What are some good movies about human men being seduced by female ayliens?
What are some good movies about human men being seduced by female ayliens?
giv ayylmao gf
Mars Attacks
Damn you are fast today, givposter
She's not an alien, just mongrel.
>mfw Aliums are real and they are godesses
that alien is cute!
y-you too~
I'd let that alien put a sound in my anus if you catch my meaning ;)
Redditors of the Redaxy
>ywn do that sign placing two fingers in her ass and two in her pusy
My Step Mother is an Alien
thats lewd
ok rape u next week
Lifeforce, sort of.
c-can anya do that?
Anya is a friendly ayylium
Under the Skin
It's not good tho
is this how her species investigates/gathers information on animals?
could she be persuaded to do this to me? for research obviously
she is practicing her nurturing skills for when she finds the right mate to produce human/ayy hybrids. with some luck it could be you.
how do you even get this cute
fucking aliens
is that Ayylmao Liz Banks?
she's too cute
>thanks, human
i race dirt bikes, and i won my last race by thinking about her. i feel like if i could become a professional that i might have a chance with her.
How hairy is her pussy?
she grew up in Argentina so she's probably hairy
she's proud of your victory, user, congratulations!
>she's proud of your victory, user
h-how would you know
anya is that you
>he doesn't receive constant telepathic transmissions from Queen Anya
Umm check your implanted anal probe and make sure the frequency isn't wrong
good job!
I for one welcome our qt ayylmao overlords
the sooner they take over, the sooner we'll all get cute alien girlfriends to mate with as part of their replacement program
i'm looking forward to it
I kinda want her to star in the more sexy/cute yet sinister remake of Species, where she's invading virginal boys basements to collect genetic material for repopulation of her home planet after a cosmic disaster. They all fall madly in love with her, unsuccessfully try to stop her flying saucer from leaving Earth and eventually commit mass suicide, because they can't even fap to ordinary human females anymore.
The ancient tales and songs were true. All of them.
I'm not a fan of human racemixing, but I'm all for mixing with superior interplanetary beings
as it should be
>tfw no semen demon gf
Not an alien.
I kinda want to see the ideas from the original script brought to the big screen. It wasn't supposed to be sexy/cutesy comedy about MUH ALLIM GF with goofy Aykroyd and Jon fucking Lovitz. It was rather dark in the first draft, focusing on a psychological struggles of Alyson Hannigan's character and her being paranoid as fuck about the new step-mom. Supposedly it was more like They Live at first, you're not sure in the first half of the movie if she's imagining things, or that sexy lady is really a monster from outer space.
this. An entire film series based on op, word for word.
too cute for this fucked up world
but she's all Brazilian down there
>she knows
I love this girl.
>It was rather dark in the first draft,
Checked 'em. I only have those ass-weasels from Dreamcatcher
>i race dirt bikes, and i won my last race by thinking about her.
sounds like a toddler or a retard person would say this, im laughing