Look whos back

What does Sup Forums think of this movie? just finished watching it and i'm starting to think it could be a new favorite. disregarding the satire elements it raises some good points, and i find myself agreeing with it quite a lot.

also, what are some other Sup Forums related movies?

Slide thread, sage and move on.

This is a leftist movie warning people another Hitler could easily rise to power. The reason it's a comedy is because the average person is stupid.

>what I agree with from this comedy movie isn't satire

Top kek at deluded stormfaggots

I was going to watch it but people have said it's just a libcuck movie about how Hitler coming back to power is evil and bad. So, it's probably a liberal faggot movie

Tried to be a libtard movie but honestly has the opposite effect, watch it

>10 feet higher

I actually found it to be the opposite, almost backfiring on the lefties, as it talks about the actions that need to be taken against the Germans rising issues, which are pretty damn agreeable desu

Fuck off shill

In due time another person like Hitler will emerge though, the people are pissed off and eventually someone will have enough balls to actually do something about the problem, even if it means having to lynch a couple dozen of those "Refugees" to get the point across.

yeah I feel like thats gonna happen too. desu its only a matter of time before someone gets sick of the shit and makes a stand. all we really need to do is wait to see who it will be

It's funny because they tried to make a movie about Hitler coming back and the dangers of it but all they did was prove his point, that speech he made on TV was some concentrated fucking redpill directly into the bloodstream.

>Muh shills

Lmao is this the generic canned response from stormfags whenever they get btfo?

yeah when I watched that scene it made me really think. I reckon the ending of it was also a thought provoking scene any other movies like that to recommend?


Book is better

the end was nice

>hitler never left
>he was always in you and me
>he will rise again

and i sure hope so too

you don't have to be a member of stormfront or whatever other extreme group to recognize that there is a problem.
thanks, I'll try and pick up a copy sometime!

I actually have no clue how it would work for people outside of germany.
It's rather specific

I'm sure theres a translated copy around, otherwise I guess I might try dust up on my German. maybe e-book?

I mean it is translated in atleast a dozen languages but the book's written in a way that I feel you can't really appreciate it without understanding the references

ah. are the references german culture or history? I noticed that there were loads of obvious references to mein kampf and hitlers speechs in the movie, is this what the book is like?

>ah. are the references german culture or history?
It's not even culture as much as just the general events Hitler reacts to.
Also a few jokes should be fairly hard to translate.
But really I can't judge that

They literally had scenes with regular people complaining about immigration to Adolf Hitler with him nodding his head and agreeing with them.
What could they possibly have meant by that?

Thats fair enough. i might give it a try anyway, see how i go. if the movies anything to go by i'll probably enjoy it a bit. thanks!

I mean arguing that Hitler wouldn't be against immigration is kinda hard.
The strong point in the book is that you are seeing everything from his perspective but that obviously doesn't work in a movie

I think it was meant to show how bad people who complain about immigrants are because hitler would agree with them. what it actually shows is that people aren't afraid of voicing their opinions on a topic like this.
That makes it sound really interesting. wonder how hard it would be to write something like that.

Is that April from the I.T Crowd?

the scenes where he talked to average people were good, honestly the whole movie should be about that. If it was like this it would been a great movie, definitely a recommendation.

But since the other parts were mediocre or very boring the whole thing was watchable, but only once.