Cousin Lill Edition
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
1st for jumping man
wish me luck /tpg/
mfw he's on the returning cast list
>makes odd screeching noises
Rhonda best girl
>Thread Music
*grabs your ass
no bamboozle?
That Trouble track from the end of E05 feels so much like this. I thought it was great that they broke from usual form and played it over the following scene with Richard Horne being a sketchy loser.
That track and the Angelo composition for the hit and run scene are my favorite so far.
>pill + whiskey + cigarette
I got a bad taste in my mouth from that scene.
last 2 episodies were shit and you know it
What the fuck did this scene mean?
its sad when plebs don't even know how pleb they are
reminder these kino shots were directed by a W O M A N
They explain it in detail in the scene after
wtf I love women now
Ask me everything
what was up with the midget stabbing everyone?
I lold'
it was also making fun of people watching twin peaks trying to find meaning in everything, which there is but whatever
Nah I like them the most. They're faster paced and have more variety with scenes. The scene with Richard and Red especially is great and feels exactly like something that would be in something earlier by Lynch.
Where are you?
it was literally explained in the episode if you actually watch it
Maybe women aren't so bad after all.
Let me just get this out of the way
the boys are back in town
these people don't watch. They are on their phones or shitposting and look up confused. Men are turning into women, slowly but surely
Cameron Booth
I'm a figment of Agent Cooper's imagination
>you will never have a 10/10 chin like Kyle MacLachlan
yeah but who is the woman he killed
That's also explained. She was hired by someone (either not-Coop, Jeffries, or both) to kill the real Cooper.
The lady who put a hit on Dougie
Remember the two guys who were trying to kill Dougie? She is the woman they called and are presumably working for. Some user surmised that she was hired to kill Dougie by ??? and since she failed, ??? had Ike the Spike go kill her and Dougie.
Just stopping by to give you guys this fresh meme
Nice meme my dude, but I'd like to see a pixelated flaming red room above one of those slot machine.
I've been smoking for 75 years.
Every fucking day.
So the fat lady from the RR is going to be killed by Richard? I'm guessing everything that is said in this picture is going to happen in part 7.
I don't get why you guys like to be spoiled.
Bless her /tpg
it's from Takeshi's Challenge, david lynch is a hack ripping of 1986 video games
It was focused on that she saw Richard's face after he hit the kid. So he's going to go back and kill her to keep her from talking.
These are old spoilers. Plus it's already really obvious that she's going to be killed. The other stuff is too vague to really make much of anything of.
best girl
How is Richard going to kill fatty? He's pretty stupid so he'll probably do something bad.
Rape her to death.
ow the edge
is that a jojo reference? Or is the jojo shot rather a twin peaks reference?
Next ep is called "That's a body..." or something, so would make sense.
Just watched last episode and I'm not sure I understand what was the deal with the drawings nor the car accident.
Wasn't the latter at the exact same place Laura and Leland met with Mike in FWWM? Was it orchestrated by one of the lodges since what seems like the kid's souls goes up and the guy from the trailer park in FWWM says "God"?
Seriously, where the fuck are you?
5 was kinda so-so but 6 was pretty damn great.
They'll say that when they find her in order to joke about how it's a body alright, it's a fucking fat-huge body. Screencap this.
I've heard people say that the accident might have been orchestrated because there's an imbalance since not-Coop and Coop are both outside the Lodge. The soul going into the power lines makes it seem that way.
The drawings on the insurance forms let the boss know that the other guy is committing fraud.
>Wasn't the latter at the exact same place Laura and Leland met with Mike in FWWM?
Yes. That place is likely just a hotspot for the Lodge spirits, considering all the electrical wires above the junction.
>what was the deal with the drawings
Dougie was highlighting some insurance fraud being carried out by one of the other insurance workers by highlighting the frequency that his name and the name of a single other officer appeared in the paperwork.
Did you hear any WHOOPS this time as in whoops that ass fucking hurts like when The Arm makes sounds? That pole used to whoop. Does it make the sounds that the Evolution of the Arm makes now? Did it make any sounds like it makes now when that kid got smacked? Because the electrical wires certainly did, and did so when Richard parked in the field after also. Arm sounds again? If not Arm sounds then not Arm. Because otherwise that pole and those wires and shit at that spot make Arm sounds.
>fatties getting BTFO
I was worried when I first saw her but it seems like based Lynch is going to btfo fatties once again
The power lines just made the soul ionize and display phosphorescence but only Hot Carl could see it. Like swamp gas UFOs.
>The drawings on the insurance forms let the boss know that the other guy is committing fraud.
The guy whom Coop said was a liar?
Also what's the trailer park guy got to do with anything? I remember the guy from FWWM but not the context in which he appears.
>James has always been cool
>Everybody loves Steven
What did they mean by this?
He could see Mrs. Choate and her grandson at least
Yes, that one. Anthony Sinclair, as credited.
The "whoops" that you're talking about is meant to be the sound of electricity buzzing. So yeah, they're supposed to be similar but it's the arm that sounds like the electricity, not the other way around.
Yeah, the guy he called a liar.
And Carl doesn't have a concrete purpose in the new season yet. He owns the trailer park (though I think it's a new trailer park) but he's just had this most recent scene and doesn't fit into an overall story yet.
The trailer park does have the Linda that the giant was talkin gabout though.
>The guy whom Coop said was a liar?
Presumably, yes.
>Also what's the trailer park guy got to do with anything?
We don't really know. He manages the trailer park where Teresa Banks was murdered, and the power line outside the park seems like it has a strong connection to the lodge. And the old lady / grandson spirits were in the park at the time Banks was killed. Not sure how or if any of that will become relevant.
The "whoops" is Michael J. Anderson making Indian noises with his hand over his mouth. It's the sound MIKE's truck makes when he speeds up and approaches Leland. Start with the series, then FWWM, then The Missing Pieces.
god damn it i hate lynch
>it's so deep
it's random crap
Who are you quoting? Literally no one said that.
Lynch himself has said that Twin Peaks isn't deep at all and that you should only pay attention to what's told to you.
The point of Lil is that that scene isn't deep and is making fun of people who say that everything in Lynch's stuff is deep.
Obey /tpg
Why is Dougie's wife so attractive? Why does the hot office co-worker want to bang him? Why is Dougie so good with women?
All of the guys in Dougie's office are assholes, so she probably likes the fact that Dougie called one of them out on his shit.
what's the deal with richard horne?
Did the kid's soul go into the poles, though? It seemed to be headed higher up but that might be the shitty effect.
You'd be like that too if you were Billy Zane's kid.
I don't know if if went into the lines but it was purposely shot to be going through the power lines as it went up.
Reminder that this is the best scene in the series:
This is the most kino scene in the entirety of Twin Peaks and anyone who says otherwise is objectively wrong.
when i see you
Sup Forums should appreciate
You literally copied my post.
Call for help
Cry about it!
what did he mean?
>*teleports coin into your mouth*
>Well who told you I was going to see Chip?
Strange, I suddenly taste sour milk and pennies...
what did he mean by this