Unsounded the second try

Oh god she is going to hit on Duane from bastion's body isn't she? Ashley you crazy necro fujoshi

I hope Duane core leeches that bastard.

Wait, was that actually Tittybird?


what the FUCK just happened

I assumed it was just magicks.
What if Ilganyag is in on all of this with Bastion and his chat with Duane was just some kind of misdirection?

Well if I had to guess those neck things that all black tongues wear connects them to her and she too control of bash to tell Rahm to get the fuck back to work on that flying machine.

Is that why the Black Tongues castrate themselves? So that a senet beast who's girly can enter the world through their bodies?

It sounds like she hasn't been talking to the others through them for some time, just Bastion for some reason.

Hm. Seems like I was speculating at the wrong immortal corvid. Maybe.

>incoming gay(?) sex between a bishie eunuch possessed by an ancient bird goddess and a sentient zombie wizard

More of Ashley's fetishes revealed at 11.

of course, Bastion's her favorite, without him she wouldn't have been able to watch best dad

>Rahm just admitted he plans to betray Quigley and see him hanged
>this will probably apply to Matty too
>Just also agreed to help keep Duane an unwitting prisoner, at the request of a many who helped kill Duane and his daughter
>all in return for a few pieces of First Silver

Fuck the Black Tongues. I hope Quigley and Duane team up to put the aspect of a mountain's weight inside Rham's ass.

They're not going to hang Matty, they're going to sell him into sexual slavery. Those young Plat boys apparently go for a lot of money in the prostitution business.

Iori would never stand for it, man. She's gonna save the day and maybe murder her own husband? Has it coming.

I doubt she'll murder him. Though I can see her breaking her foot off in his ass

Some time ago, Ashley said Rahm could decisively take Duane... in his home (he's got that place wired up good for defense). In any other situation, needless to say, it doesn't go so well for him.

But Duane and Quigley, watching each other's backs and pissed off... well, now it's a real fight, isn't it? Guess Ash considered this for a reason.

>Iori saves the day, saves Duane even!
>He repays her by going to meet her sister the preistess twin keeper, and upon realizing her role for the church, murdering the fuck out of her to save those twins.

>tfw Bastion is gonna win in the end.

Was just wondering if it was an agib desu.

*T-B-H. Not. Desu. I've not and have never been a weeb.

Maybe he is just lying to him to get what he wants?

I suspect that Iori, nice as she seems, backs her husband to the hilt. That niceness can come or go as she sees fit, and if she sees Quigley, Matty, Jivi, Sette, or Duane as threats to her family? I suspect they'll suddenly find her much colder and distant, assuming she does not actively aid her husband in destroying or manipulating them.

Well. For the first time ever, I'm at a complete loss as to what the hell just happened.

It's quite obvious. The Black Tongues, including Tittybird, serve their own agenda. Our heroes complicate and possibly derail that agenda, and so the Black Tongues have turned on them.

Our heroes are in deep shit and do not realize it. Things are about to go down.

I doubt it. She's not exactly wearing the most friendly expression after overhearing her husband's plans

>Attack Zombie is actually the favorite
>Bastion is just playing second fiddle

Alright, I guess I'll ask what everybody's thinking:

Where's Starfishand and why isn't he getting AT LEAST one panel a page?

He's dead we saw his body


He's the new vessel for the silver.

>Where's Starfish
An even more bloated than before corpse floating down the river.

>He's the new vessel for the silver.

Well...isn't that just a horrible thought.

At least Sette got to stab him in the balls.

That's not how the silver works guys. If he were now part of the suffering engine though I'd be fine with that.

>suffering engine

That's what I meant. But watch him become the "face" of it. Not in any capacity to control it, but he'll be on the face or something.

She might not like it, but she's not going to back some rotting abomination and a criminal over her husband. He's a Black Tongue. You think she hasn't backed him through worse? She backed him and his research even after it killed their son.

Matty, Jivi, the others... they don't compare to that.

She probably won't like letting Rahm turn in Quigley but I could see her taking in Matty, or at least finding somewhere for him to go that isn't prostitution.

As Rahm said, Matty is a liability. He could expose them as black tongues, draw undue attention to their secrets.

We don't have enough intel to say for absolute certain, but put me down for 'Does Not Like This Shit One Bit and Won't Be Part of It' if not full on 'Break Foot in Ass'

No no, he meant Matty is a liability for Quigs. For as hardass and callous as he tries to seem, he'll do anything to keep his son safe and away from the life he was forced into, and they know they can leverage that to defeat him.

Yeah, but silver's only goal is cause suffering. Starfish is pretty damned good at causing suffering. Plus I think their souls are tethered in once the silver latches on, so I'd leave it up in the air for now.

