborn children

why dont we include those numbers

>b-b-b-but d-da muslims!!@#3

Are you capable of making one original meme that's actually funny? You guys tried this shit the entire election just redoing old memes in reverse and it's still as unfunny as it was as then.

Give me one example of a funny anti-Trump meme from the past year that's not trying too hard or humorless.

And he still won.

Sup Forums are the new ponyfags, they need /T_D/ as a containment board.

I remember when Sup Forums was unironically full of anarcho-marxists and the very through of being conservative was pathetic.


because abortions are a healthy and necessary means to reduce poverty, incarceration rates, emotional disorders and a whole host of other problems that are created by forcing immature teenagers and the poor to have children. if you want to argue that abortion is murder, you'll have to do it with your local deacon because that issue has been settled by the supreme court for now

>>>>>>>>>% of white women
Lmao America, talk about internalized misogyny.

Liberalism back then wasnt totally batshit insane. Sup Forums became conservative because it was the only side that made even the tiniest bit of sense. You are the party of transrights, the party of “LGBTTQQIAAP”, the party of triggered tumblrinas

how many politically motivated murders do we have in this picture? is it nearing 300?

I don't even care if abortion is murder. The same people who are against it are for the death penalty lmao. Let women kill their babies if they want, if there was something growing inside me I would want the right to kill it without "accidentally" falling down the stairs.

>Its legal so its okay
that argument doesn't work, unless you want to defend slavery too because it was legal right?

They outright lied and said Russia "hacked the election" and that was proven false time and time again so they ratchet the lie down to "influencing the election" which is just about meaningless. It's all a big childish game that everybody sees through except brainless drones.

The fact Hillary and her team did deals worth millions and millions of dollars directly with Russia deflates their lie.

yes, just like dubya. says a lot about americans, dont it?

>He thinks there's only Liberals and Conservatives
>He read anarcho-marxist to mean tumblr identity politics

Because abortion is legal
People above you decided so that abortion is legal under the law

The original is much better :')

anarcho-marxist is some retarded shit made up by millennials to sound cool

You realize you're agreeing with the guy you responded to

Slavery is still legal ?

Was Hillary-supporting Omar Mateen's record-setting kill spree "politically motivated"?

>>Its legal so its okay
no, simply that we settled the moral argument as a society. and that we also know all the social benefits provided by allowing abortions. forcing women to have children is disastrous for society on many different levels. im not sure how you could compare it to slavery, there were no egalitarian arguments to make for it. also fetuses arent conscious humans

He wasn't here back then like 99% of the people that post what he posted. He definitely wasn't even on Sup Forums 5 years ago

Damn you are retarded. Stop deflecting shit you don't understand to meme-antagonists like SJWs, Tumblr, and Millennials.
The average American's understanding of the Left is soooo fucking warped by "Liberals."

The copy is better desu
I always get more (you)'s when I post the copy