>all this shilling
do your god damn job mods
>shills unironicly believe that they would converte us with these type of posts , TOP FUCKING KEK
All this shilling
Other urls found in this thread:
I've reported all Hillary shill threads, race-baiting threads, and stormfront threads.
CTR truly is obvious
the moderator of this board is not doing their job. these low quality slide and bait threads belong in leftypol. who is the moderator of this board? duprep
fucking trumptards, just because people have different opinions than you, doesn't make them shills.
found a shill
sjws have their own board, segregation is enforced on this site.
the moderator of this board is not doing their job. these low quality slide and bait threads belong in leftypol. who is the moderator of this board?
Please stop this mods.
why not share your """opinion""" in one thread ? why make 1000 thread about it ?
yall throw the word shill around just as much as we throw around trumptard.
its all dumb.
we're all going to die someday, i have a test to study for.
l8r trumpfags
Thanks for correcting the record, your IP has been logged and your manager contacted.
Please stop with the fake posts.
At least you admit it.
the moderator of this board is not doing their job. these low quality slide and bait threads belong in leftypol. who is the moderator of this board? DO YOUR FUCKING JOB
If anything they could damage their own cause as they either lose faith themselves or bait plebs into starting reading about some left wing thread here to rage and seeing it get dismantled or ignored every time, which reeks ignorance(from the 1 posts by this ids).
FYI: Hiroyuki suppoerts Hillary
i meant "we" as in anyone antitrump on this board.
i was a ron paul fag in 2012, definitely not a shill, certainly not pro hillary. i just dont wont a retarded person as a president for the next four years.
fuck off nigger
way da fak ya laayin ? wa ya alwaz laayin
also i would like to add, it was pretty funny how much shit this board talked about trump during his 2012 bid.
if you had been on wheelchair chan for more than two fucking days you would know you belong in leftypol. segregation is enforced here: pol is right wing
Well you shouldn't be worried because he killed his campaign this week. At national security meeting he asked "Why can't we use nukes?". He is either a plant or he doesn't want to be president, so yeah, good luck with Hill.
pol was created in 2015
shills dont know anything about chan culture
I would have expected more out of CTR
im typing from my tablet, im texan, deal with it bro.
studying for my physic ii for engineers exam on em waves and geometric optics. im tired of tracing ray diagrams, and distracting myself with Sup Forums threads instead, pls respond
Correct this.
Mods do your fucking job, entire board is being slided by shills go on catalog and see. Keep reporting threads lads.
anyone who has been on wheelchair chan for more than two days knows that SJW and CTR belong on leftypol.
i am right wing, i was a paulfag in 2012, but Sup Forums was never a designated board for any political party, and i doubt any mod would want to sift through all these shitpost just to delete things that offend you. thats kinda the opposite of what Sup Forums is about.
anyone who has been on wheelchair chan for more than two days knows that SJW and CTR belong on leftypol. it has been this way for months.
lololol holy fuck i knew all you trumptards were newfags
Sorry OP
Hot Pockets can only buy you so much loyalty
wtf is leftypol, did the really segregate the boards?
thats pretty fucking dumb, echo chambers are for reddit
im typing from my lisa, im californian, deal with it brah.
studying for my dance ii for lesbians exam on hand waves and period blood. im tired of tracing my hand, and distracting myself with /ctr/ threads instead, pls respond
looool i totes know what u mean
i not wont retarded person for president 8 years i mean c'mon wtf only smart ppl shud be prez
sorrie trumpfags only ppl like me should wont to be prez brb studying chemistry and physics i dont wont to waste time hangin around such low iq ppl
Here's an old thread from last night, fight back
Sup Forums is not a Trump hugbox / safe space. I'm sorry for your autism OP.
Only legitimate spammers should be banned.
Warning WARNING sage hide and report all shill slide psyops threads warning WARNING we under seige by shills sliders. Warning WARNING they are sliding the wiki leaks threads Warning WARNING they are here they are shillling they are sliding
my spellings on point brah, it's just my capitalization that i don't bother with because this on screen keyboard is terrible. i love Sup Forums but trump is obviously fried from taking prescription speed.