Woof woof:
Dog-tor Who General /who/
Dogtor Who? More like Doctor Poo.
second for meow.
Say what you want about RTD and his writing but at least his era was FUN.
Asked in last thread but it's old now;
Be honest, /who/. Is the Master's Series 3 reveal the finest piece of Doctor Who kino in the entire modern era?
Yes, it's really really really god moment. Absolutely amazing directing, top notch music, Derek Jacobi and Simm are both fantastic.
Threadly reminder that Madam Orford is a prematurely balding creep that texts little girls, physically stalks Peter Capaldi along with anyone else he can on the Doctor Who production and is in general a whinging spineless manchild that deserves to be mocked mercilessly
remember this has been corroborated by multiple people in cardiff
I wonder how good the Razor reveal moment will be, in comparison.
Is there really an announcement at midnight? is it gonna be bradley?
We've established that Sunday 12:01am BST will be a promo pic of ep11 plus a press release to accompany it.
3pm BST
We already know Simm is back why a press release?
I had a weird dream about Missy in World Enough and Time she had short black hair like 9 and wore his leather jacket which was too big for her. She looked kino.
More like Dogtor Poo. Meaning dog poo.
The only reason the Razor reveal moment will be shit is because we all know about it beforehand.
Even the dwsr groupies kept it secret. Fucking BBC marketing people should be fired.
But even rewatching it and knowing it's coming, the reveal in Utopia is still GOAT.
sounds hot ngl...
butch!Missy plus Bill... nice
>Dog-tor Who General
Dont do this. you'll get people complain they couldn't find when they search OR Next time put your memes in the edition.
Dog-tor edition
Maybe the reveal in WEaT will be great also.
However, admit I didn't use social media as much back in 2007, so the Master reveal came as a complete surprise to me.
The promo is how Simm escaped Gallifrey a short scene like the Night of the Doctor.. No regeneration because that happens because of Missy in the Doctor Falls. Also promo pic with Simm Missy and the Cybermen in the back.
>they thought this was a good idea
>they expect the casual audience not to laugh at how fucking terrible these things look
Hold on hold on, there's gonna be a video promo? Like, a minisode?
How will you honestly feel if 12 surprise regenerates into this guy at the end of the series?
There's no video.
I'll be excited
How will you honestly feel if 12 surprise regenerates into this guy at the end of the series?
Most Kino New Who moments from the last thread?
It's up there, I don't know if I could pick a top moment between it and:
The Doctor confronting the Dalek in "Dalek"
The ending of Bad Wolf
The ending of The Pandorica Opens with the stars going out
"For Gallifrey! For victory! FOR THE END OF TIME ITSELF!" - even with Dalton spitting everywhere, honestly I think this is the GOAT if I had to pick. It's a shame the special was poor on the whole.
Also I forgot Tom Baker turning up in The Day of the Doctor, I was so happy. It was like he'd never been away but I'm an oldfag who grew up with him.
That theme they've been using for the cybermen is pretty cool, now that I think about it.
thanks for sharing
"I'm the Doctor, but probably not the one you were expecting."
Top tier too. Thank you based Moffat.
I remember The Pandorica Opens being so intense it litterally compelled me to defy my mental illness at the time to watch the following week's episode. I'll always remember Moffat for giving me strength when I was virtually spent
>it litterally compelled me to defy my mental illness at the time to watch the following week's episode
I'm interested now
It's weird how much they get right, but how much they got wrong with the accuracy. It's like cybermen uncanny valley, which I guess fits, but how hard was it to find a hub cap?
Waters of Mars ending
They look too polished and sleek, which defeats the point of the original cybermen. They should look botched and their faces gaunt. These ones just look like rubber. Ironically the original 60's costume would've looked better. Also the washing-up gloves look dumb.
