It's a long ass series. I'm looking for 90s nostalgia to kill time with. Worth it?
Is Friends worth it?
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>I'm looking for 90s nostalgia to kill time with
Then watch Sliders
>dat pic
And if you're serious than I'd recommend it. It's fairly pedestrian like most 90's sitcoms, but it has a few great moments and the characters are all pretty great, except for Phoebe.
just watch whatever playing on tv currently. dont waste your life
i never watched it before and started 2 months ago
am on season 3
its very good so far i forgot comedy shows could make u laugh
recent shows suck
Rachel is master race
Pitt is a homosexual
Read the book!
It's 90s kino no meme.
It's fucking lazy comedy shit. If you're into that, I guess it's ok.
>he likes Rachel
This is kino but you can skip the first season.
Just watch fresh prince.
Joey and Ross look perfectly fine for their age. And Iggy Pop achieved max leatheriness 20 years ago and I guess will just go on forever now.
The first five seasons only. Stop before Bruce Willis appears.
Monicas apartment was comfy as fuck
>the bald guy gets mad pussy
Mhm sure
Yeah, this is much better than Friends
Who /russ/ here?
calm down hairlet
S1: Phoebe
S2: Monica
S3-6: Rachel
S7-10: Monica
>S7-10: Monica
Are all Jewish couples like Ross and Rachel?
Fraser is more 90s than Friends
If you haven't seen friends you're probably underage. Fuck off.
This. First couple seasons were super comfy.
Give the kid a break- he had a funny OP pic.
For me, Friends was the warm up show before Seinfeld came on. Kind of like the average comedian in a comedy club who warms up the audience for the main act.
Uh guys...
The stairs were really that close to Joeys apartment like that?
Which seasons was it where Matthew Perry was supposedly on drugs the whole time they were filming?
Looks like season 5 if I had to guess.
The fuck was with his hair
Looks alright to me
Holy shit, you must've never been around drug addicts before
>yfw rossatron is in the house
i rewatched it a year ago or so and i was struck by the sheer density of jokes. it's like golden age simpsons, even if 4 don't connect that fifth one will and there's literally 5 a minute at times
>The blackout in this episode is the result of an event seen in the Mad About You episode "Pandora's Box", where Jamie causes a city-wide power blackout in New York City. The effects of the blackout are seen in this episode of Friends and in the episode "Birthday in the Big House" of the short-lived NBC sitcom Madman of the People. All 3 episodes originally aired during the evening of November 3, 1994, alongside a Seinfeld episode which did not incorporate the blackout premise.
Why was Seinfeld such a fucking killjoy?
Gum would be perfection
>Holy shit, you must've never been around drug addicts before
Yeah I try not to associate myself with degenerates, sorry I'm not as cool as you.
>That fashion
I'm glad I was only a baby during the early 90's
LeBlanc, Schwimmer and Kudrow have all aged with grace tbphwyf. Aniston also still looks decent, a bit mannish sure, but decent. Cox looks way worse than in your pic, and I'm pretty sure Perry is dying.
tfw that's how I dress now
clearly 3 my dude
Well his weight fluctuated between season 6 and 8, I think he was in rehab around that time
The CGI in that episode was pretty good for a 90s tv sitcom. Better than most modern big budget blockbuster movies even.
This was supposed to be the same night right?
Wasn't CGI, it was a lookalike called Snaro
LeBlanc hot meals.
some people just have perfect hair
Its okay bud you will be one day ;)
Oh! I'm thinking its back!!
This pic is very disingenuous, most of them have aged very well
also the show is very good but Sup Forums doesn't like it because it's not edgy dark comedy (although there is some fucked up shit in there and a refreshing amount of non-politically correct jokes at the expense of the LGBT community)
yeah he took a long jog to the barber
>Sup Forums doesn't like friends
Bullshit. It was good but you can still tell it was a CGI Schwimmer
>Season 5 Rachel
>Season 1 Monica
>Season 2 Chandler
>Season 7 Joey
>Season 1 Phebe
>Season 10 Ross
Don't embarrass yourself kid
Does SNARO sound like a people name to you? It's the name of the rendering computer.
Sounds like a pretentious actor name. Like Chere, Madonna, or Josef Stalin
that's mid-late 90s bruh
Yeah but only celebrities can pull that off, not someone who's only work is as a Ross look-a-like in an episode of Friends
It's a gimmick, loads of bit-part actors have gimmick names
Well you believe what you want. I'm not gonna stop you.
Next you'll be telling me Lisa Kudrow's twin was CGI
No, they were never in the same scene
before dropping friends I would recommend watching episodes from season 2 and 5-6, it's basically two different shows. i loved 5-9 growing up and now I can't get past the episode, 2-4 that I wasn't that found of i appreciate so much more.
>No, they were never in the same scene
......I don't believe you
... why? no it's not worth it. go find literally anything else to do. even masturbating. it's a stupid sitcom that's 20+ years old.
Cool i look like Ross in a "look at what the fuck Friends look like now" pic
there are better sitcoms and there are worse sitcoms
it does get worse as it goes on but season 1-4 are mad comfy
normies like it though so consider that, I look of it as a plus as you can slip in the odd reference to conversation and people love it, like saying pivot once or twice when you're lifting something
it also has a good mix of jokes to appeal to everyone eg this is one I've only seen mentioned on Sup Forums, but it's hilarious
Well it looks like season 1 Ross, which would be 1993 or 1994
>The character of Russ, who was a lookalike of Ross was played by none other than David Schwimmer himself. He hasn't been credited as himself, but as "Snaro" because he wanted it to be mystery to the viewers. The name "Snaro" is an alias of Schwimmer himself.
Who was the best Friend?
Excluding one-night-stands, was there any girlfriend in the show that multiple guy FRIENDS didn't fuck?
Cathy - Joey & Chandler
Charlie - Joey and Ross
Julie - Ross and Russ
Even Janice - Chandler and Ross
Janice and Ross slept together? I don't know why but I never really figured they got that far.
The Bruce Willis girl.
Dont forget
>Rachel - Ross & Joey
>Monica - Chandler & Ross
Early Chandler=Ross>Rachel=Joey>Late Chandler>Monica>Phoebe
either Ross or Joey
Chandler > Joey > Ross > Monica > Rachel > Phoebe
>Space Camp Girl - Ross, Joey & Chandler
Whatever season this is was GOAT Rachel
S1-4, 6-10: Rachel
S5: Ross
Was Monica really naked here?
Completely naked
Yeah, Tom Selleck donated it from his collection of real pics of Courtney Cox naked
monica 1-10
she was so fucking hot, bros
Reminder that Ross and Monica fucked in college
This is cannon
Having recently slogged through it
Its fucking drek, the laughs are few and far between.
It was popular but not written or acted well. don't watch it unless you get off that sort of thing.
who /bigdaddy/ here?