Ah yes

ah yes


never understood how to use reddit
still think that my mental health would be in a better condition if I browsed there
but it is too late

Reddit doesn't seem too bad until you piss off a powertripping mod


So just like Sup Forums?

Name ONE TIME where a mod would delete threads only because he was pissed off at something.
Sup Forums doesn't count. it's not Sup Forums, it's a shithole

Sup Forums is like that to an extent but it's nowhere near as bad. desu you have to really be trying to get banned here

what is the reddit mascot supposed to be? A robot bear?

sorry for my ignorance

this is completely true desu


Why do you think DJT is on Sup Forums now instead of Sup Forums?
Plus the global ban on Ebola-chan. I also saw some fanart of anime girls wearing MAGA hats getting deleted left and right over drawthreads, because mods were triggered.

Speaking of Sup Forums crap, HWNDU and PizzaAutism were persecuted a good chunk, although at least here there is an excuse about avoiding raiding threads.

A horsefucker friend of mine told me about a /mlp/ mod who is currently shadowbanning a fancharacter that became popular from being posted. Name is Anonpony or something like that.

Depends on the board. If you like being banned, try not to be a tryhard sheeple at /jp/ and see what happens.

If a shitton of downvote happy soyboy cucks didn't browse Reddit alongside soyboy cuck mods I wouldn't have a problem with it. I'm too old to post here now.
t. Oldfag since 2007

>I’m too old to do xyz
>calling people “soyboy cucks”
Doesn’t seem like you’re too old for anything bud

>MAGA hats
>on non Sup Forums board
>on a Sup Forums board
>mlp autism
All of that should be fine, HWNDU would go to Sup Forums and PG to /x/

Some subreddits are ok


>skipped DJT
>skipped Ebola-chan
>if it's /mlp/, it's not a valid example because I don't consider it as such!
>but MAGA hats are objectively 100% agreeable by any standards!
Why don't you stop sucking janny dick and apply? They need as much mental contortionist talent as possible.

And don't try to backpedal on your cockslurping, you asked for ONE example and I gave you several from the top of my head, you don't have to scrutinize every single one of them because if one of them is valid, the argument is already over and everything else is damage control on your part.

the worst of both are the porn obsessed perverts
at least on reddit they stick to their own little corners, people on this site feel need the need to spam their cuck/trap/fetish of the week on every board

If you love reddit so much go
>>Sup Forums

meet some olderlady-pedes there

Viewing this image made me 56%

Literally me

All true desu