I still hope that this a design throwback but different origin and they won't drag Mondas (Which was not that great addition to cosmology) in.
okay /who/, I've been up and down about this but I've decided fuck it
I'm posting World Enough and Time screenshots
I remember people being disappointed that The Big Bang wasn't the RTD-style fanboy epic showdown with some kind of big villain they were used to, and was instead a 100% character-driven episode.
okay /who/, i've been up and down about this but i've decided fuck it
i'm posting the picture of my big toe. AGAIN
okay /who/, i've been up and down about this but i've decided fuck it
i'm killing myself after S10
enjoy, /who/, pray the BBC doesn't catch me...
this part is really tense
Upside down from here on out, one of the BBC goons almost saw my camera so I had to turn it upside down
There's something more to this finale countdown show
I want to break free....
Nah, probably just a big Capaldi era montage trailer or some shit. It won't be anything revelatory.
Good for you.
Are these Mr. Men?
And, yes, the rumours are true
These put me in mind of "Doctor Poo", which somehow manages to be even more brittlely humourous than the title suggests.
Someone on Sup Forums is storytiming some Eight comics if that's your thing.
>Got a sneaky feeling
In other words, guessing
Speculation = clicks and hits and clickbait and pageviews
>tfw eaters of light wont be remembered at all because everyone is waiting for 13 and cybermen and simm and regeneration etc
Viewing figs are gonna be bad - it's on half an hour earlier than usual
Yeah, like nobody remembers Fear Her :^)
if simm is not master but 13th
Wait, what? Why? I thought this year they were going to keep it consistent.
6.45 isn't a huge change from the timeslot tbf
No one watches NuWho anymore not because of the writing, but because of Capaldi. Casuals couldn't get into an older Doctor they also perceived as "mean".
Even when the writing in the Smith era was dire, he was still getting pretty good ratings.
Nah, see pic
It's the Master not knowing how to torment the Doctor anymore after his regen turns out to be a furrie
The Doctor Falls
>they also perceived as "mean".
Because he was literally a dick to people in Series 8. Telling Clara to "have a wash" and implying she was fat over several episodes... just isn't funny. It's dumb. It'll make people hate your character. That isn't "alien"; it's just nasty.
plus Clara who was also unlikable. It was a show with 2 unlikable leads for 2 years.
The viewing figures fall
Capaldi is literally this generation's Colin Baker
>Telling Clara to "have a wash" and implying she was fat over several episodes...
He's joking dude, he doesn't mean it for real. Do you never tease your friends? It's a very scottish sense of humour
He's probably American, they don't understand banter.
Then what's Colin's Heaven Sent?
The Two Doctors
But Scottish people are completely without humour, everybody knows that.
It got tiresome pretty quick. Capaldi's Doctor just came off as grumpy and a cunt, rather than some jokey man with a dry sense of humour.
That's called banter to your friends mate. British and Irish people insult their friends to show affection.
I'm British, I get it. But it was partly what put people off watching the show. Nobody wants to watch the fun mad crazy Doctor Who throw 'banter' (ie. insults) at everyone he comes into contact with.
>Nobody wants
i do
Enjoy Series 8 and Season 22 then. The Doctor's a proper arsehole in those.
>throw insults at everyone he comes into contact with.
basically Sup Forums
The montage at the end of Heaven Sent with 11 punching through the wall.
And the VNAs. And parts of season 26. And that time 9 called Rose an ape.
>I was used to Tennant and Smith being nice to everyone and hopping around like children so I don't like it when they tried something completely different for Capaldi
>11 punching through the wall.
I must have missed this part
Not what I said at all, is it. I'm all for doing something different, but having your Doctor come across as a dick to everyone isn't the best way to go.
What do you mean? Capaldi is 11. Just count them.
And season 1 lol.
u made davison sad :(
Whoops, I meant 12.
>uncanonizig five
I like it
Who's the smartest Doctor?
Who's the stupidest Doctor?
Doctor House
Laurie should be 13t
12 is the smartest because he's the eldest.
1 is younger so he knows less.
that's not how intelligence works, user.
>Just treat Doctor Who fans with respect.
Pretty hard tbhwy
so what is the spoiler