Meanwhile, in South Brazil

meanwhile, in South Brazil

is it possible to learn this power

How much?

fuck my life up senpai

a banana per 1 min

I dont know if this is great or awful... irl I wouldn't want to my girlfriend put her ass in my face in front of everybody.

But since i'm a virgin who never had a gf my opinion is trash and you're spending your time reading this shit lmao at your life piece of shit


They probably aren't their girlfriends.

meanwhile in OP's house

but my banana is only one


no, it's not a banana but an earthworm.
fight me.

>tfw I nosebleed easily basically any time anything hits my nose

Would be an absolute fountain of blood from the ass assault.

Also, why the guy on the left wants to watch the other two so bad when he has an ass in front of his face. Is he a cuck?

No mine is not even an earthworm, just a "meal"worm, so pls literally eat mine

I suppose you can see on his face that he's not any kind of Alpha. Tbqh no Alpha would let a girl do this to him in public.


Not enjoying it desu, I think he's looking at his friend to figure out how to react.

Yeah, the real alpha thing would be your friends get ass in from of you while you watch like a cuck

I doubt that's his friend, he watches them with se same gaze you look at people in public transport, you are right, he's not enjoying it


OH c'mon Jordi, we're having a real geopolitical discussion over here