>betraying the good guys for some silver

I see what you did there ashley

God damn it, and here I thought that Rahm was cool.

>Starfish is pretty damned good at causing suffering
Starfish was just a greedy pedo doing a job, he's not some apocalyptic plague. He's barely even a footnote in the grand scheme of things

He's a mad scientist who's so devoted to his study that he had his balls chopped off.

Of course they're all going to be pretty amoral.

I think Iori would go pretty far to keep Matty and Jivi safe. She might even help Quigs if she thinks that's the only way to get Matty to safety.

They both don't quite comprehend that Duane's a full person and as smart as either of them, do they? They still see him as an object, and that seems like a mistake.

Everyone but Sette does. Bastion knows he ain't a plod but doesn't give a shit.

God, I want to see that smug look wiped off his face.

Yeah, Duane may be a religious wacko, but he's pretty crafty, too. If he gets a whiff of what's going down Rahm had better run for the hills, since I'll bet anything that Duane is the better wright.

Bastion sees him as a person, he just doesn't respect people

I mean, Bastion was happy to get him killed and turned into his current form, so he's certainly not going to treat him well regardless of his opinion on his personhood. He's just an asshole.

Eh. Rahm probably has all sorts of traps and stuff throughout his home and probably the city, and is likely more in practice. I wouldn't bet either way.

And here I was thinking Tittybird was a character we could trust.

At this point, Duane is the only character in this that I trust anymore.

And maybe Jivi.

We literally can't trust anyone but Duane and Sette and possibly Matty and Jivy.

>implying she doesn't ship it

>mysterious otherworldly entity
>nature and motivations completely unknown
>speaks in cryptic tones
>blatantly distrusted by MC
Yeah tittybird sounded totally trustworthy

>yfw this whole thing was just an elaborate scheme put together by Tittybird to bed Duane

When Quiggley learns about this, I bet we're getting a repeat of the line "this sort of shit is the exact reason I didn't join the blacktongues."

Though Rahm has called him out on his hypocritical moralizing before. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. Duane certainly isn't going to be too happy, and probably not just about his own incarceration. Duane doesn't seem like the kind of guy who appreciates seeing trust betrayed. Not going to do much for his anti-Crescian streak, either.

>put the aspect of a mountain's weight inside Rham's ass.
You know Ashley reads these threads, right? You're giving her ideas.

I still believe in Tittybird

which is a phrase I never thought I would need in my life

>those neck things

Old Celtic style jewellery though got no doubt other bronze/iron age cultures had them too.

Pretty sure in a straight one-on-one fight, Duane could win. But this is Rahm's home turf - I have no doubt in this situation he could wipe the floor with Duane and possibly Quigley at the same time.

Huh. Post the Bastion bird chest burst art?

guess this one

>Some time ago, Ashley said Rahm could decisively take Duane... in his home (he's got that place wired up good for defense). In any other situation, needless to say, it doesn't go so well for him.
>But Duane and Quigley, watching each other's backs and pissed off... well, now it's a real fight, isn't it? Guess Ash considered this for a reason.
>Duane and Quigs battling Rahm in his house and fighting back against his pymaric booby-traps
oh baby now this I want to see

This doesn't make me want to see Ilyganyag and Duane bone any less.

This one, too. (Though probably not relevant.)

Duane is the dick she's been craving all her life. Winalis was just a side piece until then

>tfw that magical direct-to-mind dick/pussy

I think Winans is playing Rahm. He's already been shown to be very good at deceptions and just wants to further his own goals using Duane. How better to get a handle on him than convincing another Black Tongue to snare him in a place made to be defended and his place of power?

Neat, that's bowlcut Duane I do think. Wonder what the rp context of this was.

>tfw you will never take part in Sharteshane

This is getting sick actually. Shame Rahm's a bastard.

>not knowing about the wordfilter

clear sign of newfag baka desu sempai

Duane has been wanting to befriend Quigs, he isn't going to just let him hang

>He's already been shown to be very good at deceptions
Has he? I can't remember him doing much before now

MMM remains the biggest autist. Why can't he just be banned?

why does tittybird need her raptor and his flying machine. i feel like she's looking for a way to permanently enter the real world and doesn't want to sacrifice her flight in the khert for it.

I swear, I rarely read the comment section specifically because of that fucker. Any enjoyment I have prior to reading his inanity is immediately sapped. Send that autist to the moon

Huh. Well then.

I guess after that Khert incident I expected Tittybird to just be a part of Duanes plot more personally, and not be as heavily involved in the rest of the story.
Especially after Rahm mentioned her silence. This is something of a curve ball.

I hear you, I feel the same. Ash won't have any of it though, something about defending the right of free speech. Which is fair, I guess, but still...