Post Sup Forums tattoos
This one is so awesome!
Post Sup Forums tattoos
This one is so awesome!
There is literally no such thing as a good tattoo.
Excuse you
>This one is so awesome!
Tattoos are just stamps
Uhh that's a tad bit cringe
Whats that tattoo from?
Tattoos look good if the person theyre on looks good, otherwise you're right
Thread like OPs are obviously bait because the tattoo is really shitty. On the other hand somebody actually got this tattoo.
So maybe OP is just a retard with shit taste
What the fuck is wrong with rick and morty fans?
>Whats that tattoo from?
I'd also like to know that.
Sailors, inmates, and servicemen should be the only people allowed to get tattoos
Found the fatass
God I love joe.
Iron man?
Ever so often I think about getting a tattoo. These threads generally break me out of that illusion.
They're fans of Rick and Morty.
It attracts autistic manchildren who think they're smart when in reality the show is just wish fulfillment with a nerdy slant
>rick hates school yet has elevated himself to a god status through intellect
And it follows the "batman" principle because he's just a human
With all that said
[Spoiler]I love rick and North, it's a well written show and I'm a fan of the wish fulfillment[/spoiler]
Haha only real Sup Forums patricians get this tattoo
I'ts not a big deal like people think.
If you want one, get one.
They like Rick and Morty.
I can only imagine we would see the same amount of Simpson/South Park tattoos if social media was around back then.
You can tell this is a fat chicks leg
Find me a more kino tat
not him but show me an example where a person looks BETTER with a tattoo.
All tatoos are degenerate
They subvert the natural form
Anyone on ITV's love island
Popeye the sailor man
Popeye wouldn't be the same character without his tattoos so thats not the case. And pic related would be better of without this shit.
i personally think "bad" / or simple tattoos looks the best, and i don't mean simple like "Muh minimalist design", but just like a cross or some numbers or a name (pic realted). All these 'awesome' tattoos are cringy as fuck.
Man imagine if you were tripping balls and looked at those in a mirror.
I member that WKUK sketch
They will also look like complete dogshit in less than 10 years.
It's like people actively deny the fact that tatoos change color and form as you grow older.
Big deal. When you're older, you'll look like shit anyway, tattoos or not.
Still a retarded decision to get these hyper detailed tattoos which will be nothing but a grey blurred area on your skin.
Do you count tattoos used to fix medical skin problems?
I want to get this from Gamera 2
>tfw came off age at the height of tattoo resurgence
>wanted one but could never decide what
>think tattoos look like shit now
Thank God I'm so indecisive
Ooga Booga
The only thing I've ever considered getting tattooed is a picture of the Rock's face on my arm, and whenever I'd flex it'd do the eyebrow raise
>It's like people actively deny the fact that tatoos change color and form as you grow older.
They can last pretty well so long as you take very good care of your skin.
Unfortunately for most of them, they are the same kind of people who are out in the sun exposing their skin at every opportunity. Which is something that's gonna fuck the tattoo up over time.
Then they'll just get it lasered off or covered up with some other Deep and Emotional Thing that Means A Lot to Them Personally that they put a few hours worth of thought into at most.
Tattoos aren't some indelible mark that you carry with you forever anymore, which is exactly why they're such shit.
>Draw something on paper
>Think it looks decent
>Imagine having that drawing stuck to my skin for eternity
>Anxiety attack
There has to be at least a few people who got tattoos that began regretting them to the point of depression and rage.
the cross always gets me
That will look like absolute SHIT
tattoos are homosexual
>I want a tattoo but mom won't let me
C3PO red hand?
>Draw something on paper
>Think it looks decent
>Imagine having that drawing stuck to my skin for eternity
Congratulations user, you figured out step one to not having a """bad""" tattoo.
just got this made
>really loved The Hobbit as a kid
>thought about getting pic related for a few years
The movies completely killed that idea
why would anybody tat a dildo on himself?
Literally this tbqh.
Ha has tats to cover gyno
>current year
>paying another man to permanently draw his art on you
For what purpose?
You draw tats on yourself or do you get them for free?
Makes people feel special and cool?
Nah, I just don't see the point in tattoos.
>Imagine having that drawing stuck to my skin for eternity
Yeah, a tribal tattoo sleeve might look good on a muscular 25 year old dude, but not when he turns 60.
The mistake that people make is they view tattoos as a work of art that they can place on their body. This leads people to get these big, overly complex tattoos with all these different colours and details. If you MUST get a tattoo, you should really just view it as a simple emblem that either looks cool in a way that will not diminish with age, or has some meaning behind it. Then you should make sure that the tattoo is relatively small, simple, done only in standard black ink, and placed in a discreet location on your body.
that's actually nice, good for him.
why are you here?
>in b4 kino blah blah
>he said as he expressed himself
Through the use of memes, no less.
>why are you here?
I could ask you the same thing if you consider yourself to be such hot shit as you're trying to come off.
Just answer the question or fuck off.
maybe not tribal, but get some jap tats and you're set for lyf.
It's not permanently etched to my skin though. I can forget I said that 50 years in the future, even if this shithole still exists
Anyone have that small compilation of bad tattoos that included a T-rex? I think one was a woman too. They're supposed to be bad but I actually liked them.
Also pic related is still the GOAT.
please die rn
Tattoo fags are so insecure. Criticize reason to get a tattoo instant (you)'s
>haha tattoos are terrible!
>*sees hunky man*
>wtf i love tattoos now
I wish homosexuals were fucking exterminated
This. My great grandfather had the letter "O" tattooed under his bicep. He never liked to talk about what it was for though.
wait, is reddit real?
>he said as he expressedl himself
These people won't have that big of an impact on the world just because they have ink on their bodies. The world doesn't stop just because your dad jeans make your hips look bigger.
>hot shit
>knows who c3p0 is
Sorry that was rude though, apologies senpai
not the guy you retard, the tattoo. for one, it's monochrome so the decay won't hurt it much. and it is designed as a tattoo as opposed to a tattoo that is bastardized from a meme image. why are you this insecure?
>man gets a tattoo of a tattoo'd man
When was he red?
It means it used to be a sub ("O" is a hole, "I" is a dick).
>not being a closet faggot is considered insecure
Just suck a black cock already.
thinking every praise made to a picture that has a man with muscles in it is gay is a very strong indication of supressed homosexuality user, i urge you to experiment. you'll probably improve the quality of your life significantly if you embrace it.
People who get tattoos are essentially screaming "I'm a boring yuppie who wants to be edgy."
Anything that you think is "meaningful" enough to get tattooed on your body is only superficially meaningful. Like how you think your iPad or your checkered porkpie hat is meaningful.
Why is there a nipple on that dudes arm?
>antifa by
They really are retarded. Sup Forums was right once again
>justifying being this much of a bender
No thanks. I haven't fallen that far yet.
that's on a guy(girl?)'s leg? Imagine going down on him/her and looking at that gorilla
Imagine being this much of a generic 5'8" white college-aged male.
i realize that, that's my point. if you let a dude fuck you in the ass, you won't be as butthurt, which is ironic, yet true.
that explains how he can enjoy such a shitty show